100% Orange Juice
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PhleBuster  [desenvolvedor(a)] 13/nov./2021 às 8:51
Bounty Hunt Survey!
We have a new survey up! This time it's about the Bounty Hunt game mode in 100% Orange Juice!
Let us hear your thought and have an impact on the future development of the game mode!

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Jet Kirby♫ 13/nov./2021 às 15:06 
CarThief 13/nov./2021 às 15:32 
Welp, gave it a try to the best of my ability. Staring at a white background in the evening for 20+ minutes now made my eyes melt... :P

Really rusty at Bounty Hunt, seeing as there was not really anyone to play it with, but perhaps it was helpful.

In general, giving it more content, making the player choose Quest or Bounty first before then being given two options of that nature (to counteract the benefit combat-ready units get by being able to pick a nearby Bounty if there are no nearby Quests), and adding more RNG (especially ways to gain Fame) would go a long way.

It's fun, but it's always been rather stale with how once someone is in the lead, they'll probably win with little ways to stop them and little in the way of RNG to spice things up.
Meneluma 14/nov./2021 às 22:44 
Getting more players to play Bounty Hunt aside having more events is going to be difficult.

The mode has that distinct "RPG power fantasy" feel to it which gives it charm, but it really applies to like 20 characters at most from the large cast who have the potential for the overpowered combos. Most other characters topple over to any of the mid-high tier bounty even with a battlecard and some buffs unless the RNG works out really well.

Now it is a different story if someone not playing the mode hops in and goes like "I like Manager and Kae in Normal mode, wonder how it will work out"
And then have a hard time with any of the bounties, being last the whole game.
Última edição por Meneluma; 14/nov./2021 às 22:44
Sunnyside 15/nov./2021 às 16:16 
I skimmed the survey and this is really well thought out. Kudos for that. I wish I'd have had the chance to play more of the mode but rarely am able to find anyone. Because of this I don't think I'm really qualified to give feedback. I hope this gets plenty of responses from the more experienced Bounty Hunt players. I'd like to see its popularity get a boost.
Última edição por Sunnyside; 15/nov./2021 às 16:17
Miraglyth 15/nov./2021 às 18:19 
I simply didn't enjoy Bounty Hunt. The least fun part about 100% Orange Juice is waiting for your next turn, and between quest/bounty selection, extended encounters with bounties and shops Bounty Hunt makes the off-turn time way longer. The low frequency and constant refreshing of needed locations means games' duration is stretched out too. It's just not a fun experience overall.

Some of the questions like board refresh frequency feel well thought-out, but some like new battle systems have me worried that they've already got a redesign in mind and are seeking confirmation bias.

Most of the feedback I gave was consistent and focused on three core points for my feelings about the mode:

- Shops are too abundant, sell a range of unknown items that's too small, and hold up the game for everyone else. There might not be a perfect solution to this but I wouldn't mind seeing shops removed from the board and everyone just given a minute of concurrent access to all shops every 1-3 turns to reduce waiting time and increase agency.

- Bounties are a little too tanky so even +ATK characters struggle without spending a fortune on preparation with their elevated prices, and even then most of the time they'll probably fail to kill a 4 fame bounty in one encounter so they need to spent multiple turns moving around the board to attack them again.

- The board constantly refreshing every 6 turns with no agency is not fun. It makes it impossible to do much other than stop at home points to get more quests/bounties for the 5th and 6th turns every rotation because trying to get to a quest/bounty location you already need will likely stop short and then that spot will disappear and probably move half the board away. Maybe there should be event panels that refresh areas of the board to disrupt opponents, but it being automatic every 6 turns just kills the pace and makes the hunt part of bounty hunt not very fun.

I think the types of items, the battle system and the PVP potential are all fine and the idea of changes to any of these would concern me about the game mode being made even slower.


Lastly it really disheartens me that the recent Co-op reworking seems to be considered complete when a few good items of feedback about it were never acknowledged or attempted to be addressed.

The Attacker and +ATK REC penalties weren't even looked at despite dozens of posts and feedback items. Mixers or any possible agency to do with them weren't even looked at. Iron Defense still forces +DEF Guardians. Instead of nerfs like Attacker MSora got in the name of not forcing choices, Guardian Kyoko was made into an even more forced meta than it already was. The one boss that clearly needed the most reworking to not be a cakewalk joke even on Hyper difficulty got almost no changes at all.
princelaharlsama 15/nov./2021 às 19:18 
at the risk of getting off topic.......... :poppo:

Escrito originalmente por Miraglyth:
Iron Defense still forces +DEF Guardians. Instead of nerfs like Attacker MSora got in the name of not forcing choices, Guardian Kyoko was made into an even more forced meta than it already was.

it actually doesnt. in reality, i run guardian on tons of different kinds of characters. if anything the changes now make neutral defense guardians amazing, and makes many more characters viable than high hp characters or sugv2

i implore you to try something like nath defender, who becomes a monster who will only ever take 1 damage at full extension while having a 2 atk stat, or any other high atk character who suffers extremely hard from being downed due to the high rec. i also quite like using it on characters with neutral or positive evade to avoid chip damage, which the quintessential tanks cant do (neutral attack is nice too!)

if anything, the +def from Guardian isn't overwhelmingly meaningful on already high def characters because the difference between +2def and +4def means noticably less than +2atk and +4atk, unless you're in a situation where you're getting triple Haruo dice rolls or something crazy. ESPECIALLY because of the full-party guardian spirit effect that further protects you, and can be further mitigated with cards. im not trying to be facetious or condescending, but i think you should definitely try to see more of what the role has to offer, because i personally LOVE it, and i never use fernet or kyoko

furthermore, because of the buffs to roles like defender and dealer, i feel like attacker is mostly fair now: you can either run a dps as a non-attacker class to make use of some of the defensive buffs so you are less of a glass cannon and dont have the additional rec penalty (on top of being able to support the rest of your team with the role's effects), or you go the glass cannon route while the rest of your team builds around supporting you and keeping you safe while you take huge blows of the boss's hp (a defender, a healer, and maybe a dealer to boost your DPS by sending you helpful cards) which makes sense as a tradeoff, considering ATK is BY FAR the most important stat.

(sorry for the long winded rant, i just really liked the changes to co op so i have Opinions on them lol)


besides that i otherwise mostly agree with your points re:BH and dont have much else to say that i didnt say in my feedback
Última edição por princelaharlsama; 15/nov./2021 às 19:24
Miraglyth 16/nov./2021 às 7:37 
Escrito originalmente por princelaharlsama:
if anything the changes now make neutral defense guardians amazing

I'd like to explore the wider portions of your post in a balance topic that isn't consumed by Ubiquitous, but just to respond to this point briefly, Iron Defense does nothing if you don't defend down to 0. It is definitively better for high-DEF characters, which was raised repeatedly in feedback and to date remains ignored.
princelaharlsama 16/nov./2021 às 8:09 
Escrito originalmente por Miraglyth:
I'd like to explore the wider portions of your post in a balance topic that isn't consumed by Ubiquitous, but just to respond to this point briefly, Iron Defense does nothing if you don't defend down to 0. It is definitively better for high-DEF characters, which was raised repeatedly in feedback and to date remains ignored.

fair enough, thats a good thing to consider and should probably be looked at. however, i dont think that makes the whole role only viable/good on defenders, just to be clear. defender has the most role abilities of any role, and the other 2 that defender has still work *very well* on top of +2def being great on many different types of characters

i'm not sure if it should work as another shield that absorbs damage then, but also allows you to take min 0. i think that'd probably be the easiest fix to that?
Genolla 16/nov./2021 às 14:06 
Too many questions are specifically made for players who played Bounty Hunt both before it was permanently added to the game and after. I imagine a very large portion of people participating in this survey are forced to skip questions 2-6.
princelaharlsama 16/nov./2021 às 14:18 
Escrito originalmente por Genolla:
Too many questions are specifically made for players who played Bounty Hunt both before it was permanently added to the game and after. I imagine a very large portion of people participating in this survey are forced to skip questions 2-6.
... so? there's like 38 questions. getting feedback specifically from players who were around for the first one seems important to me. the rest of the players can give feedback on the other 80% of them.
Última edição por princelaharlsama; 16/nov./2021 às 14:19
Meneluma 16/nov./2021 às 14:50 
It is because the original event did in fact have a more active playerbase compared to the game mode being reintroduced. Clearly something was different.
I'd say largely because it was a limited time event that had rewards for the people doing it, but some people might have different insights into that.

I wouldn't say anything in particular out of the new additions being something that ruined the mode, just the lack of incentives to play the mode (bonus oranges aside), but it gets increasingly difficult to actually consider playing the mode when most public lobbies that are still around are run by the few regulars that come with their own share of interpersonal drama.
Genolla 16/nov./2021 às 14:54 
Escrito originalmente por Meneluma:
It is because the original event did in fact have a more active playerbase compared to the game mode being reintroduced. Clearly something was different.
I'd say largely because it was a limited time event that had rewards for the people doing it, but some people might have different insights into that.

I wouldn't say anything in particular out of the new additions being something that ruined the mode, just the lack of incentives to play the mode (bonus oranges aside), but it gets increasingly difficult to actually consider playing the mode when most public lobbies that are still around are run by the few regulars that come with their own share of interpersonal drama.
Ahh that does make sense when you put it that way. Well said, and I strongly agree with the second part.
Miraglyth 16/nov./2021 às 16:40 
Escrito originalmente por princelaharlsama:
however, i dont think that makes the whole role only viable/good on defenders, just to be clear.

And given the prevalence of +5 ATK and higher on Hyper difficulty I most certainly do, but that really is a subject for another topic.
SomeGuy712x 16/nov./2021 às 21:09 
I'm hoping Bounty Hunt improves the way quest selection works at homes, so that we aren't offered multiples of the same identical quest, and can more easily pick a quest we like. Maybe offer 6 possible choices instead of 4: Three different fetch quests, one 2-fame bounty, one 3-fame bounty, and one 4-fame bounty.
Meneluma 18/nov./2021 às 3:45 
There are a bunch of rather bad characters who are unchanged from Normal Mode in Bounty Hunt, where their base mechanics clash with the core concept of the mode where you hold Quest/Bounty cards and use battle cards for the bounties.
Like Aru (Scramble), Mei, QP (Dangerous).
And coincidentally there are not that many characters dedicated to running fetch quests really fast. I think it would be a decent idea to make them into couriers with a few changes to fit the role.

I particularly like the idea to give QP (Dangerous) her Co-op hyper version that generates regular Puddings and a change so she gets bonus movement with each pudding card held.
Calling the effect Sugar Rush or something,
Because even at a +3 atk, she's really not cut out for doing bounties and combat stats aren't really worth the hand space cost.
Última edição por Meneluma; 18/nov./2021 às 3:47
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