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Camping VS Moving
Funny how all advice in these forums and videos I used to post all pointed towards me needing to "move more" but yet, I always did/do better when camping is a viable option, meaning I usually get maybe a little less kills, but the amount of deaths is extremely less and almost any time I've moved around map, getting key powerups, armor, mega, etc. I almost always went negative. What's the point in stacking if it doesn't really help anyways and leaves me vulnerable to getting shot by multiple people, therefore dying just as fast as one or two people rushing me when camping in an area? I might post a video later in the comments after I reach 400+ hours and do a double video where in one game I camp, and one game I move around, strafe, try and get powerups, etc. Just so I can show you guys what I mean.
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Camping in one spot with Railgun is a crutch that will not serve you well at all times. Good players will be able to adapt to your play style really quickly and punish you for being highly predictable.

The solution is to also die less while youre moving around the map. Get better at combat, at positioning, at picking fights, take less damage, and when inevitably you do take damage, get better at restocking. Control the map well and you will die less and frag more without needing to resort to camping.
Postat inițial de Seekay:
Camping in one spot with Railgun is a crutch that will not serve you well at all times. Good players will be able to adapt to your play style really quickly and punish you for being highly predictable.

The solution is to also die less while youre moving around the map. Get better at combat, at positioning, at picking fights, take less damage, and when inevitably you do take damage, get better at restocking. Control the map well and you will die less and frag more without needing to resort to camping.
I did notice I have alot of packet loss and that might be effecting gameplay to some degree, do you know any ways to fix this or is that something outside of Quake Live's control?
I mean, thats gonna depend on your internet connection, the connection of your PC to your router, and the server you play on. But honestly, a more stable connection won't fix you wandering around aimlessly and picking bad fights.
Postat inițial de Seekay:
I mean, thats gonna depend on your internet connection, the connection of your PC to your router, and the server you play on. But honestly, a more stable connection won't fix you wandering around aimlessly and picking bad fights.
No you're right that is fair, I'm just not sure what u mean by picking bad fights, how am I supposed to know who to go after and who not to there is no visual indication if someone has high or low hp/armor until I shoot them, giving away my location. Guess I could just shoot them and if pain sound is loud run, but then what's stopping someone from stealing my kill which happens alot, then getting finished off by someone else if the guy I was shooting at shot me too.
Yeah, FFA is chaotic and harder to get in control, especially if the other players are as good or better than you. A bad fight is just generally where you are at a major disadvantage. Them having rockets and high ground, being able to just rain unreturned damage onto you. Or them having high ground in front of a jump pad with LG out, if you go up that jump pad you will give them lots of free damage. Trying to fight someone at long range who has Rail while you do not. Or running into a room full of enemies while you only have 125hp and MG.

With enough experience you can just kinda tell when you are able to survive an encounter, and then make smarter decisions based on that. In FFA it's important to only engage enemies when you are certain you are able to frag them then and there, or else you risk just softening them up for the other players to frag. You can take advantage of that fact too, and try to clean up the frags from others who are fighting.

As for knowing when someone is stacked, well, if you're not rotating the items, someone else is, and that someone is probably at the top of the scoreboard. Keep an eye out for that player, and try not to get into a fight with them in which they can easily return damage to you. You can hit them with rockets around corners, or from high ground, or softening them up with Rail from a distance, or punishing them with LG if they are airborne, or spamming them with Plasma while they are stuck in a tight corridor, or spamming nades on items they are trying to pickup, or wait until theyre in a fight with someone else and then take advantage of that. And if you do this with literally every player, you will do a lot of damage while taking less in return, so even if you do end up fighting someone who has the stack advantage you might still come out on top.

Of course in FFA you also wanna get Quad and other power-ups. Chances are people are gonna try to dive on it the moment it spawns, so don't do that yourself, stand in a safer location nearby and then frag the first carrier. Getting some stack beforehand will also make it more likely you survive once you grab it yourself. Then you can just go on a Quad rampage, probably get at least like 5 frags out of it before you go down, but if you're good at navigating the map and restocking and doing unreturned damage, you could rack up over 10 frags really quickly without dying.

It all comes down to just getting more experience, and being mindful of how you play. Think what resources you need, which paths to take to control those resources, which areas of the map to control, and generally try to fight to die less. Think of which skills need more work, and try to focus on improving them. In time you will realize yourself why camping throughout an entire match is not gonna take you very far outside of FFA with people who aren't paying attention. And also, it's just so much more fun!
Postat inițial de Seekay:
Yeah, FFA is chaotic and harder to get in control, especially if the other players are as good or better than you. A bad fight is just generally where you are at a major disadvantage. Them having rockets and high ground, being able to just rain unreturned damage onto you. Or them having high ground in front of a jump pad with LG out, if you go up that jump pad you will give them lots of free damage. Trying to fight someone at long range who has Rail while you do not. Or running into a room full of enemies while you only have 125hp and MG.

With enough experience you can just kinda tell when you are able to survive an encounter, and then make smarter decisions based on that. In FFA it's important to only engage enemies when you are certain you are able to frag them then and there, or else you risk just softening them up for the other players to frag. You can take advantage of that fact too, and try to clean up the frags from others who are fighting.

As for knowing when someone is stacked, well, if you're not rotating the items, someone else is, and that someone is probably at the top of the scoreboard. Keep an eye out for that player, and try not to get into a fight with them in which they can easily return damage to you. You can hit them with rockets around corners, or from high ground, or softening them up with Rail from a distance, or punishing them with LG if they are airborne, or spamming them with Plasma while they are stuck in a tight corridor, or spamming nades on items they are trying to pickup, or wait until theyre in a fight with someone else and then take advantage of that. And if you do this with literally every player, you will do a lot of damage while taking less in return, so even if you do end up fighting someone who has the stack advantage you might still come out on top.

Of course in FFA you also wanna get Quad and other power-ups. Chances are people are gonna try to dive on it the moment it spawns, so don't do that yourself, stand in a safer location nearby and then frag the first carrier. Getting some stack beforehand will also make it more likely you survive once you grab it yourself. Then you can just go on a Quad rampage, probably get at least like 5 frags out of it before you go down, but if you're good at navigating the map and restocking and doing unreturned damage, you could rack up over 10 frags really quickly without dying.

It all comes down to just getting more experience, and being mindful of how you play. Think what resources you need, which paths to take to control those resources, which areas of the map to control, and generally try to fight to die less. Think of which skills need more work, and try to focus on improving them. In time you will realize yourself why camping throughout an entire match is not gonna take you very far outside of FFA with people who aren't paying attention. And also, it's just so much more fun!

True that much more fun, camping is very boring, but I ain't gonna lie if there is a power weapon and people keep rushing it over and over I'mma camp, just cuz it's funny and makes some people mad. XD (Blood Run map for example and camping rockets if I am top of stairs with rockets and/or lg.) You're awesome have awesome day dude. :)
Based camper
we hide in the top of bloodrun for the entire match with 1 frag lead and win and all these hidelets cope and seethe
Postat inițial de superdarksoulsfan10:
Based camper
we hide in the top of bloodrun for the entire match with 1 frag lead and win and all these hidelets cope and seethe
That map and some rare few others have areas just like on BloodRun where it's too easy to abuse that tactic. haha. But I never win, anytime that map is on it's always after I joined late. lol
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