No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

FYI: Hello Games were still around 37 employees in 2020
Hello Games recently published their Full accounts made up to 31 October 2020 on the Companies House Website and it seems that the average monthly number of employees (including Sean Murray) in 2020 remains identical to 2019.

That's 37 employees: 35 "game develop[ers]" and 2 for administration.

The document contains other interesting numbers, but I'm not good enough to analyse them.
EDIT: January 14. I'm only starting to read the first replies to my post, and I feel like I need to clarify something: I was just stating facts. I was not trying to convey any specific message.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Bowi; 2022. jan. 14., 7:43
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114/14 megjegyzés mutatása
I wonder whether that includes contractors... I guess it doesn't. 🤔🤷‍♂️
Also: Here's my source.[]
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Bowi; 2022. jan. 13., 8:35
Annnd...why are you concerned?

Sorry to sound silly but HG have pretty much redeemed themselves with this game and also no it wont include contractors because contractors are not employees - but what is you point?
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Legion; 2022. jan. 13., 15:18
35 game developers at hello games ..wooh .. so it is not a surprize to aspect some quality from 'no man's sky"
I hope the developers can make more out this game and it becomes more interesting to play with no mans sky?
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Skywalker; 2022. jan. 13., 15:32
They started with 5, three years ago they had 20. 37 is a pretty big step up.
They needed more once they started doing the Expeditions. That actually counts as new content and not just window dressing.
I really enjoyed The Last Campfire. It is a pretty short game but the price was about right for the entertainment. I am not a puzzle person, but it was right in my wheel house and the story was great and made you want to finish the game.

Obviously, NMS is a hit and I have more hours clocked then any other game I have ever played. Always happy to see more content but got my money's worth years ago.

I would love a peek behind the curtain at the new project they are working on. They got burned so bad for speaking easy about NMS that I doubt that is going to happen until they have something in the can.
Dr.Abscondus eredeti hozzászólása:
They needed more once they started doing the Expeditions. That actually counts as new content and not just window dressing.

Expeditions are cheap and easy, 90% of expeditions is not new content, it is a reshuffling of existing content. I doubt they have more two full time people (or the equivalent there of) working on that.

I'd wager the bulk of the up staffing is working on new project(s), I highly doubt more then 10 people are working on NMS full time.
Welp, that's 37 very rich peoples
I think they have two other games that they are working on, so that staff isn't wholly dedicated to NMS. Also, we don't have insight into how many subcontractors they might be using.
Kobs eredeti hozzászólása:
Welp, that's 37 very rich peoples

Sean Murry and the other 4 original team members are rolling it. The others are very well paid employees.
Boots of Doom eredeti hozzászólása:
It's amazing that money can buy you so little.

With the way inflation is going, soon it will buy you even less.
Boots of Doom eredeti hozzászólása:
It's amazing that money can buy you so little.
hey boots, get a life plz. what you doing is wrong
Dear jesus their staff size is as small as their game's file size
Hello Games hiring artist.

Every six to eight weeks on average our tiny team releases another major No Man's Sky update. Every SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS!

Want to be part of a fast-moving, high-performing team, firing on all cylinders and seeing your work released every other month?
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114/14 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2022. jan. 13., 8:33
Hozzászólások: 14