No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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paimcakes Jun 8, 2021 @ 10:31am
Setting "processor scheduling" to "background services" apparently fixes stuttering...
Spent days trying to fix the horrible stuttering the terrain generation causes, tried everything, updating graphics drivers, disabling HPET, installed the game on a ssd, set numlowthreads and numhighthreads to every possible combination, but nothing seemed to work.
Just saw a thread where someone recomended setting the cpu scheduling to background services instead of programs and it worked for them, thought to myself "well why not?", didn't actually think it would work but it did, and it did very well. removed almost 100% of the stuttering when exploring, just thought it could be useful to someone out there.
Idk if the game is being treated as a background service or what, but it is very strange indeed and seems like something Hello Games could easily fix.

To do it open the start menu and type "advanced system settings", go to "settings" under performance, "advanced" tab, and set "processor scheduling" to "background services".
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
MdM Jun 8, 2021 @ 10:55am 
I also tried that a while ago... I get less stutter but the microstutter and framedrops (even with activated dlss on a rtx 3070) are still there.

It's by far not that smooth like pre expeditions.
Isthatyoudave? Jun 8, 2021 @ 11:42am 
If that fixes stuttering on your pc then there are going to be other issues going on with your system that you may wan to look into.
paimcakes Jun 8, 2021 @ 12:28pm 
Originally posted by Isthatyoudave?:
If that fixes stuttering on your pc then there are going to be other issues going on with your system that you may wan to look into.
Are there? everything else works perfectly
Dimondus Jun 11, 2021 @ 3:52pm 
Thank you! This tweak allowed me to enjoy the game again. Its bizarre that NMS running as background process instead of active program. I've read about that issue in other program (browser) and it was fixed by reinstalling it. Alas, it didn't help in this case.
Ettanin Jun 11, 2021 @ 4:00pm 
This would prioritize the procgen threads and may eliminate stuttering if you have less than 8 logical cores, but it might lead to performance degradation/loss of framerate depending on how many services and other background applications are running.

It may also negatively affect other games, depending on whether they are single-threaded or multi-threaded.
Last edited by Ettanin; Jun 11, 2021 @ 4:01pm
Kitet Jun 11, 2021 @ 4:03pm 
It did nothing with stuttering in my case. I guess it's a new thing to try, as any other, but it's not THE panaceum, apparently.
DanTeTheShifty Jun 12, 2021 @ 12:13am 
Huge thanks for posting this. I've blown nearly a dozen hours in the last 2 weeks trying to get this game running smoothly, watching a FPS of 100+ but still getting brutal stuttering while scrolling sideways. Changed this setting and the game runs like glass at a steady 120 fps. Thanks for the fix.
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Date Posted: Jun 8, 2021 @ 10:31am
Posts: 7