No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Experimental Branch Update 03/02
Hello Everyone,

First of all, thanks so much to everyone who has already spent time playing No Man's Sky and letting us know about any issues you’ve experienced.

Steam users are able to opt-in to the Experimental Branch, where we have pushed a patch to address some problems. We’ll be rolling out these fixes to other platforms as soon as possible.

To play in Experimental, right-click on No Man’s Sky from the Steam library page and select “Properties”. Among the available tabs will be the “BETAS” tab. Enter “3xperimental” in the textbox and press “CHECK CODE”, then select it from the dropdown menu.

The patch notes are as follows:

Experimental Branch 03/02
  • Fixed a potential softlock with a weekend event mission.
  • Fixed a small visual issue with jetpack trails.
  • Fixed a number of issues with the Japanese translation of new Quicksilver items.

As always, thank you to all players who use Experimental and take the time to report any issues you encounter.

Please note there is the possibility that experimental builds may introduce new issues that haven't been caught in test. We'd like to recommend that all players back up their save files, by making a local copy of the st_[userid] folder found here: %appdata%\HelloGames\NMS\

Note that we don't anticipate any issues here. However, performing your own backups could mean the difference between resuming play immediately, or waiting for the next patch.

If you decide to opt out of experimental and return to the main branch, we strongly recommend resuming from a backed-up save from the main branch, rather than taking an experimental branch save back to main, which may cause unexpected behaviour.

Feedback and reports of new bugs/issues being found on Experimental are welcome, so please reply to this thread or submit a ticket to with the phrase "Steam Experimental" in the ticket title. If you are running any mods for the game, please list them along with your bug report.
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115/46 megjegyzés mutatása
why experimental for such a minor update? you can't even test the softlock because there's no weekend event mission right now.
soukagames eredeti hozzászólása:
why experimental for such a minor update? you can't even test the softlock because there's no weekend event mission right now.
I'm a programmer. No matter how small the change, you never rush it into production. Ever. People complain enough about NMS bugs and instability - the fact they put even small changes in experimental is a good thing.
That last weekend event was pretty cool. Didn't run into any issues, luckily, but glad that HG is catching them bugs and disregarding the current exploits!
Buck of the Deep eredeti hozzászólása:
That last weekend event was pretty cool. Didn't run into any issues, luckily, but glad that HG is catching them bugs and disregarding the current exploits!
I did. I went to get the glyphs from the knowledge stones, went back to portal, but....there was no portal. It was gone. I was literally staring at a flat piece of empty terrain where the portal should be. When I left the planet and went back, the portal was there but it wouldn't work. I had to quit the game, re-take the mission from the Nexus and do it all over again. Kinda frustrating.
I didn't see any issue with the new colored jetpack "trails" (or hadn't noticed) but, smoke/vapor still comes out diagonally to the left in 3rd person view.

I suppose this could also be considered an "small visual issue" as well but, somehow i still "see it" [jumps out at me] now every time i use my jetpack...

However, I feel as though (over time) it will become an overwhelming focus, dominating every gaming session. Somehow consuming my every wandering glance, too "see it" again... there it is, that smoke/vapor is going left... how come the developers would decide that the smoke/vapor should go LEFT... it should come straight out the vector nozzles... why, WHY! must the smoke/vapor, ALWAYS GO LEFT !!!?

Isnt there a syndrome named for this ?... i don't wash my hands excessively, i don't have an aversion to stepping on sidewalk cracks and i don't find an all consuming psychic trance requiring me to count every parking meter as i walk by them... am i missing something ?


Legutóbb szerkesztette: +VLFBERHT+; 2020. febr. 3., 20:49
Still doesn't fix empty portal list when returning to the Euclid galaxy from another. ♥♥♥♥ it. It's been over a year and 20+ bug reports for just that, let alone the 100ish bug reports I made for all of the other issues that still haven't been addressed. It's safe to say that I am out. Thanks for the 50ish% enjoyable time playing the game. You can ♥♥♥♥ off for the other 50. peace out ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Zorro eredeti hozzászólása:
soukagames eredeti hozzászólása:
why experimental for such a minor update? you can't even test the softlock because there's no weekend event mission right now.
I'm a programmer. No matter how small the change, you never rush it into production. Ever. People complain enough about NMS bugs and instability - the fact they put even small changes in experimental is a good thing.

Im a programmer too and while you shouldn't rush a small change to production, trivial changes like this can be handled by QA alone and not require a separate beta. Beta should be reserved for larger changes IMO
jrmair eredeti hozzászólása:
Zorro eredeti hozzászólása:
I'm a programmer. No matter how small the change, you never rush it into production. Ever. People complain enough about NMS bugs and instability - the fact they put even small changes in experimental is a good thing.

Im a programmer too and while you shouldn't rush a small change to production, trivial changes like this can be handled by QA alone and not require a separate beta. Beta should be reserved for larger changes IMO

They mention a softlock. No doubt this was pushed for a reason.
Dear developers, you should work on fixing graphic bugs in the game, and improve the draw distance. Sorry for my english.
I kinda agree with people above. New features and mechanics are nice, but maybe you should slow down and fix the huge laundry list of years-old bugs before going ahead and adding new ones. Just a thought.
Off-road does not apply to your predators.

P.s. As for bugs, they are not the main problem of this game. We are used to them for a long time, it is important to work on their fix. You need to bring new things into the game.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: F O C U S E D; 2020. febr. 5., 7:29
jrmair eredeti hozzászólása:
Zorro eredeti hozzászólása:
I'm a programmer. No matter how small the change, you never rush it into production. Ever. People complain enough about NMS bugs and instability - the fact they put even small changes in experimental is a good thing.

Im a programmer too and while you shouldn't rush a small change to production, trivial changes like this can be handled by QA alone and not require a separate beta. Beta should be reserved for larger changes IMO

The experimental branch already exists, though. It's basically a staging area for most of the stuff they release. Putting this update in experimental is not putting it into a separate beta. The experimental and main branch installs already live alongside each other. Besides, without knowing the underlying architecture, we don't know if the changes needed under the hood to implement these fixes were bigger than they look on the outside. It's pointless - absolutely pointless - for people to be complaining that a potentially regressive patch was released in experimental instead of production. I guess they think it's more fun to b|tch and moan when a "small patch" breaks more than it fixes and then say it should have been experimental (edit: I'm NOT lumping you into that crowd - you gave a very respectable argument).
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Zorro; 2020. febr. 5., 7:23
jrmair eredeti hozzászólása:
Zorro eredeti hozzászólása:
I'm a programmer. No matter how small the change, you never rush it into production. Ever. People complain enough about NMS bugs and instability - the fact they put even small changes in experimental is a good thing.

Im a programmer too and while you shouldn't rush a small change to production, trivial changes like this can be handled by QA alone and not require a separate beta. Beta should be reserved for larger changes IMO

Just because the end result is trivial, doesn't mean the actual change itself is. I'm sure you know this.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Asmosis; 2020. febr. 5., 11:34
This is a ridiculous update
three fixed LOL

The game has so many bugs at the moment that should have been on top for a fix
e.g. what really gets on my nerves at the moment is that the Exocraft vehicle call station is not working as it should.
Either you build the part before you build the base computer or you have to build it completely out of range of the base so that you can't find it if it gets fixed.
With my many bases the part just doesn't work anymore.

Translated with (free version)
No man's sky has not been running smoothly since the last update. How to solve?
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115/46 megjegyzés mutatása
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Közzétéve: 2020. febr. 3., 9:13
Hozzászólások: 46