Children of Liberty

Children of Liberty

Does this game have Steam trading cards that drop or not?
In the info part for the games store page it says it has Steam trading cards, does it have it and has it dropped for anyone?
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115/20 megjegyzés mutatása
The game is in early access. At this time, Steam Trading Cards are not available for Children of Liberty.

-Billy Nichols
Community Manager
Lantana Games
Thank you very much for the reply, I really do appreciate it a lot.
lantanadan  [Fejlesztő] 2014. ápr. 29., 11:28 
The trading cards will be made available at a later date when more of the game is complete.
Then the store page shouldn't say that there currently are, it's false advertising. You need to remove that from your store page until they're implemented
By no means is it false advertising, Wagglesworth. This is an Early Access title. We are promotiong the features the title will have when it is fully launched. Early Access allows us as a development team to polish the game, and get feedback from the community. I apologize that you feel we are falsely advertising this, but this again, is not the final product.

Billy Nichols
Community Manager
Lantana Games
Otacon815 eredeti hozzászólása:
Thank you very much for the reply, I really do appreciate it a lot.

Happy to answer any questions you have! :) Just let me know!
I'm sorry but I agree with Wagglesworth. While the game is marked as Early Access, the section with the basic features where the trading cards are listed has no indication that it's coming at a later date and there are in fact games in Early Access that do have trading cards.

This isn't Kickstarter. You are still selling a product, even an unfinished one, and that section is meant to show the basic features of the product you are buying. Would you put other languages in there if they weren't ready? Multiplayer? These are basic features that should be noted as far as what is in the game now. You can always change that later and you can always add in your text somewhere what features are coming in the future.

Customers on Steam have always used that sidebar to determine the basic features of what they are buying at this moment. It has never been used for features coming at a later date and in fact you are the only developer I ever heard of doing this. As someone who has been around Steam for a while and bought plenty of games I can tell you that I find putting features that are not yet in the game you are selling as it is now in that informational sidebar misleading.

Early Access is not a free pass for everything and if something gets questioned I don't think it's appropriate to just come back with 'Sorry Early Access!' without really considering that person's point of view. Again, you are still selling a product and it really would be best if you were as transparent as possible about that on the page prior to purchase so that the customer does not get any unpleasant surprises or feel mislead.

Please try to put yourself in the position of the customer who is looking at your page and trying to determine what features are and aren't in your game. Yes it's only cards but the fact that you think it's okay to note something in the basic features sidebar that isn't in the game yet makes me wonder what else the page is leading me to believe is in the current version of the game that really isn't.

Or to put this all another way, even if YOU know the cards aren't there, other people are telling you they thought otherwise and find it misleading. Please take that into consideration and try to be more clear about it.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Motoki; 2014. jún. 8., 6:58
I think the main thing is that other games on Steam without cards yet don't have it on their pages. You can add it when the feature is added. Because this is unusual, it is certainly misleading.
Trading cards should've been removed from the store page months ago, you guys aren't making people want to support your game by misleading them. Really surprised it's still listed..
Legutóbb szerkesztette: strawberry crush; 2014. júl. 1., 22:09
Games on Steam: 3364 (right now)
Games on Steam that say they have cards but don't: 1
There are quite a few Early Access games that have Cards listed, but that do not yet drop; this is not unusual. I for one think it's better to have it listed so people know it's coming than to keep it unlisted.

People should be smart enough to do research on any Early Access title they're interested in instead of just buying them blindly. They are incomplete projects, so don't be stupid.
= ClayMeow = eredeti hozzászólása:
There are quite a few Early Access games that have Cards listed, but that do not yet drop; this is not unusual. I for one think it's better to have it listed so people know it's coming than to keep it unlisted.

People should be smart enough to do research on any Early Access title they're interested in instead of just buying them blindly. They are incomplete projects, so don't be stupid.
Quite a few? Can you list them all? So far I've seen 2 (including this one). Early access should have nothing to do with trading cards being listed on a store page. The game is incomplete, sure, but that doesn't mean the store page needs to be misleading. 2 entirely different things.

It would be much smarter for the dev to remove it from the store page.
So I look at the store page and it says it has trading cards. I buy game, download and play game. I dont get any trading cards drop. I send a ticket to Steam customer support and report the game on the store page.

If the store page says a game has certain features, it damn well better have them. Just as I often search for games with "local co-op" listed as a feature. If I buy that game and it doesnt have any co-op options, its a big deal.

That is infact false advertising. Its misleading and moraly questionable. But since this thread has been up for months and the developers have chosen to ignore their customers complaints and either change the store page (or actually implement the cards) they obviously dont give a damn about people that have supported their project.

Its just this sort of blanket, "oh its early access" so we can promise the moon and who the hell cares if we ever deliver, that will be the end of "early acess" games alltogether. And it is this kind of attitude that will cause me to "blacklist" (for what its worth) this developer and never support another project of theirs.
Oh look Clay Meow White Knighting again to the rescue.

I definitely think people should research before buying but the sidebar on the right is not the place for coming at some point in the vaguely indeterminate future. It's the place for what features are in the game now. There's plenty of other space in the description for coming soon features.

Also, as Spoder asked yes please list all these supposed games that have cards listed under features but don't actually have cards. I'd like to see that list.
Yeah you should really not have that statement on your store page. Some people buy games just for cards. You're only confusing people. Not good for business. Keep up the good work though :woodlehappy:
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