

quique3214 Mar 26, 2019 @ 5:38pm
Direkt-tek VR-tek WVR3 headet problems
I am having some trouble with setting up my WVR3 headseat. As far as I know I am doing everything correct. I have everything updated and whatnot, but nothing seems to be working. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
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Showing 1-15 of 37 comments
BOLL Mar 27, 2019 @ 1:52am 
Check this timestamp in one of Mike's videos. Maybe it can be useful.
quique3214 Mar 27, 2019 @ 2:13pm 
Originally posted by BOLL:
Check this timestamp in one of Mike's videos. Maybe it can be useful.
I have watched this video a crap load of times and it is not helping me with my problem. I am getting the Error 301 message
quique3214 Mar 27, 2019 @ 4:31pm 
Originally posted by Libre:
I tried all that stuff and did everything, but now I am just getting the message Error 306
Slaya Mar 27, 2019 @ 11:42pm 
I also own this Headset. Works great.

What steps have you taken to get it working? What GPU? Plugging it directly by HDMI no adapters? I should be able to help.

Here is the steps I followed to get up and running:

Goto and find WVR1, WVR2, & WVR3 and click download under driver then download Holoview (Virustotal said it's clean, great site).

Now once it's installed right click on Holoview in your task tray by the clock and select Holoview upgrade. Reboot if it asks and then run it again. Repeat till it says no updates.

Now right click on Holoview once more and select Firmware Upgrade.

Unplug Headset HDMI and USB then replug.

Suggest going in your Windows Display settings and duplicate your Monitor and the VR Headset (it will be displayed as a monitor).

Once done load up Steam and click on Tools then install SteamVR (can optionally opt into the beta too).

Load it up and ignore any errors. Go in the SteamVR settings. Click on Developer and then enable direct display mode. This will reload SteamVR. You shouldn't need to reconnect the Headset cables but if it still gives an error try that.

Should be up and running. If it loads in Safe Mode then make sure to exit Safe Mode and load it normally.

Id's also suggest under General to disable the SteamVR Home and under developer to untick "Enable advanced super sampling filter" may produce better looking head movement.

Remember to turn your Controller on before loading SteamVR. You should see a green controller icon. You can configure your Controller for native VR games and programs by selecting Devices in the SteamVR drop down menu and select Configure Controller.

Non-native VR games / programs will need Steam Big Picture Mode in settings then Controller.

Another quick fix I discovered. If you notice a blue line in say Steam Home VR or some games just go in the SteamVR settings then developer. Change large room to standing and click quick calibrate (will reset back to large next boot). Goodbye blue line.
Last edited by Slaya; Mar 27, 2019 @ 11:43pm
Slaya Mar 29, 2019 @ 9:42pm 
Your issue get fixed?
quique3214 Mar 31, 2019 @ 9:54am 
Originally posted by Rage Killa:
Your issue get fixed?
Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I tried enabling direct display mode, but when SteamVR restarts, it just won't load up and I go into settings and direct mode is still off.
Slaya Mar 31, 2019 @ 3:44pm 
Originally posted by quique3214:
Originally posted by Rage Killa:
Your issue get fixed?
Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I tried enabling direct display mode, but when SteamVR restarts, it just won't load up and I go into settings and direct mode is still off.

If you put the Headset on with enable direct display mode off you'll see your Desktop. If not then you don't have the displays extended.

With it enable direct display mode on you'll either see a Gray void or Steam Home.

So you followed all the steps I listed in my last post? Step by step?
Last edited by Slaya; Mar 31, 2019 @ 3:48pm
Oakley Mar 31, 2019 @ 5:45pm 
Originally posted by Rage Killa:
I also own this Headset. Works great.

What steps have you taken to get it working? What GPU? Plugging it directly by HDMI no adapters? I should be able to help.

Here is the steps I followed to get up and running:

Goto and find WVR1, WVR2, & WVR3 and click download under driver then download Holoview (Virustotal said it's clean, great site).

Now once it's installed right click on Holoview in your task tray by the clock and select Holoview upgrade. Reboot if it asks and then run it again. Repeat till it says no updates.

Now right click on Holoview once more and select Firmware Upgrade.

Unplug Headset HDMI and USB then replug.

Suggest going in your Windows Display settings and duplicate your Monitor and the VR Headset (it will be displayed as a monitor).

Once done load up Steam and click on Tools then install SteamVR (can optionally opt into the beta too).

Load it up and ignore any errors. Go in the SteamVR settings. Click on Developer and then enable direct display mode. This will reload SteamVR. You shouldn't need to reconnect the Headset cables but if it still gives an error try that.

Should be up and running. If it loads in Safe Mode then make sure to exit Safe Mode and load it normally.

Id's also suggest under General to disable the SteamVR Home and under developer to untick "Enable advanced super sampling filter" may produce better looking head movement.

Remember to turn your Controller on before loading SteamVR. You should see a green controller icon. You can configure your Controller for native VR games and programs by selecting Devices in the SteamVR drop down menu and select Configure Controller.

Non-native VR games / programs will need Steam Big Picture Mode in settings then Controller.

Another quick fix I discovered. If you notice a blue line in say Steam Home VR or some games just go in the SteamVR settings then developer. Change large room to standing and click quick calibrate (will reset back to large next boot). Goodbye blue line.

Question for you:

Know of any software that isnt Vorphx that universally simply doubles any image to make it 3d? Im not talking head tracking, just, is there any software or setting inside a program thatll make your normal 3d games on a 2d screen, 3d on a VR headset?

Also WVR3, is that the 1440x1440 or the 2560x1440? Is it all one screen or is it two screens for two eyes?

My best theory with the steam living room thing is that it simulates a world of wonderful 3d for EVERYTHING oh except for the 2D screen thats slightly wrapped around, thats still 2D. Thats my cynical realism. I know side by side duplicated images of 2D creates 3D, but Im not sure if the doubling effect is native right out of the box for this VR HMD. Understand?

Headtracking is a bonus for me, If I can just make an image 3D by wearing a headset cloning my display on two screens, that should work in theory...I think even into a 3d world....but then its still simulating a 2d screen so the image really would be still 2d even in a 3d
Last edited by Oakley; Mar 31, 2019 @ 5:51pm
Slaya Mar 31, 2019 @ 6:12pm 
WVR3 is the model that is 1440x1440p per eye. The WVR2 is a single screen and I hear has a wider lens so many prefer the WVR2 model as according to SteamVR also has an 80hz panel it just lacks IPD adjustment.

Though someone on the slickdeals forum did tweak the WVR3 to correct the chromatic aberration & image warping/fisheye and another user added "renderTargetScale" : 2.0"

Explained within these 3 links:


Now as for 2D to 3D to VR....

Snag the Big Screen Beta:

Then either track down Tridef since the company is bankrupt. Or look into BlueSkyDefender's Super Depth 3D shader for Reshade:


If you have an Nvidia card look into:
Last edited by Slaya; Mar 31, 2019 @ 6:13pm
Icarus Apr 1, 2019 @ 2:19am 
WTF hello
Slaya Apr 1, 2019 @ 2:24am 
Originally posted by ironmaniii:
WTF hello

Video Beagle Apr 1, 2019 @ 10:10pm 
SO, I have the WVR3, and it works.. I can see SteamVR and the room...but I can't do anything with the control that came with it.

I saw a youtube video of someone moving around the Home with a pointer laser coming out of them to click things, but I'm certainly not getting that.

Anyone have advice?
Slaya Apr 1, 2019 @ 10:16pm 
I wouldn't bother with Home.

If you feel the need too.....

You cannot use your Controller in Streams controller setup in Big Picture. It's Stoopid. So you'll have to uncheck Xbox controller in Steam Controller settings to use Home. This only applies for Home.

Also SteamVR has it's own Controller configuration for VR apps. In the drop down menu for SteamVR it's under devices.
TheDuckyBoy Aug 23, 2019 @ 2:00pm 
Originally posted by RageKilla:
I wouldn't bother with Home.

If you feel the need too.....

You cannot use your Controller in Streams controller setup in Big Picture. It's Stoopid. So you'll have to uncheck Xbox controller in Steam Controller settings to use Home. This only applies for Home.

Also SteamVR has it's own Controller configuration for VR apps. In the drop down menu for SteamVR it's under devices.
Ragekilla, I just got a wvr2 and am having some issues getting it working fully.
What games do are you using with it?
I have it setup, but after installing all the updates like you mentioned above it doesnt show as an extra display, so some of the settings you describe I cant do.
This is all new to me, so just looking for a little bit of help to get it actually working fully.
Dwarf80 Oct 4, 2019 @ 1:19pm 
i just purchased a wvr3, waiting for it to come in, from the online videos im assuming this will be just figuring out what makes it tick as far as making it work. Think from what ive read the FOV has the fisheye effect problem which sounds like maybe with this unit is not capable of properly handling it in adjustment or maybe do to its lense setup.

It is almost the bottom of the VR line of products but is where i wanted to start and learn from. So am reading all these posts to get some kind of direction i will be heading in. From what ive read about the wvr2 i may end up getting one of those if can still get it cheap also just to see its differences and may end up doing some hacking on it.

From the reads the lens sounds like my glasses, progressive, sweet spot in center and progressively blurrs outward. At least will try the editing the steamVR file, seems diff peeps will have to set differently instead of a manual adjustment slider have to do this with a file. Is just like another mod file to me. Wont be able to help anyone else with their probs but at least it looks like im in the right area lol. Also looks like the latest one must be an updated vers and not as many bugs as in the past.....i hope.
Last edited by Dwarf80; Oct 4, 2019 @ 4:18pm
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Date Posted: Mar 26, 2019 @ 5:38pm
Posts: 37