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Ghostcrab 1 grudnia 2014 o 12:13
Possible support for older, low-end Computers.
Hey guys, I know this may not go through and I understand, I have a low spec PC. It only supports Direct X 9. Your game needs DirectX 10? Yes? Well..... you did do some sort of survey right? That only 8 % of the ' population ' has low end computers, well I am part of that population and I really want to play this game. It looks pretty badass but some of us do not have enough money to upgrade our Pc's at anytime. That 8 % may love you for adding in support for low end computers. I'm not begging. This is a suggestion. If you can add low end graphics/ Lower Direct x support please do so. I have read one of the articles about why it is so high.But i'm kinda bummed out about it and just want to ask if you can solve this. Thank you guys for replying.
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Ghostcrab 1 grudnia 2014 o 12:19 
It just...won't start at all is what I mean. Because I do not meet the Direct X Levels? I just want it to be able to support like Direct X 9 or 8.
thezmaniac  [producent] 1 grudnia 2014 o 12:31 
We make it very clear you need a DX10 card.

Saying that if you pass in the forceHiDef flag - see this pinned thread

then it might work. We dont support that flag so you are on your own.

And yes we did do a survey - in fact we used the numbers steam provide here

2.07 of steam users have DX9 cards
0.15% have DX8 and below.
Leaving 97.78% able to run the game.

DX10 cards have been in desktop machines since 2008 and laptops since 2010... it really is old hardware. Much as we would love to support everyone we're a tiny teamso we have to choose what work we do carefully. So sorry if the above workaround doesn't help.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: thezmaniac; 1 grudnia 2014 o 12:31
Ghostcrab 1 grudnia 2014 o 13:18 
DX10 cards have been in desktop machines since 2008 and laptops since 2010 you have said yes? Well I have a Windows 7 2009 and it does not work? Maybe some help with this? The error I get says it does not meet minimum requirements.........oh I see. My computer only supports DX 9. ...well ♥♥♥♥. So........what you said about DX 10 cards have been in Computers since 2008 is wrong? Ok then...... ;_;
thezmaniac  [producent] 1 grudnia 2014 o 13:24 
You might want to reread what I posted before you start using bad language in these forums.

I didn't say EVERY computer since 2008 has had a DX10 card. I said DX10 cards have been in computers since then. Meaning that by 2014 they are extremely common.

I gave you the only help we have available - you need to try the forceHiDef switch

You may be lucky - the DX9 cards from 2009 probably support enough features to run guncraft.
Ghostcrab 1 grudnia 2014 o 13:29 
It doesn't work........♥♥♥♥. :'(
thezmaniac  [producent] 2 grudnia 2014 o 15:07 
Sorry - thats the best we have.
Ghostcrab 2 grudnia 2014 o 15:17 
It's fine. Eventually if I can save up enough money buy a better Pc. But thanks for the help.
thezmaniac  [producent] 2 grudnia 2014 o 16:16 
Remember you don't need a whole new computer - just a new GPU. Depending on how old the computer is you can probably get a new card for under $30 - basic DX10 cards are very very cheap and probably smaller, cooler and faster than what is in your PC right now.

if you have a laptop - all bets are off - get a new one.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: thezmaniac; 2 grudnia 2014 o 16:16
Vyvyvn 2 grudnia 2014 o 17:04 
Początkowo opublikowane przez thezmaniac:
Remember you don't need a whole new computer - just a new GPU. Depending on how old the computer is you can probably get a new card for under $30 - basic DX10 cards are very very cheap and probably smaller, cooler and faster than what is in your PC right now.

if you have a laptop - all bets are off - get a new one.

This is what I did. 40$ videocard and now my old POS pc is able to run things a lot better than it did. A GT 620 will likely only ccost you like 20-30$ if you shop around.
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