War Thunder

War Thunder

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kY0U Apr 26, 2024 @ 5:40am
Is WMA301 Worth?
Looking for opinions. I'm currently at 5.0 China Ground.
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Shyue Chou Apr 26, 2024 @ 6:05am 
Well, I have it and it is not my thing.

Magnificent optics.
Good gun.
Good speed.

Poor reverse speed.
Nonexistent protection. Can be machine-gunned and destroyed.
Poor gun depression.

You might get better mileage out of it than me. :spy:
kY0U Apr 26, 2024 @ 6:17am 
Originally posted by Shyue Chou:
Well, I have it and it is not my thing.

Magnificent optics.
Good gun.
Good speed.

Poor reverse speed.
Nonexistent protection. Can be machine-gunned and destroyed.
Poor gun depression.

You might get better mileage out of it than me. :spy:
armor kinda a given, im used to it since that's basically the whole Japan ground, I somehow cleared those without premium
Corinarh Apr 26, 2024 @ 6:36am 
It's good but BR increase made it worse than the Rooikat 105 and VRCC. In downtiers it kicks ass but in uptiers it will struggle especially in a city maps. Your dart is mediocre and rockets got nerfed hard they fly extremely slow now, you are very tall and your reverse speed is awful. It's still better than overnerfed Type 16 and XM-1.
Last edited by Corinarh; Apr 26, 2024 @ 6:41am
It looks alot better than it actually is, also the sabot shell is useless if you wanna uptier it which you will with any light 'car' like this but the atgm rocket will make up for it, however 0 protection nothing bounces off of this and no reverse, gigantic target only survives if they make a badhit :VGRUMPY:

and yes I own the thing however i'd still recommend it more than the premium tank as this has more uses at BR's for spamgrind
Last edited by ᚺᛉᚹᛊᚱᛒ0ᚱᛊᚤᚢ; Apr 26, 2024 @ 6:44am
Kunic Apr 26, 2024 @ 8:35am 
It´s pretty fun, a bit of a glass cannon ZTZ96A is overall a bit better but less fun I would say (got them both together, 10.0 is a pretty nice China lineup but so is 9.0)
Last edited by Kunic; Apr 26, 2024 @ 8:38am
kY0U Apr 26, 2024 @ 10:03pm 
Originally posted by Corinarh:
It's good but BR increase made it worse than the Rooikat 105 and VRCC. In downtiers it kicks ass but in uptiers it will struggle especially in a city maps. Your dart is mediocre and rockets got nerfed hard they fly extremely slow now, you are very tall and your reverse speed is awful. It's still better than overnerfed Type 16 and XM-1.
I would play any rocket faster than the freakin Type 60 ATM, thanks for the insight
kY0U Apr 26, 2024 @ 10:03pm 
Originally posted by Norsewolf:
It looks alot better than it actually is, also the sabot shell is useless if you wanna uptier it which you will with any light 'car' like this but the atgm rocket will make up for it, however 0 protection nothing bounces off of this and no reverse, gigantic target only survives if they make a badhit :VGRUMPY:

and yes I own the thing however i'd still recommend it more than the premium tank as this has more uses at BR's for spamgrind
cool, I considered T 69 II G but heard lots of bad stuff bout it
kY0U Apr 26, 2024 @ 10:04pm 
Originally posted by Kunicross:
It´s pretty fun, a bit of a glass cannon ZTZ96A is overall a bit better but less fun I would say (got them both together, 10.0 is a pretty nice China lineup but so is 9.0)
yeah but I felt like 10.0 premium vehicles are too expensive, especially the ones in pack.
LordBUM Apr 26, 2024 @ 10:21pm 
it also has a proxy fuse shell type so it can potentially nuke aircraft which i find pretty funny
FizzyElf Apr 26, 2024 @ 11:59pm 
Originally posted by kY0U:
Originally posted by Shyue Chou:
Well, I have it and it is not my thing.

Magnificent optics.
Good gun.
Good speed.

Poor reverse speed.
Nonexistent protection. Can be machine-gunned and destroyed.
Poor gun depression.

You might get better mileage out of it than me. :spy:
armor kinda a given, im used to it since that's basically the whole Japan ground, I somehow cleared those without premium
If you managed to finish the Japanese tree then it is likely the WMA will be perfectly fine in your hands, it isn't quite as nice of a platform as the Type 16's BUT it does have a great turret with a lovely gun and optics housed within so I'd recommend it. Plus the WMA can be used as a light tank like the Type 16 to support your top tier lineups so you can keep using it long after you have reached rank 6/7 and it makes a great first spawn for scouting and rushing to a cap if you want to farm SP for plane and heli spawns.
FizzyElf Apr 27, 2024 @ 12:04am 
Originally posted by kY0U:
Originally posted by Kunicross:
It´s pretty fun, a bit of a glass cannon ZTZ96A is overall a bit better but less fun I would say (got them both together, 10.0 is a pretty nice China lineup but so is 9.0)
yeah but I felt like 10.0 premium vehicles are too expensive, especially the ones in pack.
It is expensive and the lack of scouting and ability to mesh well with higher BR lineups makes the ZTZ96A a bit lackluster compared to the WMA in both the short and long run. That said I personally went with the ZTZ because I like the 96 series, basically the best T-72's in the game besides the moderna, and I will likely get the WMA in the future as while I know it is a good vehicle I'd like to spend some time focusing on the 96 before I start mixing it up. I wish China had a premium SPAA or multirole vehicle like the 2S38 for dealing with planes as I would recommend getting that if it existed as the WMA is very vulnerable to aircraft, heli's aren't too bad if you see them first because you have a tandem ATGM but planes will eviscerate you.
Mirage Apr 27, 2024 @ 7:21am 
Originally posted by kY0U:
Originally posted by Norsewolf:
It looks alot better than it actually is, also the sabot shell is useless if you wanna uptier it which you will with any light 'car' like this but the atgm rocket will make up for it, however 0 protection nothing bounces off of this and no reverse, gigantic target only survives if they make a badhit :VGRUMPY:

and yes I own the thing however i'd still recommend it more than the premium tank as this has more uses at BR's for spamgrind
cool, I considered T 69 II G but heard lots of bad stuff bout it

T 69 ll G is fantastic in my opinion, the WMA is overrated as it has many drawbacks.

in the T 69 I have 363 kills and 187 deaths, in the WMA I have 277 kills and 197 deaths in 30 games more.
kY0U Apr 27, 2024 @ 7:51am 
Originally posted by FizzyElf:
Originally posted by kY0U:
yeah but I felt like 10.0 premium vehicles are too expensive, especially the ones in pack.
It is expensive and the lack of scouting and ability to mesh well with higher BR lineups makes the ZTZ96A a bit lackluster compared to the WMA in both the short and long run. That said I personally went with the ZTZ because I like the 96 series, basically the best T-72's in the game besides the moderna, and I will likely get the WMA in the future as while I know it is a good vehicle I'd like to spend some time focusing on the 96 before I start mixing it up. I wish China had a premium SPAA or multirole vehicle like the 2S38 for dealing with planes as I would recommend getting that if it existed as the WMA is very vulnerable to aircraft, heli's aren't too bad if you see them first because you have a tandem ATGM but planes will eviscerate you.
Technically WMA is a multirole, just no auto cannon spam
kY0U Apr 27, 2024 @ 7:52am 
Ok guys I think I got my money's worth. The only drawbacks are gun depression and reverse speed, everything else seems fine.
kY0U Apr 27, 2024 @ 7:52am 
Originally posted by Mirage:
Originally posted by kY0U:
cool, I considered T 69 II G but heard lots of bad stuff bout it

T 69 ll G is fantastic in my opinion, the WMA is overrated as it has many drawbacks.

in the T 69 I have 363 kills and 187 deaths, in the WMA I have 277 kills and 197 deaths in 30 games more.
I got 7 kills 1 death on my third game. The ATGM helps a lot.
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Date Posted: Apr 26, 2024 @ 5:40am
Posts: 15