Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

Carnifex Mar 29, 2023 @ 12:04pm
Make game remember last used weapon for multiple weapons?
I think this feature is in the Fusion version but I'm not sure if it's possible for the Classics.

For example, I use the tactical pump shotgun then change to the rocket launcher. When I go back to the shotgun, the game starts off with the double barrel and not the pump shotgun.

I'd like the game to remember the last used weapon for multiple weapons.

I'm not talking about the "last weapon" in the keybinds because I want this to work for all my weapons.
Originally posted by puddingtopf:
Oh yeah, I understand now. But that's not possible, unless someone has made a mod for that (which might not be possible either if it's hardcoded). You just have to get used to quickly tapping the keys twice.
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puddingtopf Mar 29, 2023 @ 3:12pm 
That doesn't sound right. Pressing the "switch between last two weapons" key should always make you go back between the last two weapons, not another weapon from the same category. The Classics actually do this better since the games intentionally don't remember weapons that you quickly skip over, so I'm confused by what you meant regarding Fusion. And by everything else.
Carnifex Mar 29, 2023 @ 4:00pm 
Sorry if I didn't explain it clear enough.

I want Serious Sam Classic Revolution to remember the last gun I used, across all my weapons. I'm not talking about the "switch to last weapon used" hotkey.

In Classic Revolution, the game always defaults to a certain weapon when I swap to them. For example, if I press the Tommy Gun/Minigun key, it will always swap to the Minigun first. If I press the Pump Shotgun/Doublebarrel Shotgun key, it will always swap to the Doublebarrel shotgun first.

I want the game to remember the last weapon I used for all my weapons. The "switch to last weapon used" hotkey does not fix this problem.

I want this because I prefer certain weapons more than the defaults weapon you get when you press the hotkey for that weapon. For example, I find the Tommy Gun more ammo-efficient than the Minigun. Since I use that most, it's a little frustrating that in an intense game like this I have to weapon swap from the Minigun to the Tommy Gun.

This may sound trivial to some people but it would be a big quality of life improvement for me.

I hope this is clear enough.
Last edited by Carnifex; Mar 29, 2023 @ 4:02pm
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
puddingtopf Mar 29, 2023 @ 11:45pm 
Oh yeah, I understand now. But that's not possible, unless someone has made a mod for that (which might not be possible either if it's hardcoded). You just have to get used to quickly tapping the keys twice.
Last edited by puddingtopf; Mar 30, 2023 @ 12:40am
Carnifex Mar 29, 2023 @ 11:50pm 
Ok, thanks for the answer :)
Curllee May 10, 2023 @ 4:24pm 
So this is really about remembering the weapon flip. And I agree it is annoying when it does not remember the last weapon flip when you quick load a saved game. The last used weapon key only remembers the last weapon category, but does not remember the last flip for that category. Really it is a shame that the classics have not been updated to have an optional weapon wheel like Fusion does, which helps weapon switching immensely. Strangely, the Fusion games last used weapon key does not remember anything at all upon quick loads.
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