Resident Evil Revelations

Resident Evil Revelations

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libretro 10 Jan @ 6:08am
Get this horrible DRM trash out of the game
The PC is an open platform. It's not like your little game consoles where ppl have to eat ♥♥♥♥ from the console manufacturer and just put up with things. We know that many games by default lack quality features, they lack things that PC gamers especially want. So on PC, smart prosumers can fix glaring issues in game devs' games that they never bother fixing because of laziness, time constraints and just plain indifference. That's why they are called prosumers and why mods exist. It doesn't exist to 'tarnish' Capcom's reputation or to make you look 'bad'. It's doing the stuff you should have been doing all along in the first place if you weren't busy cutting corners at every opportunity. On PC there is that freedom, to add stuff that is beneficial to the user that they want to see in the game. Nobody has to wait for a 'remastered' or 're-release' years or decades down the line to do what the developer should have already done in the first place. There is your 101 on game modding and why it's a GoodThing, not a BadThing.

Retroactively adding horrible DRM like this 10 to 15 years after a game's release that ♥♥♥♥♥ all over the framerate and frame times AND also breaks all mods is a good way of telling your entire audience on PC never to buy anything from your company again.

Tell the suits at Capcom in Japan that they really need to get with the program if they want to 'get' PC gaming. Moves like this will just result in boycotts and countless bad unnecessary press. They really don't have a clue what PC gaming is about. Valve for instance started out as a bunch of guys modding the Quake engine, and they recruited plenty of ppl making mods. Trying to undermine mods and view all of them as a 'bad thing' is cutting off your nose to spite your face and just incredibly dumb, anticonsumer and regressive in nearly every single way.
Terakhir diedit oleh libretro; 10 Jan @ 7:06am
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"Open Platform"

Unless you're using GOG, then no. Steam itself is a limiter that you rely on for the games to work.
Terakhir diedit oleh mdesaleah; 10 Jan @ 6:10am
Diposting pertama kali oleh mdesaleah:
"Open Platform"

Unless you're using GOG, then no. Steam itself is a limiter that you rely on for the games to work.

You can still work around this issue just fine by just moving to a different depot. Point is, the consumer shouldn't have to jump through all these hoops or put up with extra additional hassle because of publisher greed and paranoia. They bought this product (probably years ago before this retroactive defilement update) and they don't expect an update that will make it objectively worse with zero benefit to just ruin their experience.

DRM that hurts performance, ruins frametimes AND breaks modding is complete garbage and should be actively boycotted. Period. It's an old game well over 12 years old and these mods are not hurting anyone, it's a singleplayer game. It's not like anyone at Capcom even cares about this game anymore, or they would have released a patch with some new game features, some new content or anything benefitting the player. But we don't. What do we get instead? Just some anti-temper stuff that ruins performance because 'we don't like mods'. That's just great. Ruin the experience for everyone because of some salaryman's paranoia.

Modding is the lifeblood of PC gaming. It's how a lot of popular games that have grossed millions have started out. If you attack modding, you are basically telling the entire PC gaming community to ♥♥♥♥ on your company. They honestly don't get it over in Japan. There is zero benefit to this and just countless bad publicity and press.

Just because one dumb streamer mistakenly forgot to disable a ♥♥♥♥ Chun-Li mod does not mean all mods are evil and Capcom has to go on a crusade now to start crapping all over their old games and defile them with this horrible DRM. This is stupid black and white thinking that should have died out in the '90s honestly. What they are basically doing is going back in time and ruining people's games that they already bought. Now we have to put up with worse framerates and worse frametimes because of some paranoia from the publisher. People will just resort to other means to still run these games the way they want them then, and who can blame them? This is complete BS.

Moves like this also makes people lose confidence in their digital library if at the hit of a switch by a publisher their experience can be ruined and they can't easily get it back. Especially on Steam Deck where people just want to install the game and run it without having to FTP / transfer over old files from old depots. Very troubling. Hope some big influencers like Digital Foundry can sound the alarm on this and make Capcom have to swallow their turd and retract this. There is a line that should not be crossed and actively going out of your way to make PC games run worse and break mods that are not doing anyone any harm is definitely one of them. The PC is not Capcom's little game console. Deal with it.

I hope Valve realizes that moves like this made by game companies ruins consumer confidence in their Steam library. It should become way easier from an enduser experience to revert to an earlier depot in case some crazy game publisher decides to go on an unjustified crusade because some boomer exec saw someone running a mod ruining their puritan values. The consumer should have the expectation that the games they bought and ran well will continue to run well without any unwanted interference and tampering from the publisher that decides to regress things because of unjustified reasons.
Terakhir diedit oleh libretro; 10 Jan @ 7:12am
OveR 10 Jan @ 6:19am 
No it's not trash. DRM is awesome 😍
PC's not an open platform :-\ We have Valve allowing developers to add Steam Input to their games -after- you purchase them, and then bricking them.

Considering that Valve refuses to refund any game I own that requires Steam Input, and Valve are the ones who broke the game, there's zero hope that a publisher's going to do anything. This entire store is full of crap that doesn't work, and all because you made the mistake of buying games on Steam.

There are better stores without DRM.
Man Crapcom's really butt blasted about the ♥♥♥♥ Chun li..
PC gaming just keeps getting worse.
If it weren't for the fact consoles are starting to go digital only in the near future and denuvo talking about implementing their DRM into console games, then I'd switch.
Eh, I think maybe it's just time I give up on the gaming hobby altogether :zagsnooze:
DRM is cancer !!! I'd rather go sale the seas than giving money to these scammers !!!
Another Publisher added to my ignore list.
Don't do this Capcom!
You know what's hilarious, they do this but haven't bothered to fix ORC after what, like 2 years of taking it off the store to "revise" it
Capcom just add a Steam Workshop instead of blocking mods, fool! :steamthumbsdown:
Diposting pertama kali oleh Pentagram:
Capcom just add a Steam Workshop instead of blocking mods, fool! :steamthumbsdown:

Capcom is babysitting us on how we should play their games. Yeah ♥♥♥♥ that !!!
If they block mods, I will block their games. Simple as that.
Terakhir diedit oleh DeadPhoenix; 10 Jan @ 10:00am
How did you know that CAPCOM added DRM with the latest update? Are there proof?
Guess we now know why Denuvo was removed from some of their titles

It was to make place for another drm
I've just added negative reviews to every Capcom game I own, and they'll never be removed even with reversal of DRMs.
What is the point of removing denuvo regularly from your newer games, if you're going to add another ♥♥♥♥♥♥ drm to your old games?
This is as stupid as ghostwire tokyo adding denuvo 12+ months after release...
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