Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

MS Ryz0n 2014 年 7 月 31 日 上午 11:45
Patch 3.7
Below at patchnotes for the recently released 3.7 patch:

Patch 3.7 changes

AI Fixes and Updates:
  • Standard AI script was updated:
  • Difficulty reduced on the lower difficulty settings:
  • AI now asks for tributes less often
  • AI now responds when denying tribute requests
  • AI now responds more often to taunt 31 ("attack now")
  • AI now properly responds to taunts 35 ("stop building a navy") and 37 ("build a wonder")
  • Implemented sn-livestock-to-town-center
  • Implemented scout-flank for up-send-scout
  • Adjusted sn-prefered-trade-distance to bring its behavior more in line community expectations
  • Adjusted sn-wall-targeting-mode in a way that should not affect human players
  • AI players now gather their sheep inside their town centers instead of just beside them
  • AI workers gathering boar will now by default choose town centers as drop sites
  • up-retreat-now now instructs ungrouped soldiers and boats to retreat in addition to grouped land soldiers
  • up-retreat-now sends boats to the first available dock and land units to the first available town center
  • up-retreat-now now issues fewer individual commands to units, which should improve performance in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where up-reset-unit did not handle -1 as an input correctly
  • Fixed an issue where up-drop-resources would not affect workers gathering food from boars
  • Fixed an issue where up-resource-status was giving incorrect results when a technology was unavailable to the civilization that was calling it
  • Fixed an issue where up-send-scout was sending scouts to strange places
  • Fixed an issue where standard and conquerors AI players' names would always appear in the host's language in a multiplayer game
  • Fixed an issue where restoring a save game with conquerors AIs would cause the AIs revert to the default AI behaviour
  • Fixed an issue where the standard AI would not choose a "leader name" for itself once the game had started
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would not properly respond to bear attacks
  • Fixed an issue where the AI in the last player slot in a multiplayer game would have no name for clients
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an AI villager was hunting boar
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an AI was creating and issuing orders to soldier groups

Performance changes:
  • Improvements to smooth scrolling in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where loading a game saved in the late game would cause the game to run slowly
  • Fixed an issue where the pathfinding system would leak memory, causing the game to run slowly in the late game
  • Performance improvements to the pathfinding system on larger maps

  • Fixed an issue where joining a game as the host was leaving would cause the client to become stuck forever on the "joining game" status screen
  • Fixed an issue where the host kicking a player as they were loading would cause the client to become stuck forever on the "joining game" status screen
  • Fixed an issue where kicking a human player as they were readying up would cause their lobby slot to become corrupted
  • Fixed an issue where a client joining a lobby, then cancelling the join immediately would cause a player slot in the game they were joining to become corrupted
  • Fixed an issue where replacing a spectator with a computer player caused that player slot to become corrupted
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong ELO pre-game feedback could be displayed in lobbies when the host was readied up
  • Fixed an issue where clients would not see other clients as spectators when they should
  • Fixed an issue where spectating a defeated player would cause the spectator to also be defeated (and be kicked out of the game)
  • Fixed an issue where loading and saving a single player game while in spectator mode would result in the spectator controlling an AI player
  • Fixed several issues where saving, loading, or creating a scenario in the scenario editor would cause an apparent resolution change
  • Fixed an issue where going from the game achievements screen back to a multiplayer game after the game was over would cause an apparent resolution change
  • Fixed an issue where restarting the game would cause an apparent resolution change
  • Fixed an issue where imperial age Gaia units would revert to dark age units in save games
  • Fixed an issue where the AI could repeatedly try to build buildings in inaccessible places, resulting in the Romans in Attila the Hun mission 5 not building military buildings
  • Fixed an issue where Forgotten custom campaigns would show up twice on versions of Windows before 8.0
  • Fixed an issue where the in-game music would stop playing if the user opened the "Load" menu while in-game
  • Fixed an issue where teams could be overridden inappropriately in scenario games
  • Fixed an issue where multiplayer Forgotten saves could be loaded in HD
  • Fixed an issue where the launcher's dimensions were not preserved across DPI settings
  • Fixed an issue where the palisade gate icon was not visible on the tech tree screen
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when leaving a game

Forgotten data changes:
  • Fixed ore mines
  • Fixed heavy swordsman
  • Fixed keep/bbt shadow on Slavic set
  • Fixed feudal TC shadow on Slavic set
  • Fixed Dolphin
  • Fixed Magyar Huszar idle animation
  • Fixed Italian wonder color information
  • Fixed wooden bridges shadows
  • Fixed feudal mill on Slavic set
  • Changed some IDs in all files to fix the history screens and some mistakes in the last loc drop.

Other changes:
  • Changed green and yellow ping thresholds in multiplayer lobbies to reflect connections that will impact game playability
  • Monks now contribute to players' military population counts for victory point and AI tracking purposes
  • Updated achievement localization
  • Added art for the AoF civs in the history section