Chaos Chain

Chaos Chain

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How’s the game on a 1440p?
Hi dev, I have a 1440p and it seems that I’m unlucky that most RPG Maker games I’ve played don’t support full screen on that resolution. Even if it’s possible to go full screen, the game looks stretched and it really hampers the experience.

Not trying blame the devs or anything because I know how difficult it can be to create UIs that fit many resolutions while at the same time struggling with game engine limitations. It’s just my preference to play games in full screen.
Last edited by identityphobe; Feb 22, 2023 @ 5:18am
Originally posted by identityphobe:
Originally posted by Corrosion:
Okay. I'll be here.

Lol, I can't believe it! I was fiddling around with things and actually found a solution that doesn't require any tampering with any Graphic Card settings and dealing with Windows craziness.

1. Click F1 after launching the game.
2. Disable Launch in Full Screen
3. Close the game and open it again. The game will then launch in a lower resolution but without Windows trying to stretch things and making things blurry.
4. Click F6 multiple times to get the needed resolution.
5. Toggle fullscreen.
6. Crisp texts and display.
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
Cryptic  [developer] Feb 22, 2023 @ 5:29am 
I will give you a straight answer, I don't know exactly.

But I will say this, one of my friends plays this on a gigantic television screen which is an ultra wide and the game automatically scales the resolution according to the monitor that it is being displayed on. At first when he turned on the game, Windows was using some automatic scaling thing on the image so everything appeared fuzzy but he went in and changed a setting in either his Nvidia display settings in the Nvidia control panel or something in his windows display settings specifically for the program, you can look up how to do that if you don't know how, but he turned that off and he said it looks fine after that.
Cryptic  [developer] Feb 22, 2023 @ 5:31am 
If you end up getting the game and it looks awful, you can always refund it as long as you do not spend 2 hours in the game or wait 2 weeks according to steam's official refund policy. So you should be safe to at least try it.

I've been a gamer for over 20 years myself and I've been a developer now for almost a decade and I have had to mess around a lot in my Nvidia control panel to get even AAA games to look properly from time to time. Not to mention, Microsoft's own display settings can be a pain on occasion, but I have always been able to figure out what the problem is.

If you have something different like AMD or something, I know for a fact they also have something very similar to the Nvidia control panel which allows you to set individual program settings if it is necessary.

If you need help, just let me know. We could very likely figure it out together. I always have in the past. You are not the first person to ask me about resolution stuff.
Last edited by Cryptic; Feb 22, 2023 @ 5:32am
Cryptic  [developer] Feb 22, 2023 @ 5:32am 
But like I said, the game automatically scales itself to the resolution of the monitor that it is displaying on. So it should be fine. It also runs fine out of the box on the steam deck so if that tells you anything, it should be good on a big screen if it can run on such a small screen and still display properly. I'd think 1440 would be fine. My friends monitor is even bigger if I'm not mistaken.
Last edited by Cryptic; Feb 22, 2023 @ 5:36am
identityphobe Feb 22, 2023 @ 5:41am 
Ah, thank you for the straight and detailed reply. I could have tried the game and refund if it doesn’t look good, but I’ve been on a refunding streak lately and a bit tired of the whole process however convenient it may be. It’s just me being fussy and lazy, I know.

Yeah, I didn’t have many issues when I used my previous 1080p, but I didn’t expect using a 1440p would cause me so much pain and a lot of tinkering with the settings haha. I’ll give your game a shot and see if it the game looks fine on my monitor.

Anyhow, thank you for the help. Much appreciated.
Cryptic  [developer] Feb 22, 2023 @ 6:02am 
Alright, awesome! Honestly I'd be more than willing to help out if you change your mind. Just let me know.

What I'd need are your PC specs and to know what kind of control panel you have access to (Nvidia or amd or whatever) to try to narrow down the setting(s) causing the issue.

I hope it all works for you right out of the box.
identityphobe Feb 22, 2023 @ 6:07am 
Bought it and yeah, it seems blurry but I can't really tell if that's how the fonts are intended to look like. Let me grab a screenshot and show you.
Cryptic  [developer] Feb 22, 2023 @ 6:11am 
The fonts have a little bit of a glow around them. That part is in fact intended.

But if it looks all fuzzy and blurred, that is probably a display scaling setting on your system. In whatever graphics card control panel or settings menu that you have, if you have anything that scales up the image, simply disabling that for the game will fix it. One of my other friends had the same issue and he was using a pretty small screen but he had to go into his Intel graphics settings and change the scaling method of the image.

And in order to take a screenshot with the engine you need to use print screen and then you can upload that screenshot as an artwork to the community hub just so you know.

The engine doesn't support the steam overlay unfortunately.
Last edited by Cryptic; Feb 22, 2023 @ 6:13am
Cryptic  [developer] Feb 22, 2023 @ 6:19am

The screenshots in this guide are from one of the very most recent major updates for the game but it shows exactly how it should look. Should being the keyword lol. Those screenshots were taken on my computer which is a 1920x1080 resolution.
identityphobe Feb 22, 2023 @ 6:27am 
Sorry for taking too long to update you. Yeah, it's probably an issue on my end.

When I tried to take a screenshot and record a video, both of them showed the game at a lower display resolution. Probably, a quarter of my full display so both them look great and the fonts and mouse cursors look nice and crisp. Whereas what I'm actually seeing is a blown up blurry version of the game with black borders at the top and bottom.

I looked at your guide and one thing that's obvious to me is the mouse cursor definitely looks very blurry to me while yours look nice and sharp-ish.
Cryptic  [developer] Feb 22, 2023 @ 6:37am 
Okay, if you have the black borders ONLY at the top and the bottom, a user had the EXACT same issue with one of my previous games I think maybe a month or two ago.

He had an AMD Radeon graphics card setup and he went into the AMD Radeon settings and set the resolution somehow in there for the game and he was able to fix it. I don't know exactly how to get in there unfortunately, if that's the one you have that is. But I would think it's just as simple as the Nvidia stuff. Do you know what kind of graphics card you have?

I'm willing to bet that if you can get into the settings and add my game as a program and then set the resolution to just be whatever the game is instead of forcing a desktop resolution or something or turning off the display scaling, then I think it should work.
Last edited by Cryptic; Feb 22, 2023 @ 6:39am
identityphobe Feb 22, 2023 @ 6:44am 
Nvidia 1060. I've never meddled with Nvidia's settings before so let me see if I can get it to work somehow.
Cryptic  [developer] Feb 22, 2023 @ 6:55am 
I have a Nvidia GTX 1070 on my main PC. If you right click on your desktop you should be able to open up the Nvidia control panel. It should be an option. Then from there, you can go down on the left hand side and there should be a settings option. I can't remember exactly what it's called and I'm on my cell phone right now so I can't look, but then it should show you in the center a list of all types of different settings for your global settings and then you can individually set them for programs.
identityphobe Feb 22, 2023 @ 7:14am 
Yep, I did that and closest option I can find is the "Adjust desktop size and position". I set the scaling to 1080p and yep, it does look good and crisp. But there are bars on all four corners (left, right, top, bottom) of the display in full screen. Probably the expected behavior because they have to fill the empty screens somehow, and making the game occupy the whole display will just make things blurry.

I'm up for any suggestions if you have one or if you find yourself in front of a computer. But I'll probably just call it a day and put the game aside until I can get a 1080p monitor. I need to buy one anyway for work.

Anyhow, I'm not going to refund; partly because I want to play it later, and also partly to thank you for taking the time to help me. Very much appreciated.
Cryptic  [developer] Feb 22, 2023 @ 7:24am 
If it is on all four sides, but it looks nice and crisp, that might be the setting in the game. You can try launching the game and then when you are at the main menu pressing f6. That switches the ratio around. F5 on the other hand changes between full screen and windowed mode. I'm thinking it's still a setting on your PC though because by default the game should come with everything maximized to full screen and to fit to the monitor.

If you have the option to just set the program resolution to be application controlled instead of setting it to 1080p, that might solve the issue. If you want, go ahead and post a few pictures of the different options that you have available to you in the Nvidia control panel. Even though the control panel is identical, some options do not appear for me compared to my friend and vice versa. So it depends on what graphics card you have and the computers specs. But either way, I should be able to figure out the cause and find a solution

The adjust desktop size and position setting sounds like it is probably the exact culprit. If we could just determine what setting to use to make it all perfect, that would be ideal

It seems like your computer is either shrinking the image on screen to fit or before, it was upscaling it and the pixels were getting stretched. If you could just find the option or the value for the setting to make it so that it just displays the raw games display, that'll do it.
Last edited by Cryptic; Feb 22, 2023 @ 7:29am
identityphobe Feb 22, 2023 @ 7:34am 
Sure thing, here's the settings available for my graphic card.
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