1st Crash Error 0xC0000005 - Updaam at night @ Party Mansion - Repeatable
After 20 hours, had first crash.

"Error 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) occurred in thread 'worker7' at instruction location 0x00007FF9EF6243EF."

Also with this info

OS version : Windows 10 Pro 2009 Build 19043.1237
GPU name : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
GPU driver : 47196
GPU device removed error code : 0x887A0006

Callstack Function(desc) Line Bytes File Module Address
------------------------ ---- ----- ---- ------ -------
() 0 +0x743ef msvcrt.dll 0x7ff9ef6243ef
() 0 +0xb23ba9 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a0e03ba9
() 0 +0x15c442c Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a18a442c
() 0 +0x15c004e Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a18a004e
() 0 +0x15b9f0e Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a1899f0e
() 0 +0x15bd392 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a189d392
() 0 +0x15bc783 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a189c783
() 0 +0x15bc783 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a189c783
() 0 +0x15bc783 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a189c783
() 0 +0x15bc783 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a189c783
() 0 +0x15bc783 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a189c783
() 0 +0x15bc783 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a189c783
() 0 +0x15b8193 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a1898193
() 0 +0x15b786d Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a189786d
() 0 +0x160fcd6 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a18efcd6
() 0 +0x1565424 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a1845424
() 0 +0xb08b6d Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a0de8b6d
() 0 +0xb09737 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a0de9737
() 0 +0xb09dc6 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a0de9dc6
() 0 +0xc48a67 Deathloop.exe 0x7ff6a0f28a67
() 0 +0x17034 KERNEL32.DLL 0x7ff9efd47034
() 0 +0x52651 ntdll.dll 0x7ff9f0e42651

Whatever that means

I get this at a very precise point, and is the only time I get a crash.

Location of crash every time: Updaam at night, when the party is going on. Just beyond the ground entrance to the party. Put up some turrets, after a while of shooting and killing, crash. EDIT: Has also occurred without the use of turrets.

In Windows Event Viewer, each occasion of the crash has appeared under Warning: Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered.

EDIT: Possibly caused by In Game Steam Overlay being ticked? I turned it off and was able to kill everyone at the party for the first time without a crash.

I played thru a second time with overlay off, and it crashed so.

Mentioned possible fixes in the thread (YMMV):

Turn off ray tracing (didn't work for me)

Download again MS Visual C ++ libraries + update Windows to latest build /w updates (I was already updated)

Check integrity of game, download any corrupt files (didn't work for me)

Reinstall game, and make sure game is on same drive as Steam (this seems to have worked for me with limited testing - 3 playthrus of Updaam at night with no crash)
Автор останньої редакції: Nomadski; 4 жовт. 2021 о 5:11
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Показані коментарі 115 із 259
I get them all the time :(
Yeah I just replayed the same part (Updaam late night) and it crashed same place again.
I get this too!

Crash summary : Error 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) occurred in thread 'worker1' at instruction location 0x00007FF7BF8DE16F.
It means the game accesses memory at a location where no memory was alloced in the first place (most common error) or it accesses memory with privileged levels that is not accessable of the game (system memory).

In other words, it means you encountered a bug resulting from bad memory management.
"One reason why the Error 0xC0000005 is popping up is due to Ray Tracing. Disable ray tracing and the game will stop crashing with error 0xC0000005. "-from a post

no ray tracing?? I'll wait for a fix
This happened to me 15 times (checked the amount of logs in the folder where more details for the error is at)
"Run as Administrator" seems to have finally stopped it.
Автор останньої редакції: Profile_Name; 18 верес. 2021 о 14:28

Crash summary : Error 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) occurred in thread 'worker7' at instruction location 0x00007FF63B7CF15A.
OS version : Windows 10 Pro 2009 Build 19043.1237
GPU name : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
GPU driver : 47196
Just had it twice in the same mission and it's getting annoying to redo the whole mission again and again.

This engine is just ass! I never had so much performance issues and crashes with a game then Deathloop.
Цитата допису NoFrAg:
Just had it twice in the same mission and it's getting annoying to redo the whole mission again and again.

This engine is just ass! I never had so much performance issues and crashes with a game then Deathloop.
Try running the game as an administrator from the game's folder. For some reason it worked for me. Haven't had a crash after that.
Might not be a definite fix since this error seems to be different for each person, but it's worth a try.
If it is fixed by running the game in administration mode (highten privileges), it's less likely that the game engine is breaking it, it is actually more likely that some sort of DRM or anti-cheat is causing the issue.
Цитата допису MaxiTB:
If it is fixed by running the game in administration mode (highten privileges), it's less likely that the game engine is breaking it, it is actually more likely that some sort of DRM or anti-cheat is causing the issue.
hmmm. Now what sort of DRM-like thing could be involved, other than steam?
So I had a repeat crash last night after posting this. Same place, same crash error code.

Updaam at night, when the party is going on. Just beyond the ground entrance to the party. Put up some turrets, after a while, crash.

So either the number of NPCs are causing it, something to do with the turrets is causing it, or maybe killing that Visionary different to how your supposed to is causing it?

Maybe clutching, but seems weird I can repeat the crash in the same place after playing 20 hours with no crash.
Цитата допису Nomadski:
So I had a repeat crash last night after posting this. Same place, same crash error code.

Updaam at night, when the party is going on. Just beyond the ground entrance to the party. Put up some turrets, after a while, crash.

So either the number of NPCs are causing it, something to do with the turrets is causing it, or maybe killing that Visionary different to how your supposed to is causing it?

Maybe clutching, but seems weird I can repeat the crash in the same place after playing 20 hours with no crash.

I have the same problem, but only happens when i use Nexus on the 3 goons in the entrance and then i shoot them: b0om, crash. Happened 3 times already, the same place, the same actions.

I got tired of it and tried going somewhere else, and after 2 hours of playing it crashed again in some random place. ♥♥♥♥
Look at you guys with your 3080s and 3090s. Lucky people. xD

I got those too. I wonder if the Devs get those logs via I sure hope so.
I just started getting this error today after ~ 22 hours of gameplay. (and it happened immediately 5 more times in a row before I quit the game for the day/week/next patch)

Someone had posted a "solution" about changing nVidia VSync options, which I followed to a T, but it did not fix anything. Sadly, technical issues like this are rife with people who post solutions that simply are not solutions. I did notice that there's no error reporting occurring (it writes a log but I see no option to send it), so they might want you to submit a bug ticket with them and affix the log for more detailed insight.
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