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▷▲▽𝗶◁ 19 авг. 2019 г. в 15:25
VR support ?
like with Everspace 1...
Автор сообщения: ROCKFISH Games:
Well, it's probably about time to close this topic for good. First off, thank you to everyone in this thread who has listened to us as we’ve been saying that we don’t want to create a VR experience for EVERSPACE 2. We understand that you are all passionate about VR as a whole, but we are not going to spend time and resources creating this for EVERSPACE 2.

Without going too much into technical/design details or debating business cases (we’ve shared our reasoning in-depth in an earlier comment about why we don't plan to support VR in ES2), we’ve come to the conclusion that we would not be able to match high expectations of all VR players while justify spending our limited resources on a complex feature that is relevant to less than 5% of our target audience.

FWIW, the final nail in the coffin for VR in ES2 is this thread. Disrespectful comments from VR players calling our team lazy, technically incompetent—mind you this is to a veteran team that has been working their butts off to deliver best-in-class space combat games on all kinds of gaming platforms—and/or greedy because we allegedly "mislead" VR players that we'll add VR to ES2 (a never-promised feature). Even if there are VR players who only bought the first EVERSPACE because of VR support, that does not mean it is a guaranteed feature in the sequel. Frankly, many of the comments here show a level of entitlement that is off-putting to a team that really does find VR an exciting platform, and two studio founders willing to invest a six-digit budget in VR out of their own pockets.

Our PR folks are probably pulling their hair out right now—I've been called out for poor communication to VR users before, but I genuinely don't care anymore—if any gruntled VR user is still reading, ask yourself WHY in the world should any indie developer get excited about putting their house on the line to make significant changes to their game to support a heavily fragmented platform for a single-digit percentage audience? This is especially difficult when the feature asked for is led by a vocal minority with utterly unrealistic expectations as if the title was designed as a VR-only game, and frequently shows a complete lack of understanding of what it takes to properly implement VR, also often paired with outright false perceptions of how the gaming business works.

On a personal level, the audacity of some hardcore VR fans calling me out for being patronizing while I genuinely wanted to openly share our reasoning about our business decision which was based on deep market research and our own internal data at the beginning of this thread—arguably quite rare in the gaming industry—was just the beginning. Meanwhile, we’re at a tipping point: the bridges are burned, and I couldn't genuinely care less about any business consequences due to not supporting VR in ES2. Even if the business decision might hurt my own pocket as is claimed throughout this thread, at this point, I am more concerned about protecting our team from toxic community feedback than delivering the next big VR title.


PS: This post has passed our PR police, so this is no joke!

Edit PPS: Adding some of my previous responses to the VR community for a more complete picture about our reasoning:
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+1 to Vault Traveler and Powbam. I totally agree to this too.

Judging a game bad for a single feature that wasn't announced to be in this game to just beat on the developers is such crybaby method.

I am also a VR user and I love VR. Most games profit from VR - and Everspace 2 absolutely also is one of them. But I can understand RFGs decision to delay VR for a later reference. And it is not that they didn't gave us some reasons why they did it, it doesn't matter if we accept the reasons or understand them. The fact that they shared this information is way more than you get from other studios in my eyes.

They will actually just deliver the final release as non-VR and then decide again. I would not be surprised RFG to decide against VR a second time because of such toxic and fanatic VR supporters. I hope that they won't, really, I would also pay 10-15 bucks extra for a kind of a VR DLCs or VR version.

Until this happens I am totally fine to play the current "flat" version. It is still one of the best space-shooters out there.
Отредактировано Kelrycor; 20 мар. 2021 г. в 6:00
Автор сообщения: Mr Eos
Автор сообщения: Khoren

Oh man this discussion sucks..

Stereoscopy shouldn't be the herculean effort that translating into motion controls is all about.

If vorpX is anything to go by. Native HMD supports biggest challenge is changing how shadows get rendered.

People asking for proper HUD and shadow support in games for nvidia 3D Vision 8 years ago kept asking for the same thing, and were pretty soundly completely ignored. They had to code their own shader hacks, and debuggers to cycle through and disable shaders to single out which ones were responsible for the incorrect depth of different effects and elements in stereo 3D.

VR is just another extension of this, except developers also need to know how to support motion tracking, re-design HUD elements, and a whole slew of other things.

VorpX was good when it first launched, but only because there were no AAA games with VR support. There is still a world of difference between playing a game with VorpX, and playing a native VR title.

Last weekend I tried VorpX again after 4 years of not touching it, and even though I saw Beardo Banjo on Youtube singing it's praises to the high heavens for a number of titles, VorpX is still a terrible way to experience VR. The scale is all wrong, stuff looks pixelated and janky, and its just hard to tell sometimes what's going on on-screen.
Needs VR, until then I have Elite Dangerous
I love VR and I own a few headsets, my dissertation was based around VR but I still LOVE sitting at my desk and playing a beautiful 4k space RPG with a mouse and keyboard too. If EVERY game was VR then I'd be bored as ♥♥♥♥. Variety is the spice of life! I'd much rather the devs put time in to making locations, ships, stories, missions, weapons etc. than building the same stuff for VR.
Maybe keep it open for modders to patch in - we've already got free look around the cockpit so that bit can't be too hard to stuff in there - but the controls will always be the complicated bit. I'd rather sit here with a HMD and keyboard and mouse or HOTAS but some people will want motion controls and that will take years of work to implement well. How long has ED been tweaking their set up for? And how big is the dev team on that? Star Citizen?
I invested £100 in ED on kickstarter and have played it in VR since the DK2 was released but in the past month I've played ES2 for about twice as many hours simply because I can get home from work and just jump right in while watching TV, and yeah that's casual but it's fun.
If/when VR gets added to ES2 either by mods or 5 years down the line when the devs have enough money to remake it for VR I will play it and love it, but probably still play the 2D version as well because sometimes I just want to play a game at my desk and relax.
Автор сообщения: powbam
Автор сообщения: Vault Traveler
I am using VR myself and I understand why people want their hardware supported, but I rather have good games than VR support and when Devs say no its no. Period.
^Now this - is an example of a good VR supporter. One with some common sense.

Автор сообщения: D'Shanz
Alright, so since I've already bought they game, but can't abide by RFG's decision and their attitude, I've used my situation to the best of my ability and I've left my first ever negative review.

I've detailed the exact situation as it is (and a little bit of my opinion/interpretation thereof), to hopefully inform more people that wouldn't make it to the forum and find out that they are stripping this game of the VR content.

I've encouraged those that read to join us here in adding their "no VR, no buy" to the many others here. I'd also like to invite those in this discussion that want this to gain more visibility to read my review and to mark it as helpful.
^And this is a prime example of a bad VR supporter - and the type that goes on to give you VR junkies a bad name.

Along with the review in question (with name-calling vitriol included):

I just wanted to let you know that I love the fact that I've touched you so deeply, surely in the same way that you've touched so many others in this thread and throughout your life. It's delicious irony! Keep singing my praises, my good man. You literally light up my life every time to mention my name, and I appreciate the free advertising of my review!

And no, I haven't abandoned this thread long ago, as many of you probably suspect since I haven't responded to any of your other troll attempts and attacking my reputation, so don't think you've suddenly managed to bait me into playing your trolly little game. I've followed over the months and read every post (and every other time you've dropped my name) because it's entertaining and I still have a personal interest/stake in this, I just haven't had anything else I've wanted to say until now. I simply don't respect you one bit, and thus have not a single care about your opinion of me, but rather every time you call out my name I know that it's because I bothered you to such an extent at one point that you won't ever forget my name, and that's priceless!

And that's really all I'm here to say, to let you, and more importantly everyone else know, is I got you.

I. Got. You!

I already got you, right from the very beginning, but you can't touch me! Go ahead, try and pretend I haven't gotten to you... but you and I both know I'll see you in your dreams, powbam!

*blows a kiss*
Автор сообщения: D'Shanz
so don't think you've suddenly managed to bait me
Technically, that's exactly what just happened. /shrugs

Автор сообщения: D'Shanz
And that's really all I'm here to say, to let you, and more importantly everyone else know, is I got you.

I. Got. You!

I already got you, right from the very beginning, but you can't touch me! Go ahead, try and pretend I haven't gotten to you... but you and I both know I'll see you in your dreams, powbam!

*blows a kiss*
Aww. That's so cute. Doesn't make a lick of sense but you go right on "getting" me you sharpshooter you :steamhappy: If it makes you feel better thinking I'm actually stressing and thinking about this thread outside of the occasional moments I read a post here.. well, whatever gets you through the day sweet-heart.
Отредактировано powbam; 23 мар. 2021 г. в 13:39
You two should stop flirting and just get a room already. This is a public forum.
Oh, I was just checking in on the game and noticed this. That's a shame. I loved VR in the first one. I'll hold off on buying it on release and wait to see if they add VR support eventually (like they did for the 1st game). Here's hoping.
Автор сообщения: D'Shanz
attacking my reputation
Who are you?
Автор сообщения: Crazy Pants Lance
Needs VR, until then I have Elite Dangerous
They were planning to drop VR for odyssey, glad they kept it in for all the in-cockpit stuff after some community backlash.
as i told u before just make a 3D cockpit and we build VR for ur game a always :)
no 3d cocpit no buy
I'll buy this game when it's available for VR, won't touch it until then. If that never happens, then so be it.
Everspace 1 is currently on sale for whoever wants to play something like this in VR!
Shoot, i just bought it for VR :(
well if there isnt the case for VR at this time, maybe could do more work on cockpit area giving it more of an immersion feel, giving it more life at least.....dim lit cockpits with blues mixing into whites and creating a dimensional look, kind of how blacklights do. Working on the environments adding colorful nebula gases instead of just all black and white....
Отредактировано Dwarf80; 15 апр. 2021 г. в 19:47
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Дата создания: 19 авг. 2019 г. в 15:25
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