

▷▲▽𝗶◁ 2019 年 8 月 19 日 下午 3:25
VR support ?
like with Everspace 1...
引用自 ROCKFISH Games:
Well, it's probably about time to close this topic for good. First off, thank you to everyone in this thread who has listened to us as we’ve been saying that we don’t want to create a VR experience for EVERSPACE 2. We understand that you are all passionate about VR as a whole, but we are not going to spend time and resources creating this for EVERSPACE 2.

Without going too much into technical/design details or debating business cases (we’ve shared our reasoning in-depth in an earlier comment about why we don't plan to support VR in ES2), we’ve come to the conclusion that we would not be able to match high expectations of all VR players while justify spending our limited resources on a complex feature that is relevant to less than 5% of our target audience.

FWIW, the final nail in the coffin for VR in ES2 is this thread. Disrespectful comments from VR players calling our team lazy, technically incompetent—mind you this is to a veteran team that has been working their butts off to deliver best-in-class space combat games on all kinds of gaming platforms—and/or greedy because we allegedly "mislead" VR players that we'll add VR to ES2 (a never-promised feature). Even if there are VR players who only bought the first EVERSPACE because of VR support, that does not mean it is a guaranteed feature in the sequel. Frankly, many of the comments here show a level of entitlement that is off-putting to a team that really does find VR an exciting platform, and two studio founders willing to invest a six-digit budget in VR out of their own pockets.

Our PR folks are probably pulling their hair out right now—I've been called out for poor communication to VR users before, but I genuinely don't care anymore—if any gruntled VR user is still reading, ask yourself WHY in the world should any indie developer get excited about putting their house on the line to make significant changes to their game to support a heavily fragmented platform for a single-digit percentage audience? This is especially difficult when the feature asked for is led by a vocal minority with utterly unrealistic expectations as if the title was designed as a VR-only game, and frequently shows a complete lack of understanding of what it takes to properly implement VR, also often paired with outright false perceptions of how the gaming business works.

On a personal level, the audacity of some hardcore VR fans calling me out for being patronizing while I genuinely wanted to openly share our reasoning about our business decision which was based on deep market research and our own internal data at the beginning of this thread—arguably quite rare in the gaming industry—was just the beginning. Meanwhile, we’re at a tipping point: the bridges are burned, and I couldn't genuinely care less about any business consequences due to not supporting VR in ES2. Even if the business decision might hurt my own pocket as is claimed throughout this thread, at this point, I am more concerned about protecting our team from toxic community feedback than delivering the next big VR title.


PS: This post has passed our PR police, so this is no joke!

Edit PPS: Adding some of my previous responses to the VR community for a more complete picture about our reasoning:
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正在显示第 661 - 675 条,共 2,028 条留言
Typhoon 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 6:45 
引用自 Edifier

Beat saber is popular, no doubt about that but Half-Life Alyx had way more players at launch than Beat Saber did. 10 times higher.

It's also important to note that according to those links you posted, it's estimated that up 300K more steam accounts actually own Beat Saber.

Again, this is only in Steam. As Orchestructive said, those figures don't account for people who own the Oculus Store or Quest versions.

Beat Saber has sold more copies overall.
Thundercleez 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 6:53 
引用自 ROCKFISH Games
and we haven't talked about VR users probably being more likely to participate in the Steam Hardware Survey than average PC gamer
Based on what? As a VR owner, I always opt out of the survey when it pops up.

引用自 ROCKFISH Games
If you want to do VR right, you have to look at it and treat it as an entirely new gaming platform.
It is great when that is done, but even just headset + a standard controller/keyboard support would be fantastic.
FanZeroEx 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 7:10 
引用自 dunninger
"Don't like it? Don't buy it - simple."
Totally agree.
Surely the same metric applies to: 'Don't like what people are saying - don't read it.'
Sure if you consider an optional feature in game as equal to one of the fundamental forms of communication. Also how do you know if you like what you read before reading it? By the way my post does not invalidate or dismiss the feature request or the discussion about it whatsoever. The question was raised and dev explained their stance rather thoroughly. And they even considering it after finishing the planned scope of the project. Throwing tantrums and insults help with the disccusion exactly how? Calling devs lazy, unskilled and so on will convince them to implement the feature? Declaring to not buy the game will magically make the devs to discard their initial plans? It's fine to disagree with decisions of the devs just not in a way some of the posters here do.
最后由 FanZeroEx 编辑于; 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 7:19
dunninger 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 7:22 
"Throwing tantrums and insults help with the disccusion exactly how? Calling devs lazy, unskilled and so on will convince them to implement the feature?"
' It's fine to disagree with decisions of the devs just not in a way some of the posters here do.'

Here, we are in total agreement. Therefore, I do not want to invalidate your point. However, this vitriol has come from both sides. I think we can agree on this also.
If I have no interest in an a particular aspect of gaming (I can think of many), I never feel the need to comment on it.
Again, I am in broad agreement with the point you made in your last post.
Treebs 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 8:04 
引用自 💎 Andy 💎
引用自 ROCKFISH Games
Funny how many ppl on this thread think they know so much better than we but have never developed a quality 3D space combat with optional VR support and had to deal with the marketing consequences/challenges when it's an official feature. Just saying... /Michael

The following is said with respect.
And is a direct reply to your post.

🥽1. But so many other developers have.
AAA, to indie, one-persons devs.
Space games, like- Star Wars Squadrons / Elite Dangerous /HOTDS / CDF star fighter / NO Mans Sky, etc, etc.
Car / Truck Games, like- Project Cars, (series) Dirt (series) Truck Simulator U.s and European. Asseto Corsa / Distance, and on and on.
So many other titles. like - ALYX, Subnautica, SuperHot, and so so many more.
All of Those, and all the other devs,
"brought the "optional VR support. And dealt with the marketing consequences/challenges."

🥽2. What is said in this thread, about the "big game engines UE4, and Unity bending over backwards to facilitate developers implementing VR" is a fact.

🥽3. MANY, not all... but many, people who bought ES1, and the fame / kudos attained for Rockfish was due, to VR.

🥽4. VR both in numbers sold, and progression in gaming, has come a long way since you guys launched ES1.

🥽5. Rockfish "obviously" have a dedicated following among the VR community from ES1.
Even from the "booming reaction" of those who have bothered to post on this thread alone,- (as we all know that not everyone posts on the forums, are anywhere near the numbers of those who just purchase "The games." on Steam)
And yet the (you) chose to completely ignore these fans / supporters of Rockfish, and your previous game.

🥽6. The sheer number of HMDs that were sold OUT, and on back order. And I do mean every single HMD from the Rift's to Valves own Index, And everything in between, this last year.
Things have changed, and are changing the "Mainstream status" of this technology..

🥽7. Whether from a financial, / loyalty, / and even a "future proofing stand point.
Whoever decided not to go the extra mile, and not to include VR in ES2, it was a faux pas.

🥽 8..
And just to make reference once more, to another team of talented devs like you guys.

Who made the same mistake... Just for comparison.
Lets look at the numbers.....

Subnautica, WITH - VR. (not motion controller, just game pad) VS the second game Subnautica "Sub zero" <--(there's a joke in there, but I will refrain.)
Just take a look at the WHOPPING! difference, in sales, reviews, AND degree of reviews.

Subnautica 1....... WITH - VR.
Release Date Jan 2018
(Only 1 year earlier than the second one below.)
And remember, they were an unknown.... Without the following that the second should have capitalized on.

145k (thats ---> One hundred and forty-five thousand) reviews.
(Circa 117k MORE reviews..- (Not sales, just reviews,) -than the second game when they dropped VR.)
All..." Overwhelmingly Positive"

Subnautica Sub Zero....... WITHOUT - VR.
Release Date Jan 2019.
28 (twenty-eight thousand) reviews (Again.. 117k less reviews than SN1)
And "very positive"

If this isn't a "cautionary tale" I'm not sure what is. 🤔

Agan all said with due respect.
I / we would not be here if I / we didnt love your work. But want it, / will purchase it, as it was in ES1... With the option of VR. 🥽

Exactly this. Well said and written. The developers pathetic response in this thread is quite sad really. This discussion should highlight to them how many people are passionate about their game and want to enjoy it at it's best (VR and a joystick). The VR market has doubled in size since the last game implemented VR, which they did a poor job with on the first game anyway.

If they actually invested in hiring people to implement VRt properly it would massively boost sales for the game and bring in a whole new audience. If they don't want to that's up to them ultimately but don't be so f*cking disrespectful to fans who are just asking for it to be considered.
colonelclick 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 8:32 

I was ready to buy today until I saw no VR support.
ROCKFISH Games  [开发者] 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 8:34 
引用自 Treebs
引用自 💎 Andy 💎

The following is said with respect.
And is a direct reply to your post.

🥽1. But so many other developers have.
AAA, to indie, one-persons devs.
Space games, like- Star Wars Squadrons / Elite Dangerous /HOTDS / CDF star fighter / NO Mans Sky, etc, etc.
Car / Truck Games, like- Project Cars, (series) Dirt (series) Truck Simulator U.s and European. Asseto Corsa / Distance, and on and on.
So many other titles. like - ALYX, Subnautica, SuperHot, and so so many more.
All of Those, and all the other devs,
"brought the "optional VR support. And dealt with the marketing consequences/challenges."

🥽2. What is said in this thread, about the "big game engines UE4, and Unity bending over backwards to facilitate developers implementing VR" is a fact.

🥽3. MANY, not all... but many, people who bought ES1, and the fame / kudos attained for Rockfish was due, to VR.

🥽4. VR both in numbers sold, and progression in gaming, has come a long way since you guys launched ES1.

🥽5. Rockfish "obviously" have a dedicated following among the VR community from ES1.
Even from the "booming reaction" of those who have bothered to post on this thread alone,- (as we all know that not everyone posts on the forums, are anywhere near the numbers of those who just purchase "The games." on Steam)
And yet the (you) chose to completely ignore these fans / supporters of Rockfish, and your previous game.

🥽6. The sheer number of HMDs that were sold OUT, and on back order. And I do mean every single HMD from the Rift's to Valves own Index, And everything in between, this last year.
Things have changed, and are changing the "Mainstream status" of this technology..

🥽7. Whether from a financial, / loyalty, / and even a "future proofing stand point.
Whoever decided not to go the extra mile, and not to include VR in ES2, it was a faux pas.

🥽 8..
And just to make reference once more, to another team of talented devs like you guys.

Who made the same mistake... Just for comparison.
Lets look at the numbers.....

Subnautica, WITH - VR. (not motion controller, just game pad) VS the second game Subnautica "Sub zero" <--(there's a joke in there, but I will refrain.)
Just take a look at the WHOPPING! difference, in sales, reviews, AND degree of reviews.

Subnautica 1....... WITH - VR.
Release Date Jan 2018
(Only 1 year earlier than the second one below.)
And remember, they were an unknown.... Without the following that the second should have capitalized on.

145k (thats ---> One hundred and forty-five thousand) reviews.
(Circa 117k MORE reviews..- (Not sales, just reviews,) -than the second game when they dropped VR.)
All..." Overwhelmingly Positive"

Subnautica Sub Zero....... WITHOUT - VR.
Release Date Jan 2019.
28 (twenty-eight thousand) reviews (Again.. 117k less reviews than SN1)
And "very positive"

If this isn't a "cautionary tale" I'm not sure what is. 🤔

Agan all said with due respect.
I / we would not be here if I / we didnt love your work. But want it, / will purchase it, as it was in ES1... With the option of VR. 🥽

Exactly this. Well said and written. The developers pathetic response in this thread is quite sad really. This discussion should highlight to them how many people are passionate about their game and want to enjoy it at it's best (VR and a joystick). The VR market has doubled in size since the last game implemented VR, which they did a poor job with on the first game anyway.

If they actually invested in hiring people to implement VRt properly it would massively boost sales for the game and bring in a whole new audience. If they don't want to that's up to them ultimately but don't be so f*cking disrespectful to fans who are just asking for it to be considered.

Well, we considered having optional VR in ES2, but we decided not to, and we even shared our reasoning in great detail. We don't expect anybody to agree, but how about respecting our business decision? /Michael
最后由 ROCKFISH Games 编辑于; 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 8:37
flyawayGR 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 8:36 
No VR support, no buy for me. Very sad.
Typhoon 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 8:46 
引用自 ROCKFISH Games
Well, we considered having optional VR in ES2, but we decided not to, and we even shared our reasoning in great detail. We don't expect anybody to agree, but how about respecting our business decision? /Michael

Just to clarify, have we gone from:
"We will be looking at VR again in 2022"
"we considered having optional VR in ES2, but we decided not to"
ROCKFISH Games  [开发者] 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 9:17 
引用自 Treebs
引用自 💎 Andy 💎

The following is said with respect.
And is a direct reply to your post.

🥽1. But so many other developers have.
AAA, to indie, one-persons devs.
Space games, like- Star Wars Squadrons / Elite Dangerous /HOTDS / CDF star fighter / NO Mans Sky, etc, etc.
Car / Truck Games, like- Project Cars, (series) Dirt (series) Truck Simulator U.s and European. Asseto Corsa / Distance, and on and on.
So many other titles. like - ALYX, Subnautica, SuperHot, and so so many more.
All of Those, and all the other devs,
"brought the "optional VR support. And dealt with the marketing consequences/challenges."

🥽2. What is said in this thread, about the "big game engines UE4, and Unity bending over backwards to facilitate developers implementing VR" is a fact.

🥽3. MANY, not all... but many, people who bought ES1, and the fame / kudos attained for Rockfish was due, to VR.

🥽4. VR both in numbers sold, and progression in gaming, has come a long way since you guys launched ES1.

🥽5. Rockfish "obviously" have a dedicated following among the VR community from ES1.
Even from the "booming reaction" of those who have bothered to post on this thread alone,- (as we all know that not everyone posts on the forums, are anywhere near the numbers of those who just purchase "The games." on Steam)
And yet the (you) chose to completely ignore these fans / supporters of Rockfish, and your previous game.

🥽6. The sheer number of HMDs that were sold OUT, and on back order. And I do mean every single HMD from the Rift's to Valves own Index, And everything in between, this last year.
Things have changed, and are changing the "Mainstream status" of this technology..

🥽7. Whether from a financial, / loyalty, / and even a "future proofing stand point.
Whoever decided not to go the extra mile, and not to include VR in ES2, it was a faux pas.

🥽 8..
And just to make reference once more, to another team of talented devs like you guys.

Who made the same mistake... Just for comparison.
Lets look at the numbers.....

Subnautica, WITH - VR. (not motion controller, just game pad) VS the second game Subnautica "Sub zero" <--(there's a joke in there, but I will refrain.)
Just take a look at the WHOPPING! difference, in sales, reviews, AND degree of reviews.

Subnautica 1....... WITH - VR.
Release Date Jan 2018
(Only 1 year earlier than the second one below.)
And remember, they were an unknown.... Without the following that the second should have capitalized on.

145k (thats ---> One hundred and forty-five thousand) reviews.
(Circa 117k MORE reviews..- (Not sales, just reviews,) -than the second game when they dropped VR.)
All..." Overwhelmingly Positive"

Subnautica Sub Zero....... WITHOUT - VR.
Release Date Jan 2019.
28 (twenty-eight thousand) reviews (Again.. 117k less reviews than SN1)
And "very positive"

If this isn't a "cautionary tale" I'm not sure what is. 🤔

Agan all said with due respect.
I / we would not be here if I / we didnt love your work. But want it, / will purchase it, as it was in ES1... With the option of VR. 🥽

Exactly this. Well said and written. The developers pathetic response in this thread is quite sad really. This discussion should highlight to them how many people are passionate about their game and want to enjoy it at it's best (VR and a joystick). The VR market has doubled in size since the last game implemented VR, which they did a poor job with on the first game anyway.

If they actually invested in hiring people to implement VRt properly it would massively boost sales for the game and bring in a whole new audience. If they don't want to that's up to them ultimately but don't be so f*cking disrespectful to fans who are just asking for it to be considered.

引用自 ROCKFISH Games
Well, we considered having optional VR in ES2, but we decided not to, and we even shared our reasoning in great detail. We don't expect anybody to agree, but how about respecting our business decision? /Michael

Just to clarify, have we gone from:
"We will be looking at VR again in 2022"
"we considered having optional VR in ES2, but we decided not to"
As you can read in the pinned response of this thread, we ruled out having optional VR in ES2, but that we will have a look at the topic after full release if a standalone, fully optimized VR version might be a good business decision, or rather spend our limited resources in adding more content and features to the "pancake" version.

To be brutally honest (I'm German, so sugarcoating is not in my genes, and I'm a big believer in clear messaging), given the ongoing controversy about how easy some individuals on this thread believe it would be to implement VR in a complex, AA space looter shooter RPG (because some random dude added VR to some random game in a day), therefore it must(!) be a free addition to the ES2 base game, but of course, it also must(!) work out of the box as if it was standalone VR game incl. supporting VR controllers (implying we otherwise would get hammered with negative reviews), we're not too excited about having VR in ES2 at all. /Michael
Typhoon 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 9:38 
引用自 ROCKFISH Games

To be brutally honest (I'm German, so sugarcoating is not in my genes, and I'm a big believer in clear messaging), given the ongoing controversy about how easy some individuals on this thread believe it would be to implement VR in a complex, AA space looter shooter RPG (because some random dude added VR to some random game in a day), therefore it must(!) be a free addition to the ES2 base game, but of course, it also must(!) work out of the box as if it was standalone VR game incl. supporting VR controllers (implying we otherwise would get hammered with negative reviews), we're not too excited about having VR in ES2 at all. /Michael

I understand frustration because there have been plenty of people in this thread making unreasonable comments and accusing while not paying attention to what's being pinned. You'll even see this morning I advocated for civil discussion because you said it could still be considered after V1.

I don't think anyone expects quality of a stand alone VR game with support for motion controls though, and anyone who is really doesn't understand what the game itself is about, just some head tracking support with a HMD like you're planning with TrackIR and like you did for the first game, like a companion to the alt-look in cockpit view.
ROCKFISH Games  [开发者] 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 10:14 
引用自 ROCKFISH Games
I understand frustration because there have been plenty of people in this thread making unreasonable comments and accusing while not paying attention to what's being pinned. You'll even see this morning I advocated for civil discussion because you said it could still be considered after V1.

I don't think anyone expects quality of a stand alone VR game with support for motion controls though, and anyone who is really doesn't understand what the game itself is about, just some head tracking support with a HMD like you're planning with TrackIR and like you did for the first game, like a companion to the alt-look in cockpit view.
Unfortunately, that was exactly one of the issues with the predecessor, and we've read "demanding full VR support incl. motion VR motion controllers" for ES2 in several places on the internet already. /Michael

Typhoon 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 10:32 
引用自 ROCKFISH Games
Unfortunately, that was exactly one of the issues with the predecessor, and we've read "demanding full VR support incl. motion VR motion controllers" for ES2 in several places on the internet already. /Michael

I'll concede from the standpoint of a VR functionality advocate that that's unrealistic.

We have controller, mouse and keyboard and HOTAS support. Really don't see why full motion tracking of controllers would be necessary at all, let alone an enjoyable control scheme.

I understand NMS uses motion controls, but NMS isn't a fast-paced arcade-style action space shooter. SW Squadrons and Elite Dangerous don't even incorporate motion controls.

Alas if you're still going to consider head tracking after the release of 1.0 that's good enough for me.
The_Free_Dom 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 10:36 
Partial VR support in the form of HMD compatibility would be a sale from me.
Fdruid 2021 年 1 月 20 日 上午 11:02 
引用自 ROCKFISH Games
Well, happy to share more background information and shed more light on our decision about not to support VR in Everspace 2 for the time being.

We recently pulled stats from the Steam Hardware Survey of the original Everspace owners, featuring optional VR support. The amount of VR headsets is less than 10% even though VR was a major selling point during our first Kickstarter in 2015 and the original Everspace being featured on the Steam front page together with other VR titles several times.

To make things worse for us as developers, only the top four most common VR headsets make up for 1% to 2% each and 6.5% combined; every other model is below 0.6%. Meaning, an already fairly small market is also heavily fragmented - and we haven't talked about VR users probably being more likely to participate in the Steam Hardware Survey than average PC gamers, so chances are the actual percentage is even lower.

In comparison to that, Xbox and PlayStation account for roughly 40% of the original Everspace's lifetime revenue (bearing in mind the game launched a year later on PS4).

In combination with the fact that a rock-solid VR port of Everspace 2 would require significantly more effort than porting the game to Xbox and PlayStation (we are talking about an investment of at least two man-years of development), plus all the marketing challenges that come with optional VR support (we already talked about those in detail), we hope that everyone can understand that we won't even be looking into making a VR version of Everspace 2 before its full release on PC and consoles in 2022.

If you want to do VR right, you have to look at it and treat it as an entirely new gaming platform. However, the significant technical and game design challenges of VR, in combination with a single-digit percentage and heavily fragmented install base, simply don't make a promising business case, at least for the next three years.

So, unless being backed by a VC, publisher or VR platform holder, chances are as an independent studio betting heavily on VR today, you will be out of business or weakened your position in your core market position that you have to go through a fire sale before you run out of cash if things don't go so well as planned (we have been there, not pretty.).

Now, I want to close this subject on a high note, though: We will be looking at VR again in 2022. But first, we have to deliver a rock-solid open-world space shooter RPG for PC and consoles which already is by far the biggest project we have ever worked on in over 27 years. And yes, we will support fully customizable HOTAS support as well as ultrawide and triple-screen setups, and TrackIR at some point during Steam Early Access.


Thanks for the response.

You're not willing to invest resorces in implementing VR, for whatever reasons. It's fine.

It's definitely one of the few reasons I would have bought this game and caught my interest.

So now I have this information I will probably wait for another sale for the first game and buy that one, really cheap. Or a game that does have the features I want. I might buy this game further down the line, when in 3 or four years it's on sale at a huge discount.
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发帖日期: 2019 年 8 月 19 日 下午 3:25
回复数: 2,028