eobet Oct 10, 2019 @ 2:03pm
Motion sickness when using gamepad to control camera
(Note: I bought this game on GOG, and I can start the same thread there, but I wonder if the developers are even able to keep up with the Steam forums...)

Controlling the character with a gamepad feels like walking on a tightrope because it swings around so wildly. Moving the camera manually with the right stick is even worse.

Could the developers please add perhaps a slider with camera smoothing speed so one can make it more sluggish, and also camera responsiveness so one can map movement 1:1 to the right stick, instead of the slight delay it seems to have now?
Originally posted by martin:
There should be a "Calibrate" option in the second row of the remapping menu at the top! You should be able to set a deadzone for the controller there I think - is this not what you meant?
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
76561198381440847  [developer] Oct 10, 2019 @ 2:05pm 
Does changing your control stick sensitivity do anything to help? You can find those settings in the remapping menu under settings.
eobet Oct 10, 2019 @ 2:10pm 
Originally posted by martin:
Does changing your control stick sensitivity do anything to help? You can find those settings in the remapping menu under settings.

Thank you for the reply!

Unfortunately, no, because you have no "dead zone" for when to start turning the camera when you are running straight ahead, and I can't aim that well, which means that the camera constantly shifts direction left and right when I try to run straight ahead.

So, my workaround for now it to always run in a slight very large arc (a slow slalom almost), so the camera never changes direction unless I explicitly want it to.

Still have no workaround for the unresponsive right-stick (which is the only thing that the remapping menu seems to have affected, but not in a good way).
Last edited by eobet; Oct 10, 2019 @ 2:11pm
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
76561198381440847  [developer] Oct 10, 2019 @ 2:12pm 
There should be a "Calibrate" option in the second row of the remapping menu at the top! You should be able to set a deadzone for the controller there I think - is this not what you meant?
eobet Oct 10, 2019 @ 2:18pm 
Originally posted by martin:
There should be a "Calibrate" option in the second row of the remapping menu at the top! You should be able to set a deadzone for the controller there I think - is this not what you meant?

Ok, I haven't calibrated input for a game since when we moved from serial port joysticks to usb gamepads! :D When I entered that menu, everything looked fine so I didn't change anything, but wow did something happen when I exited it!

The game feels completely different now, and completely fine! Very weird, but something absolutely changed. Thank you for pointing out the menu to me! I don't think I did anything, but it's like a whole different game now.

I saw one other review on GOG that mentioned becoming motion sick from the controls, so perhaps they experienced the same thing I did?
Last edited by eobet; Oct 10, 2019 @ 2:23pm
Twirlbound  [developer] Jun 24, 2020 @ 4:05am 
Hey all, it's been a while, but perhaps the removal of camera smoothing that we did in patch 8 makes things better! Basically we always smoothed the camera which made things very flowy:

A fix for that, and much more, came with patch 8!

We hope you like it, thanks for the feedback :)
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