Torchlight II

Torchlight II

Combine Them All
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Bandit  [developer] May 8, 2013 @ 8:22pm
Frequently Asked Questions
Since there are quite a few mods in this pack I went through the trouble of putting this FAQ together to answer peoples more common questions.

It's my first time loading a Mod, and you are the one I chose. But now I load your mod and my savefiles are gone!
This seems like a fairly easy mistake, You simply have not made a copy of your regular savefiles and moved them into your MODSAVE folder. Go to C:\Users\username\Documents\my games\runic games\torchlight 2 and find the "save" folder and copy its contents into your "modsave" folder. There you go, savefiles ready to play with mods.

Where is my pet inventory?
This often has to do with other Inventory mods modifying the same pet files as this mod. Make sure that you are using a compatible version of inventory mods. Currently there are Bigger Inventory and BigBagMod.

Should I back up my save file before installing this modpack?
Yes, please go to the folder named C:\Users\YourUsernameHere\Documents\my games\runic games\torchlight 2\ and find the "modsave" folder. Copy the entire folder, and paste it right on top of itself to create "modsave - Copy" folder.

Will this mod bind to my save?
Not all users of this mod will bind to their savefile. Anyone who has used a custom skin or non default model for their class will likely be bound. Any custom items included in this mod will dissapear if you load into the character without CTA active. But this does not guarantee the mod will not bind. Once again for this reason it is important to backup your savefile, and move inventory to your stash before adding or removing this mod.

My potions and fish are missing, where did they go?
When transfering between Modifications to loot color or stack size you will lose items unless they are placed within your stash. Please back up your save file before making any adjustments to your mod's and also transfer your items from pet and player inventory to the stash.

Why can I not see my pet's amulet and rings?
The pet inventory portion of Pet and Fishing Overhaul was removed to keep the Modpack compatible with Bigger Inventory and BigBagMod. You always have the option of loading PET AND FISHING OVERHAUL ABOVE this mod to get those inventory slots.

Can you please add X classes balance changes?
This mod pack will not be used to combine balance changes for specific classes.

Where did my side buttons go?
The side buttons are set to hide automatically when you leave town and enter combat. To enable them to stay at all times check the box in the upper righthand corner of your minimap.

How do I get a respec?
This pack has included in it modifications to the Respec NPC that provide FULL RESPEC to anyone who unlearns all 6 recent skills and then performs a "meditation" at the NPC. This mod also provides the ability to purchase respec potions at the general merchant inventory for a hefty price as well as inside of your shopping list.

Where are the special fish made available in Pet and Fishing Overhaul?
The powerful buff fish made available in the Pet and Fishing Overhaul are available in acts 2 and beyond at the Collector of fine goods. Apollo fish is available at any general merchant.

When I transfer gold using goldfish, I am getting a 50% return rate. Why am I losing gold?
This has to do with synergies and the way it doubles the value you receive from vendoring items. With SynergiesMod installed you should receive 1:1 ratio for transferring your gold from one character to the other.

Are there modifications to the merchants?
Yes there are several modifications to the merchants in this Modpack, Most importantly there is an assortment of Spell Scrolls, Powerful Buff fish and Gems available for purchase at the Collector of Fine Goods NPC's in acts 2 and beyond. The general merchant will now sell resistance flasks in all acts, as well as a variable chance for a few spell scrolls.

When I hit resume, I don't get the option to go Multiplayer what gives?
The mod Fast resume and quit makes exiting and resuming your single player game much much more fluid. This means anyone who wishes to play multiplayer would need to use the LOAD button and select the character they wish to load, then select Multiplayer or LAN to create or join a game.

Why are the traveling Merchants/Enchanters never leaving?
This is a feature implemented with "Enchanters Stay Put" which keeps those little fellas around when you need them.

If I use Bottled Speed from the Collector of Fine Goods, will I be able to change my mind later?
No. Once used, the effect is permanent.

What is the stack size implemented in the mod?
All consumables have been increased to 500 max stacks.

Where can I go to get my gear socketed?
There is an NPC at every Town HUB that will allow you to socket your items up to a max of 5 sockets in the maproom. Look for Sockets the flaming skull in each town, and the troll in the maproom.

I'm not used to the overlay colors, whats going on!!!
The red hue items are unable to be equiped, while yellow hue items are unidentified. Any items that do not have a color hue are equipable items.

I have a hard time getting the loot I want. Is there any way of getting a specific item?
Lucky for you there are recipe in place at the transmutation NPC, 3 socketed Unique items and 1 socketed rare item of the desired type will result in 1 socketed unique item of the same type as the rare item, rolled at an average level of all 4 used. I hope this helps your luck!

I am sick of having to push the Map KEYBIND 10 times to go from minimap to overlay map then toggle through the rest and back to minimap!
You and Me both! Luckily Map Key Binds solves this problem with keybinds for toggle or hold conditions. Personally I love to HOLD m button to have the overlay pop up in the center screen and then return to minimap when I release the m button.

What do I do with all these gems!?
There is a upgrade recipe for not only Fish but Gems. 3 of one item to upgrade to the next tier.

Why is my pet making strange repetitive motions in the background while I have quest NPC dialoge open?
This is a visual flicker the NPC do while the game is in a PAUSE state, and it is caused by the Safe Dialogues mod. It will allow you to take your time while at npc dialogues and you will not be killed.
Last edited by Bandit; May 26, 2013 @ 1:36pm