Dota 2
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Spectre_Dark Gabriel set
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Belt_Spectre_Dark Gabriel set
Tạo bởi X-MANTA 中国的刀友们 可以到这个地址观看展示视频,上传以后清晰度受到了影响,请见谅,呵呵 Hi everybody,I'm GreyskyS, and this suit is what I've done for Spectre,...
Head_Spectre_Dark Gabriel set
Tạo bởi X-MANTA 中国的刀友们 可以到这个地址观看展示视频,上传以后清晰度受到了影响,请见谅,呵呵 Hi everybody,I'm GreyskyS, and this suit is what I've done for Spectre,...
Misc_Spectre_Dark Gabriel set
Tạo bởi X-MANTA 中国的刀友们 可以到这个地址观看展示视频,上传以后清晰度受到了影响,请见谅,呵呵 Hi everybody,I'm GreyskyS, and this suit is what I've done for Spectre,...
Shoulder_Spectre_Dark Gabriel set
Tạo bởi X-MANTA Hi everybody,I'm GreyskyS, and this suit is what I've done for Spectre, The special design named Drak Gabriel. I hope everybody like it. if you think it's good ...
Weapon_Spectre_Dark Gabriel set_ weapon
Tạo bởi X-MANTA 中国的刀友们 可以到这个地址观看展示视频,上传以后清晰度受到了影响,请见谅,呵呵 Hi everybody,I'm GreyskyS, and this suit is what I've done for Spectre,...
Trong 8 bộ sưu tập tạo bởi X-MANTA
For EH_Gold inlaid with jade set
13 vật phẩm
The scarlet devil eyes set
16 vật phẩm
The fire cat set for ember spirit
14 vật phẩm
Seals of the Ancient Dragons 龙纹妖甲
13 vật phẩm
High Elves set for War Hammer
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The bringer of plagues
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Davy Jones set
13 vật phẩm
Siren set
15 vật phẩm