Dota 2
Boiling Blood Berserker
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Set of 7 items for Alchemist.
Genstande (7)
Boiling Blood Berserker - Blades
Skabt af Hawkseye
The Boiling Blood Ogres gladly share their warriors' armor with their own kind, even if they are accompanied by small, weak creatures....
Boiling Blood Berserker - Armor
Skabt af Hawkseye
The Boiling Blood Ogres gladly share their warriors' armor with their own kind, even if they are accompanied by small, weak creatures....
Boiling Blood Berserker - Flasks
Skabt af Hawkseye
The Boiling Blood Ogres gladly share their warriors' armor with their own kind, even if they are accompanied by small, weak creatures....
Boiling Blood Berserker - Hat
Skabt af Hawkseye
The Boiling Blood Ogres gladly share their warriors' armor with their own kind, even if they are accompanied by small, weak creatures....
Boiling Blood Berserker - Claws
Skabt af Hawkseye
The Boiling Blood Ogres gladly share their warriors' armor with their own kind, even if they are accompanied by small, weak creatures....
Boiling Blood Berserker - Robe
Skabt af Hawkseye
The Boiling Blood Ogres gladly share their warriors' armor with their own kind, even if they are accompanied by small, weak creatures....
Boiling Blood Berserker - Spikes
Skabt af Hawkseye
The Boiling Blood Ogres gladly share their warriors' armor with their own kind, even if they are accompanied by small, weak creatures....