Dota 2
The Void's Maw
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A full set for Outworld Devourer / Outworld Destroyer.

This is a remake of a set I made for the polycount contest back in November.
Przedmioty (4)
Helm of the Void's Maw
Autor: mrpresident
Part of a set for Outworld Devourer / Outworld Destroyer. This is a remake of a set I made for the polycount contest back in November....
Armor of the Void's Maw
Autor: mrpresident
Part of a set for Outworld Devourer / Outworld Destroyer. This is a remake of a set I made for the polycount contest back in November....
Wings of the Void's Maw
Autor: mrpresident
Part of a set for Outworld Devourer / Outworld Destroyer. This is a remake of a set I made for the polycount contest back in November....
Staff of the Void's Maw
Autor: mrpresident
Part of a set for Outworld Devourer / Outworld Destroyer. This is a remake of a set I made for the polycount contest back in November....