Portal 2
Revenge of the Sentinels
36 opmerkingen
danne11man 9 nov 2016 om 13:54 
Sorry but this is not a real puzzle for me.
jam.lab1 17 jul 2015 om 6:31 
Fun little game.
40ozKilla 25 mei 2015 om 23:46 
Ad some check points to the map. I made it rather easily all the way to the end only to hit a blind laser field on the final jump. Right back to the beginning. That aint fun. Otherwise decent.
Petutski 4 nov 2014 om 17:12 
Nicely done! Nice surprise return to the beginning!
Garunas 14 okt 2013 om 6:56 
Awesome test chamber. Can you try mine? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=180312984
stormsend 7 sep 2013 om 11:29 
Enjoyed killing turrets. Nice design.
Here's one of mine . Test it for me when you grt time. Thanks.
asminahipi 22 aug 2013 om 5:41 
buen trabajo,gracias
daloboy 17 aug 2013 om 23:01 
Well design and smooth!
Here is one of mine ! Please test and comment. Thanks.
DeathWish808 17 aug 2013 om 10:33 
I did a blind playthrough of 11 maps I added randomly from the front page and this was one of them. Look in description to see what order they were played in if you want to skip to yours.

Spoiler video: http://youtu.be/nAmNbLahbHc
Bad_Aim 14 aug 2013 om 10:53 
I like killing turrets :)
comedy gaming: vince vanquish 13 aug 2013 om 18:11 
☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him
/▌ all over the workshop
/ \ so he can take over. :p2aperture:
Raviable 13 aug 2013 om 14:56 
i love this game
Slordar 13 aug 2013 om 12:09 
☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him
/▌ all over the workshop
/ \ so he can take over
ZAEROS 13 aug 2013 om 5:30 
Tricksy jump at the end, very clever,Thank you.
FrigidOfDoom 12 aug 2013 om 19:39 
more like revenge of the test subject lol

but cool test!
FrigidOfDoom 12 aug 2013 om 19:39 
more like revenge of the test subject lol

but cool test!
Mozar 12 aug 2013 om 15:28 
use the cube as a box to skip the last part. shoot portal over that robot wedge thing
FALLMX 12 aug 2013 om 9:46 
☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him
/▌ all over the workshop
/ \ so he can take over
CrozB  [auteur] 11 aug 2013 om 21:12 
Thanks to everybody who has given positive feedback or helpful tips! Just posted the latest installment in The Sentinel Wars series: Sentinels- The Breach . It incorporates more puzzle elements than most of my other chambers in this series. Let me know what you think and enjoy!
Agricola 11 aug 2013 om 16:32 
Another moderate easy level utilising the usual standard techniques to get through.
Phrendon 11 aug 2013 om 14:35 
i like killing turrets
Mylodexist 11 aug 2013 om 10:04 
Fun overall, good "hint" at start (turret)..there are only 2 flaws wich interupt the portal feeling. 1 the chamber where you have the 2 buttons, isn't clear...alot of trial and error, since the right side has a hole aswel, but you just get shot down there..since you can't see clear through the "fence", i'd say..may it clear that the left side is "safe zone" or remove the right side there. 2. the place where you have to jump with the cube, make it without timing, or place the button closer (you don't hear the ticks well) wich occur in a sudden screen pop. furthermore, interesting map.
Robolovsky 11 aug 2013 om 7:25 
Clever and fun. Don't know why people are mopaning about the last jump. You don'thave to jump over the panel at all. You just need to get fire a portal into the room where you dropped the cube. Simples!
DXGames 11 aug 2013 om 2:38 
Tekken7 10 aug 2013 om 23:31 
Species5009 10 aug 2013 om 13:08 
I really liked the most of the the test chamber, however, the last jump is a pain the arse and ruins the rest of the test.
Xebulin 9 aug 2013 om 13:22 
I guess you don't like turrets.. Just like me >:D
CrozB  [auteur] 9 aug 2013 om 6:22 
CrozB  [auteur] 8 aug 2013 om 8:01 
@nicklonium Will check out your chamber. Thanks for the feedback. That's a good idea.If I have any more repairs or improvements to make I will definitely take the time to implement your idea.
nicklonium 8 aug 2013 om 7:21 
That was quite entertaining even if it mainly amounted to killing turrets with a bit of puzzle in certain places. I rather liked the exploding turrets room, I use a similar technique in my chamber Strontium. The only criticism I can come up with (other than to perhaps improve the puzzle side of things), is to replace the angled panel blocking the final jump with a clear angled panel so the player can easily see there's a laser grid behind it that will kill them if they don't time the jump appropriately, just a minor issue though.

I've got a little collection of chambers going and I'm always interested in feedback on each chamber or the collection as a whole. I'd be grateful if you'd have a look:
raycelbelmond 8 aug 2013 om 3:39 
Basic bur fun. Try one of mine Maybe ''Katie'' or ''Denis'' Raycelbelmond
CrozB  [auteur] 7 aug 2013 om 21:40 
Please check out some of my other "Sentinel" chambers. They're pretty fun and I had fun making them. (Only try "Sentinels- The Final Battle" if you have the time and courage! Seriously, it's really long.)

@epicbro Thanks for the feedback. Definitely want to shut down any unintended ways of getting through the chamber. I WILL BE PUBLISHING AN UPDATE TO FIX THIS MOMENTARILY.

@amadeus Thanks for the feedback. Tried to come up with some unconventional ways of taking out the sentinels but I definitely stuck to the classics in a lot of this chamber. Glad you had fun!
LudusMachinae 7 aug 2013 om 16:20 
at the start u can infanate fall then portal netxt to my portal and fly up to get in the "end" kill the turret grab the cube and be on my way
David 6 aug 2013 om 18:25 
Fun and unique but the same concept was used over and over ( momentum with one on floor on high 90 degrees to it ). Some of the ways they died was pretty good.
Kilted One 6 aug 2013 om 15:17 
subscribed today...will try to play soon
MariodoBairro 3 aug 2013 om 13:35 
this is science