Portal 2
74 件のコメント
Petutski 2018年11月20日 20時07分 
Very sneaky, but fun. Thanks!
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2017年9月9日 22時27分 
Again, don't worry yourself about it. You're not the worst thinker I've seen, I already told you about that one guy in the V3Ryan Test comments section.

I was literally pulling at my hair watching that guy, good GLaD. Wow.
Wolffman109 2017年9月9日 21時04分 
Thanks for the help! I honestly didn't make the connection with the Discouragement Redirection Cube. I apologize profusely for my utter stupidity.
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2017年9月9日 18時40分 
I'll give you the same hint I gave to a guy several years ago;

Laser, bomb, kaboom.
Wolffman109 2017年9月9日 9時51分 
Once I got to the front of the train, I didn't know what to do. Are you supposed to go to the front? And are the cubes needed for anything?
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2016年4月10日 7時05分 
No. Why do people always ask for that on my oldest and cruddiest maps?

Here's my flat-out reason for saying no, loud and clear;
This map is old, worthless in both content and concept, and making it co-op would have virtually no purpose. No advantages, no disadvantages, nothing. All it would do is allow another person to play in the map simultaneously with you, and even so, the map itself isn't even all that interesting.

And don't give me that But it's really good! nonsense, because this map is not good.
🍪 -Daisy- 🍪 2016年4月10日 4時00分 
please make this coop
tractor time 2015年6月24日 5時50分 
oh jokes
tractor time 2015年6月24日 5時49分 
and you have been in suspension for NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2015年6月23日 21時36分 
When I made it aeons ago, I got the idea and wanted to see if I could create this. Looking back, it's not the best, but it gets the job done.

Fun fact, the train's interior is based after the Excess Express from Paper Mario and the Thousand-Year Door.
tractor time 2015年6月23日 18時29分 
one more thing, i kinda like this map, its cool
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2015年6月23日 17時33分 
There we are! That's a good lad. Spiffing! Do keep that up.

If you wish to post twenty comments to voice five opinions, I'm sure some random other level creators on the workshop would not mind. Take someone who's currently frontpaged.
tractor time 2015年6月23日 17時30分 
fine,i will try and stop the comment spam, atleast on your creation pages
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2015年6月23日 17時24分 
Please stop with the multiple comments thing, I'm getting a migrane. No, not actually, but please stop, consolidate your thoughts into one single comment. Two tops, at a time. I already have a flying vehicle map of sorts, my Hoverboard testmap, already posted here on the workshop. It's rather quite old and merely makes use of a glitch, but it counts as a flying vehicle of sorts.
tractor time 2015年6月23日 16時45分 
also, i think i know where you got the super 8 train modles from, the train crash scene
tractor time 2015年6月23日 16時39分 
people noclip your maps just to explore or find secrets
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2015年6月23日 16時37分 
Because mapping magic.

In reality, the interior and exterior of the train are not existent in the same exact location. They are in two separate locations, linked by an entity called a linked_portal_door, which is like a portal but square, and also variable in size.

Also, why does everyone always seem to want to use noclip on my non-test chamber maps?
tractor time 2015年6月23日 16時26分 
how does that even make sense,visible on the inside and invisible outside
tractor time 2015年6月23日 16時25分 
i tried using noclip to see what the locomotive looked like but it dissapeared
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2015年6月20日 15時16分 
That's not the point. The train isn't real, it's fake. That's why after the bomb blows, the sky disappears. It's why the track view outside the front window turns to the bowels of Aperture, because it's not actually outside on a track, it's in Aperture, in a virtual reality room, sticking out through a wall over an abyss.

To reiterate; That's not the point of the map; the train is FAKE.
Oldtrain1 2015年6月20日 7時31分 
make the train DRIVABLE and STOPABLE. p.s. ecsept if the bomb blows then it WON'T be stopable. THEN i will give you a THUMBS UP OK. p.s.s. please plz pleassssssssssssssssssse
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2015年5月24日 17時35分 
If you want to see a proper TARDIS, look at my map sp_neon_tardis. You will not be disappointed.
Espy Foxx 2015年5月24日 16時48分 
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2014年11月22日 16時54分 
No, because 2 reasons;
1) This map is old, and not really worth anything to me anymore.
2) Having it as multiplayer would serve no real purpose, as there's nothing more you could do with an extra player.
...also, because Atlas and P-Body have already been used as decoration elements in the map.
Scientist 2014年11月22日 15時33分 
Can you make a multiplayer version?
bonkrood 2014年8月28日 19時08分 
I liked it. :)
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2014年8月25日 19時13分 
It's not a chamber. Does it say it's a chamber? No, it doesn't. And having fun in a map like this is all based on perspective.

Also, *looking *at
Swedish Firefighter 2014年8月25日 14時25分 
this is a half good locking "chamber" But no fun att all.
TheGibberishGuy 2014年7月7日 2時01分 
Ignore the last comment. That was my little brother.
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2014年7月5日 16時32分 
...because they were just sitting there?
Available for use?
Easily within reaching distance with a 5-inch twig?

Also, because back then, I wanted to do this?
Remember, this was posted on Jan 23, 2013.
TheGibberishGuy 2014年7月5日 16時04分 
Why would YOU use the props from the interactive trailer Super 8?
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2014年5月27日 19時25分 
It's a short map. Maps that I tag with "sp_" in the title are short, one-off maps.

If you need me to spell out the solution for you, mouse over the following mass of black bars:
Go to the cube-filled train cart outside the train and rummage around until you find a laser redirection cube. Take that cube into the train all the way to the engine, and after the Defective Turret driver blows himself up, use the cube to direct the newly turned on laser into the bomb on the console. The pushbar door at the entry point of the map will then be open. Go back and pop through that to finish the map.
[TRJ] The Uber Medic 2014年5月27日 7時23分 
wait does the train move or is it a short map
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2014年5月26日 16時48分 
"In case you get stuck, just think; there's a laser and a bomb in the locomotive, and there's a whole cartful of cubes. Hmm..." ~ The Description
[TRJ] The Uber Medic 2014年5月26日 11時42分 
i cant do anything can someone help me
super Girl 2014年5月17日 16時49分 
i know :)
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2014年5月15日 16時41分 
I'm joking, you know I am.
What's life without a joke now and then?
Doesn't have to be a good one, but it's still a joke.
super Girl 2014年5月15日 13時52分 
I:( really?
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2014年5月12日 20時19分 
You get magical powers and are able to save Wheatley from space.
super Girl 2014年5月12日 14時59分 
what happens if a go near the creepy guy?
ashquarky 2013年10月16日 22時59分 
Nup, had Authoring Tools installed for ages. Oh well...
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2013年10月16日 20時10分 
Maybe install the Portal 2 Authoring Tools, if you haven't already.
If all else fails, take the pen and paper in front of you and write a letter to Aperture. Good luck.
ashquarky 2013年10月16日 0時19分 
My game crashes when loading this map D: I can load all of your other maps fine... Any ideas?
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2013年9月21日 10時55分 
It's all about thorough investigation of your environment. If you're not one to be observant, then as the Announcer says, "God help you."
The Sojourner 2013年9月21日 0時18分 
Interesting...as a concept (but could you please make the redirecton cube more obvious???).
dragonboy304 2013年7月24日 18時06分 
thanks for that comment about the train
disleksik toestur 2013年7月22日 21時42分 
DESCRIPTION? :D D: I don't get it.
Anachronistic ALLOS  [作成者] 2013年7月22日 10時26分 
A Defective Turret. Thus he always fudges things up, which is why he accidentally lasers himself to death. I'm starting to suspect you haven't played the main single-player of Portal 2, because some of the things you're asking are basic knowledge to a Portal 2 player.

Here, let me answer all future questions about Portal 2:
76561198051046610 2013年7月22日 8時33分 
What kind of turret is in the train?
lucaro 2013年5月9日 12時21分