Portal 2
Piece of Cake: Magnitude I (Easy)
58 opmerkingen
ClosetHomophobe 28 sep 2022 om 4:47 
Thumbs up! I would say "brilliant" but I do not want to irritate the "too easy" crowd/ Solved after walking away and accidentally noticing that the cubes were of different types,,,,,, On to the advanced puzzle.... Goosebumps.....
Nobody No-One 8 jul 2018 om 22:06 
Fun map. Looked intimidating at first but it was indeed pretty easy. I did it the same way as jgaultney rather than putting the reflector cube in the cube button and aiming it at the catcher .
bullfrog 8 mei 2018 om 1:55 
Great puzzle; I really enjoyed that. OK; pretty easy, but it still required thinking through. I looked at @nock’s playthrough - I did it like this! I assume @nock’s solution is the intended method, as the way I did it required more steps that where unnecessary?
Almisuifre 2 mrt 2017 om 16:11 
Nope, you can't croutch under the exit fizzler. Yep, the cube is blocking the laser... ^^
There's an inelegant way to get the cube : once it's vertically dragged by the funnel, portal the unused surface at the exact same time the cube is crossing portals .
But something is telling me that it's better to solve it intended to be prepared for the next ones.
metadavid 7 dec 2016 om 12:53 
Very nice map!
nock 8 jun 2016 om 7:47 
So my viewers tasked me with these maps on stream - Here's my blind run of this map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cRJcP7fCCQ

I'll post videos for the others as an when they are finished / rendered . . . =)
zwan33 18 feb 2016 om 13:36 
I was kind of worrying about my sanity, since I didn't see, that the glass wall ends below the ceiling for quite some time and thus coudn't figure out the solution to this 'easy' puzzle.
tu7650x 17 aug 2015 om 17:42 
Nice little puzzzle. very enjoyable
dire.fcs 4 aug 2015 om 3:29 
Nice well designed easy version.
toncica  [auteur] 3 aug 2015 om 19:32 
Thanks. Since it's more work it's not a problem for this easy map.
jgaultney 3 aug 2015 om 19:24 
The second solution can be done without any cube tossing although tossing would save
at least one round-trip to the other end of the map :) The choice would be to either toss
the weighted cube or re-spawn/re-fetch it.
toncica  [auteur] 3 aug 2015 om 18:19 
Interesting, I didn't think of that. Was there cube throwing involved for that solution?
jgaultney 3 aug 2015 om 14:15 
An easy but fun puzzle. I read through the comments and saw that nobody mentioned that
there is a second, final cube arrangement for solving the puzzle, but it does take more work:)
Regular cube on button in front of exit and reflector cube on floor
beneath that white ceiling panel :D
Petutski 28 mei 2015 om 12:28 
Beautiful map with lots of logical interactions. Thanks!
ami 9 apr 2015 om 7:59 
hahaha,this is kengdie
ami 9 apr 2015 om 7:58 
no logic.
PixysDad 7 jan 2015 om 22:01 
Excellent puzzle from the perspective that no ninja or extreme timing skills are required, merely logic and being observant to figure out what to do, however, calling this puzzle "easy" is definitely a stretch IMHO.
stormsend 27 okt 2014 om 16:14 
Good sense of accomplishment even though it was, as you said, easy. I figured I better start the three here. Thanks for the fun.
pmcoz 30 sep 2014 om 2:20 
Loved it. Gave a good sense of satisfaction to solve it. But if this is the 'easy' version, I'm not sure I'll try the others! :)
DeathWish808 6 sep 2013 om 9:45 
Dogman15 29 aug 2013 om 2:36 
So cryptic.
toncica  [auteur] 28 aug 2013 om 23:23 
Again, use the tool that you have available to do that. You can't turn off the fizzler, it's permanent.
Dogman15 28 aug 2013 om 23:17 
I can't get the standard cube out of its room because of the emancipation grill, and I don't know how to turn it off. I'll attempt this puzzle again tomorrow, if I can.
toncica  [auteur] 28 aug 2013 om 23:08 
@Dogman15, one thing at a time. You won't be able to catch the falling cube yourself, but you can use the funnel to catch it. First you deal with the standard cube, then it will become possible to get the redirection cube as well.
Dogman15 28 aug 2013 om 22:05 
After reading what Demon Arisen said in the spoiler text, this puzzle makes a centigram level more sense, but I don't understand how you're supposed to catch the falling laser redirection cube after pressing the first pedestal button. There's an aerial faith plate that launches you through the path of the falling box, but it takes too long to walk there.
Demon Arisen 28 aug 2013 om 4:41 
@toncica. Thanks!
toncica  [auteur] 28 aug 2013 om 4:40 
Nope, it's as easy as that. Please continue to the other version(s), it should get cleverer there. :)
Demon Arisen 28 aug 2013 om 2:20 
Great puzzle, I like the different textures on the black surfaces. However, I'm not sure I solved the chamber the intended way as I simply placed the laser cube on the cube button and pointed it towards the catcher I have a feeling the intended solution was far cleverer....
Dogman15 26 aug 2013 om 3:26 
I just lost one of my test chambers I created, in a way (only just this hour). http://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/1l3y18/i_accidentally_saved_over_one_of_my_portal_2_test/ I'm kind of depressed about that right now, so I don't feel like solving anything, creating anything, or editing any of my puzzles for a while. I'm sorry.
toncica  [auteur] 26 aug 2013 om 3:20 
Nah, you're just confused because the cubes aren't conveniently placed right where you need them. Think with portals to put the cubes and yourself into the right position.
Dogman15 26 aug 2013 om 3:13 
Yeah, I tried this two days ago too, and I couldn't figure it out. Call me stupid.
toncica  [auteur] 23 aug 2013 om 6:19 
Some changes were long overdue. Updated: removed one useless portal surface, fixed loop holes, reversing the funnel is now mandatory, streamlined intended path.
toncica  [auteur] 2 aug 2013 om 14:15 
Nice. I wasn't aware of that way to retrieve the cube. It probably won't be a help on the other maps so no harm done I guess. You obviously really want to break the puzzle, so I'm curious how Magnitude III will do. ;)
Prototype 2 aug 2013 om 5:33 
By the sounds of it I tried a similar trick to Hazelton, except I threw the cube instead of jumping out and it worked. Here's my (sortof, I died within seconds the first time) blind run: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxk0elr8qd8ces8/pieceofcake_easy.dem I intend to solve the other maps, so I'll see if that trick works there.
wildgoosespeeder 13 mrt 2013 om 12:21 
A fun map. Clever design.
toncica  [auteur] 6 mrt 2013 om 13:03 
You will be happy to hear that you're not being put into that silly situation again if you continue to play the other maps. ;)
The funnel is not necessary here, this is just a toned down version of the real challenge, Magnitude III (very hard), I found it best to leave the funnel in this version so the player gets used to it. Less information to digest later on if you start with the easy map.
Hazelton 6 mrt 2013 om 11:27 
OK, I beat it. But you would not believe the silly way I first attempted to get the cube past the force field. Let's just say it's hard to aim whilst falling... ^.^

Anyway, it was a clever puzzle, if somewhat straightforward. The button which change the polarity of the tractor beam was not necessary. Was it a misdirecting element?
krikritof 21 feb 2013 om 16:13 
Cool, liked it :)
mood3rd 19 feb 2013 om 9:15 
good map.
took a bit of time to notice the portable area on the cieling.
but then it flowed.
no blue funel needed.
good puzzle.
I liked the fact that we could see the exit at the begining.
& the map seemed imposible, at 1st
good visualy

please try a map from my workshop:
toncica  [auteur] 8 feb 2013 om 22:04 
Where did you throw the cube? No such thing was planned for the solution.
th3gargoyl3 8 feb 2013 om 15:30 
Once you know you have to throw a cube, it's such a relief!
toncica  [auteur] 7 dec 2012 om 19:10 
In the next level you might want to use it, or in the third.
1980 7 dec 2012 om 19:07 
i don't understand why the blue tractor beam exists. I didn't use it.
^8[^0G.^1E.^3R.^8]-Eisenfresser 26 nov 2012 om 21:51 
good job
binary_spider 25 nov 2012 om 21:24 
It was very frustrating in the beginning... Once I saw how to do the first step, it flowed nicely. Good job, but maybe make the first step easier to see?
Mr_Bernard 25 nov 2012 om 20:30 
Very cool. On to the other two!
Aykut ( Dreamer) 24 nov 2012 om 8:20 
Solved, after playing the third and than second chambers, at first. Now this was really easy. I have run through this chamber qiucklier than sonic the hedhog ^^ I think i would spend more time if i would play this at first. However, players should try each of these chambers to prof their own skills. Nice trilogie, thx
toncica  [auteur] 22 nov 2012 om 10:44 
@yavie, Very nice observation! It is true, reversing the funnel is not necessary and thus I could have removed that button. I thought about it and decided to leave it that way because if people play the next map they are already used to it and that is one less new information to digest. The increase of difficulty in the next map is already shocking enough I guess.
Yavie 22 nov 2012 om 10:33 
I've also trained myself to look up (and like you, toncica, many times can't see what's right in front of me because of it haha) but this one took me a bit (: Really loved this map. Not sure why I might have needed to reverse the funnel though, I didn't need to do it... ? <-- not really a spoiler, but never know (;
Wrathful Monk 22 nov 2012 om 10:25 
ok i'm really stupid if it only took you 15 mins... but i got there Great Puzzle