Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Showing 1-10 of 16 entries
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Update: Nov 3, 2016 @ 2:07pm

- Fixed exploit where you could trap Headless Horseman in place
- Fixed some door frames from being able to shoot through them
- Fixed a texture error
- Fixed a barrel that you could walk through
- Adjusted navigation file for better bot movement

Update: Oct 3, 2016 @ 2:54pm

- Updated bot navigation file, bots now use all routes, won't get stuck so easily and are smarter
- Fixed woodpile spot where HHH could get stuck
- Improved clipping on wood piles
- Fixed missing rooftop texture
- Fixed a few props flashing at certain angles
- Fixed a spot in the last area where you could place stickies underground
- Fixed Monoculus not getting stunned when hit by players exiting purgatory

Update: Sep 11, 2016 @ 7:26am

- Updated bot navigation file, bots now use all routes, won't get stuck so easily and are smarter
- Improved clipping on wood piles
- Fixed missing rooftop texture
- Fixed a prop flashing in certain angle

*TBAL = To Be Announced Later

Update: Nov 1, 2015 @ 6:35am

- Fixed getting out of the map exploit
- Monoculus now spawns around the map, not just near final pit
- Made spells spawn bit less frequently
- Fixed ghost long arms
- Performance optimizations
- Navigation file updated

Update: Oct 25, 2015 @ 2:43pm

- Added more clear sounds when skeletons spawn and 3rd point is captured to guide players more
- Made bombinomicon heard more properly in Hell
- Fixed Hell so that it doesn't kill players accidentally when they enter it second time after 2nd monoculus is killed
- Fixed some misaligned textures
- Added fence prop in last BLU spawn to prevent red team shooting grenades directly at the spawn door using wall as a booster
- Improved lighting in few dark places
- Several slight changes here and there
- Improved bot navigation file

Update: Oct 19, 2015 @ 11:13am

- Fixed wrong sound playing when exiting hell/mystery place
- Fixed seeing ghost from RED 1st base above
- Fixed one crack on the ground which you could see through
- Fixed (hopefully!) navigation file crashing the map if it was uploaded to workshop along with main file
- Added separate navigation file download to description

Update: Oct 19, 2015 @ 1:55am

- Fixed a case where teleporting player could get stuck if he got back to his own size from spell
- Fixed duplicate playing sounds when capping points 2 and 4
- Fixed green glock face going off too quicly on 2nd time
- Fixed faulty/missing cubemaps
- Added some heat to final RED base

Update: Oct 17, 2015 @ 2:19pm

Some more changes:

- Fixed navigation (.nav) file for bots, there was few spots that were unmarked
- Added a scene where the friendly ghost moves down to hell after pit blows up
- Fixed a spawn issue, there was nothing happening with the clock hitting midnight for the first time
- Added Crit buff when exiting mystery place in addition of the previous ubercharge
- Small fixed, here and there

Update: Oct 17, 2015 @ 6:57am

More gameplay related changes after the maptests:

- Spells now spawn less frequently to avoid too much chaos going around the map
- Monoculus now spawns in different locations all over the end area of the map
- Some sounds now play properly, without other sounds fading them out
- Improved navigation file or bots and for HHH
- Added several small props to make the map more halloweeny looking
- Skeletons now spawn in different positions than before
- Big ghost doesn't scare people through wall anymore
- Several other changes of fine tuning and small fixing

Update: Oct 15, 2015 @ 12:10pm

- Changed how monoculus spawns. It now arrives later and instead of it earlier, skeletons will spawn.
- When exiting the mystery place where you end up using monoculus teleport, you teleport now to different location than before
- You get 10 second ubercharge when exiting mystery place
- When exiting hell after defeating monoculus, you also teleport into the same place as before.
- You get 15 seconds critboost when exiting hell
- The ghost in the payload cart scare ara has been deacreased. You can pass safely beside it unless you actually go near the cart
- Added another clocktower near mid area of the map to display properly the time when something is about to happen (midnight)
- When first point has been captured, skeletons will spawn without the skeleton king, it only spawns with skeletons on the 3rd point.
- Changed players teleport exit rotation, you should now teleport in the correct way instead of sideways or backwards
- Fixed missing image from loading menu / instruction menu