Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

Veritas et Fortitudo
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Update: Dec 17, 2022 @ 12:59pm

Version 4.2

==== General Changes and Fixes ====
* Compatibility with EU 1.33 and 1.34
* Shifted the VEF Janissaries mechanic to estates
* Fixed various errors
* Fixed several provinces being in two tradenodes

Update: Jul 31, 2021 @ 3:45am

Version 4.1

==== General Changes and Fixes ====
* Compatibility with EU 1.31
* Fixed some defines that weren't scaled for new development values
* Fixed estate agendas that asked for impossible tasks
* Serfdom privileges now available for nobility-equivalent estates (Marathas and Rajput)

==== Minorities System ====
* Fixed a plethora of bugs in the code including minority deportation events not actually firing
* Mission rewards that used to change province culture/religion now abide by the minority system (will change a capped number of people)
* Clean up some scripting to make the system more performance-efficient

==== Stability & Estates ====
* Overhauled the stability points system to be a single -300 to +300 scale that drifts towards a calculated equilibrium
* Refactored all stability-affecting events based on new value system
* Adjusted thresholds for rebels to spawn when seizing land
* Changed AI desire for land to keep it in line with reality (instead of consistently triggering revolts)

==== Tradenodes ====
* Revert to VeF 3 trade setup; as cool as the idea was it just didn't work as hoped for and the AI was miserable at it

==== Flavor ====
* Added tags for Thrace and Thessaloniki
* Added flavor events for Athens, Thessaly, Neopatras, and Epirus
* New disasters and events for Byzantine civil wars
* Tied Byzantine Decline penalties more to disasters and events instead of fixed modifiers

==== Setup ====
* Added provinces for Thessaloniki and the Pindos mountains

Update: Jul 19, 2020 @ 9:03am

Version 4.0.1

==== General Changes and Fixes ====
* GoB and Fantasia submits updated to 1.30
* Restored overextension mechanic
* Fixed Incan nation being impossible to form due to wrong religion requirement
* Fixed native missions improperly showing up for a lot of people
* Fixed Latin Empire formation decision being available at the same time as the mission for some crusader states
* Fix horde/tribal events firing for everyone
* Fixed old culture/religion modifiers being left on a province after a culture change

==== Governing Capacity ====
* Can no longer make states until the second day of the game (to allow all setup functions to properly calculate)
* Reduced costs for territories and territorial cores
* Fixed territorial cores having fixed autonomy that made them objectively worse than non-cores
* Fixed Congo starting with negative capacity
* Taught the AI how to use seize land under the new system

==== Tradenodes ====
* Fixed various errors in the trade node setup

==== Setup ====
* Fixed some province values not having been refactored
* Fixed some late-game policies being unavailable due to improper government triggers

Update: Jul 5, 2020 @ 12:45pm

Version 4.0

==== 1.30 Changes ====
* No more ownership buildings
* Freedom and serfdom buildings now removed (serfdom controlled by nobility estate privileges)
* Removed cultural estates
* Reworked core/states system
* Replace bureaucracy system with Governing Capacity

==== General Changes and Fixes ====
* Added minorities system to track cultural and religious minorities in provinces
* Added a decision for Byzantium to abandon Bithynia in 1309 start
* Shogun who yields to Burghers will cease to be Shogun and another will take his place
* Sufi Shrine modifiers now removed if a province converts religion

==== Tradenodes ====
* Revamped tradenodes
* There are single-province endnodes dotted around the globe at major ports
* Trade can be redirected from any region to any other region of the globe through intermediate nodes

==== Missions ====
* Trebizond mission to ally a Georgian country now fulfilled if in a union with them
* Added missions for Schleswig, Holstein, and Kiel

==== Setup ====
* Redraw S America in the north and west to properly spread the population
* Added Blois and Salins to France
* Added Neopatras to Greece (with tag)
* Added Philadelphia to western Anatolia (with starting tag)
* Added Menemen to western Anatolia
* Added Traungau and Innviertel to Austria
* Added Kiel and Dithmarschen to Holestein area (with tags)
* Fixed that some provinces in India were not in the India colonial region
* Yazd is now Zoroastrian at start

Update: Mar 9, 2020 @ 12:39pm


==== General Changes and Fixes ====
* Basic fortifications now cheaper to repair
* Global trade conditions changed to prevent cases where it would never fire
* Fix Dhofar area not in realm management
* Fix Lithuanian mission not having a proper title
* Fix trade company provinces sometimes being stuck with territorial cores
* Fix an issue where conquered province event might not fire when taking the first provinces in a new state
* Fix requirements for Mughal Empire so it can be accomplished with the core system
* Jainism now uses Karma mechanic

==== Development ====
* Refactor manpower/production modifiers to not cripple poor nations
* Refactor generic missions
* Properly refactored Natives submod development
* Further adjust scaling for development cost
* Fix power projection values for taking provinces from rivals
* Fix feudal levies being way too large because of the wrong development values

==== Subjects ====
* Sped up negative growth of integration
* Fix vassal acceptance calculations
* Fix autonomous trade company decision not always working properly
* Swiss confederate integration added to coring exceptions

==== Setup ====
* Coal now properly defined and should spawn as a resource as it does in vanilla
* Fix some Indian provinces having no culture

Update: Feb 15, 2020 @ 11:06am


==== General Changes and Fixes ====
* Fix gold mine depletion chance
* Fix calculation for subject desired integration not calculating liberty desire properly
* Reduce overall subject integration speed
* Fixed expel minorities cost

==== Development ====
* Fixed mission rewards related to development
* Fixed decision rewards related to development
* Settlement growth chance adjusted to consider new development values
* Fix development in the Americas showing up as decimal values

==== Setup ====
* Ankara is now a merchant republic at game start
* Fix assignment of forts at game start based on province development

Update: Dec 26, 2019 @ 1:23pm


==== General Changes and Fixes ====
* Fixed issues with transferring the crown and appointing alternate heir
* Rework the Western Schism to adjust influence for Avignon faction and add peace deal option to force religious compliance
* Added peace option for France to enforce fealty status on French states
* Made the AI notably smarter about using the Raise Feudal Levies estate interaction
* Made changes to requirements for missions related to gaining elector's votes
* Minor adjustments to age abilities
* Fixed numerous issues with scaling regarding new development values
* Added a display for your succession type
* Added a display for the western schism highlighting cardinal locations

==== Subjects ====
* Subjects forcibly vassalized in war now start as dependencies at 50 progress not suzerainties at 20 progress
* Subject progress overhauled; now calculates a target resting value and moves towards that
* Subjects gaining a province no longer results in a large step progress penalty
* New Factors and Diplomatic action for diplo-vassalization

Update: Sep 23, 2019 @ 12:01pm

Update: Sep 7, 2019 @ 2:14pm


==== General Changes and Fixes ====
* Refactored development (because decimals don't work anymore)
* Rebalanced growth with new calculations for capacity
* Option for 80% autonomy in Realm Management settings
* Forming Russia now gets you a government that is Empire rank instead of permanently locked at kingdom
* Russia mission branch for building a fleet now gives you cores so you can actually build ships
* Fixed some errors in the cultural estate flavour events
* New Peace Treaty option for Castile to return Granada to the taifa subject type

Update: Jul 15, 2019 @ 10:05am