Space Engineers

Space Engineers

635 人が評価
S - Battle Suit
Type: Mod
Mod category: Character
タグ: NoScripts
173.057 MB
2016年5月21日 11時58分
2022年2月5日 10時56分
12 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

S - Battle Suit

Sektan 作成の 1 件のコレクション
New Astronaut Suits
35 アイテム
S - Battle Suit

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Thanks for everything
227 件のコメント
Varkh 3月18日 2時56分 
Hello, this is awesome! You should consider adding some of the 3D parts you used for this in the Custom Suits mod from Jakaria! :)
NERV0US3 TO0THBRUSH 3月3日 19時14分 
as sad as it is that it doesn't affect the player, the suit itself is still modeled amazingly and looks beautiful. Thinking about it, i feel it would be somewhat difficult to even mod player effects ngl
exposyto02 1月25日 7時41分 
Does this suit increase statistics, such as speed and health? Or is it just aesthetic?
Mike Loeven 2023年6月22日 19時10分 
Yeah I would think the exoskeleton should give you a lot more base health and a better collision damage threshold
Plazmalord Soban 2022年9月13日 18時48分 
i want that fighter in the video??? is it attainable?
Nightmare 2022年8月11日 14時23分 
ah, so they're just for show now? If so kinda sad, I wanted slightly higher stats for the base character, ah well
Sektan  [作成者] 2022年8月11日 14時22分 
Just not changed description.
Sektan  [作成者] 2022年8月11日 14時21分 
I think that with last update of all my suits I set it on vanila because custom setting had problems.
Nightmare 2022年8月11日 14時02分 
I don't know if i'm even getting the extra stats (100% not getting run for sure, pretty sure not jump either)
Sektan  [作成者] 2022年6月2日 7時38分 
@Darkaiser: yes np