Dota 2
247,299 ψήφοι
7.35d (Offlane) Standard Build Position 3
Από Torte de Lini
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63 σχόλια
考威尔想念雨 3 Ιουν 2022, 20:47 
信任 12 Μαϊ 2018, 4:07 
NIce Build!
QHero 11 Οκτ 2016, 0:05 
Great build.
Star Shopper 5 Αυγ 2015, 5:50 
I think a Blink Dagger, should be added to at least 'situational'. It's solid on him vs certain teams ( bursting down or just diabling back line defensive supports, like dazzle/wyvern, and mobile mids/carries, like Qop, Storm and AM)
Dixie 20 Ιουλ 2015, 12:41 
Great guide now I can go middle :D
Valmariel 21 Φεβ 2015, 17:53 
I haven't tried Maelstrom build, to be honest. Seems good though.
I prefer to pick Dragon Tail as the first ability at lvl 1, because early stun is really helpful for early kills, especially if your lane partner is a hi-damage ranger (sniper/drow/etc). Then maxed out other skills and stats first, 2.5 sec stun is quite long enough and it leveled badly.
Nice build btw. Gotta try.
TigerKirby215 19 Νοε 2014, 15:32 
I don't see any other build pointing to Malestorm, and most builds point towards Quelling Blade. (But I guess if mid Malestorm is slightly more valid than Quelling Blade.)

Other than that seems like a good build. :DNA:
Eli1938459420 21 Ιουλ 2014, 8:22 
thx helped me get a good start got 9-4-7
Georgy 21 Ιουλ 2014, 7:52 
Nice work +1. Check pleasy my work (Dota2 Garrys Mod)
#AmEn 21 Ιουλ 2014, 4:43 
Id rush tail as first skill then start maxing breathe with blood