Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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Tricks with Negative IDs
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25 Thg04, 2017 @ 6:32pm
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Tricks with Negative IDs

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I found a lot of people - including very capable scenario designers, far better than me, don't know how to use the Negative Unit Id Tricks!
You have two heroes - each with an ability activated while pressing the unit garrisoned inside it. Try and figure out how the triggers work!

Normally, every unit has an ID - a number from one up. When you use an external program to change a unit's id to a negative number, all sorts of weird things happen - and when you have two units with the same negative ID, you can do even more weird stuff.

I found these mostly by trial and experimentation, though there are some handy resources at to get you started.
To see how these are done, you will probably need the external editing program Trigger Studio - AOKTS.

4 bình luận
potÆYYto  [tác giả] 26 Thg04, 2017 @ 4:40pm 
I don't know what this is about - i've been using Trigger Studio with the various expansions for ages, including the recent Rajas Expansion. This map, for example, uses the African Kingdoms expansion!
SLC 26 Thg04, 2017 @ 4:31pm 
Trigger studio works for me fine, idk what you mean

Not working anymore for any expansion unless you can crack a rajas version of it.
potÆYYto  [tác giả] 26 Thg04, 2017 @ 4:23pm 
Trigger studio works for me fine, idk what you mean
SLC 26 Thg04, 2017 @ 4:09pm 
To see how these are done, you will probably need the external editing program Trigger Studio - AOKTS.
That shit doesnt work anymore im sorry for fucking up your guide. You gonna crack it for Rajas