Arma 3
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Advanced Towing
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6.3.2016 klo 16.06
13.4.2016 klo 5.28
16 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Advanced Towing

2 kokoelmassa, tekijä duda
Advanced Ropes (Sling Loading + Towing + Rappelling)
4 luomusta
Advanced Arma Pack
9 luomusta
Adds support for towing vehicles using ropes. Works in both SP and MP. Watch the video for directions.

Completely optional, but if you want to give back for any of my addons, I would greatly appreciate Donations[]!

Want more? Check out my latest mods!

Also check out my Advanced Sling Loading and Advanced Rappelling addons for more rope features!


- Tow other vehicles behind Ships, Cars, Trucks and Tanks
- The size of the vehicle impacts it's towing capability
- Other players (including AI) can tow other players
- Supports towing damaged / destroyed vehicles
- Supports towing "trains" of vehicles (limited to 2 by default - see below)


- Subscribe via steam
- If installing this on a server, add the addon to the -serverMod command line option. Clients don't need it.
- Optionally, this can be installed directly in the mission PBO by calling the advanced towing script via initServer.sqf. You'll find the sqf script (fn_advancedTowingInit.sqf) in the addons directory inside the downloaded addon.

Default Towing Rules:

- Tanks can tow tanks, cars, ships and air
- Cars can tow cars, ships and air
- Trucks can tow cars, ships and air
- Ships can only tow ships
- You can't tow locked vehicles (see settings below)
- You can only tow up to two vehicles in a chain at a time (see settings below)

Notes for Mission Makers:

You can enable "trains" of vehicles by defining the SA_MAX_TOWED_CARGO varible in your init.sqf file. By default, this is set to 2. When enabled, vehicles can tow up to the max number of specified vehicles. If you try to tow more, your vehicle won't be able to move.


You can customize which classes of objects can "deploy" tow ropes by overriding the SA_TOW_SUPPORTED_VEHICLES_OVERRIDE variable in an init.sqf file.


This will only allow objects of class Air and Ship deploy tow ropes

You can customize what can and can't be towed by defining the SA_TOW_RULES_OVERRIDE variable in the init.sqf file.

["Air", "CAN_TOW", "Air"],
["Ship", "CANT_TOW", "Air"],
["Ship", "CAN_TOW", "Ship"]

In this example, all objects of class Air can tow Ships and Air. However, Ships can only tow ships.

You can allow towing of locked vehicles by defining SA_TOW_LOCKED_VEHICLES_ENABLED in your init.sqf file. It defaults to false.


You can allow towing in an Exile safe zone by defining SA_TOW_IN_EXILE_SAFEZONE_ENABLED in your init.sqf file. It default to false.


Not working on your server?

Make sure you have the mod listed in the -serverMod command line option. Only -serverMod is required for this addon. If still not working, check your server log to make sure the addon is found.

Issues & Feature Requests

If anyone wants to help fix any of these, please let me know. You can fork the repo and create a pull request.


You can find the latest source here:


This addon is only required on the server - is it going to slow down my server?

No - while this addon is server-side only, it installs itself on all clients without them downloading the addon. Most of the time, the towing code actually runs client-side, even though you installed the addon only on the server. Magic!

Why is the vehicle I'm towing jumpy/laggy?

If you're towing a vehicle that another player is driving, it's slower to transmit position updates for the towed vehicle. This will result in laggy looking towing. Have the player move to the passenger seat and then re-attach the tow ropes.

Also, when using this in MP, all other players watching someone tow something will also notice the towed vehicle isn't moving as smoothly. This is also due to network delay. Usually this isn't too noticeable unless moving very fast.

Battleye kicks me when I try to do xyz. What do I do?

You need to configure Battleye rules on your server. Below are the two files you need to configure:


Add the following exclusions to the end of all lines starting with 4, 5, 6, or 7 if they contain "" (meaning applies to all values):

!="SA_Cargo" !="SA_Tow_Ropes" !="SA_Tow_Ropes_Vehicle" !="SA_Tow_Ropes_Pick_Up_Helper"


If you have any lines starting with 4, 5, 6, or 7 and they contain "" (meaning applies to all values) it's not going to work. Either remove the line or explicitly define the values you want to kick. Since the values of the variables above can vary, I don't know of a good way to define an exclusion rule.

Also, it's possible there are other battleye filter files that can cause issues. If you check your battleye logs you can figure out which file is causing a problem.

The tow actions appear when looking at a vehicle, but do nothing when I select them. How do I fix that?

Most likely your server is setup with a white list for remote executions. In order to fix this, you need to modify your mission's description.ext file, adding the following CfgRemoteExec rules. If using InfiStar you should edit your cfgremoteexec.hpp instead of the description.ext file. See for more details on CfgRemoteExec.

class CfgRemoteExec
class Functions
class SA_Simulate_Towing { allowedTargets=0; };
class SA_Attach_Tow_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class SA_Take_Tow_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class SA_Put_Away_Tow_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class SA_Pickup_Tow_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class SA_Drop_Tow_Ropes { allowedTargets=0; };
class SA_Set_Owner { allowedTargets=2; };
class SA_Hint { allowedTargets=1; };
class SA_Hide_Object_Global { allowedTargets=2; };

How do I tow a boat like in the picture?

Diesel made a great script for this. You can find it here:

Special Thanks for Testing:

- Stay Alive Tactical Team (
- BI forum community: diesel tech jc, TeTeT, belbo
- Crimson Gaming for testing on exile (
- DirtySanchez & XLD ( for his great ideas & work to make this functional with Exile

Got Questions? Join my Discord channel:
Suositut keskustelut Näytä kaikki (5)
22.1.2019 klo 5.19
Breaking Tow Ropes
20.12.2019 klo 15.06
Scroll Options Disappearing
14.1.2018 klo 9.22
Need help im new to this
318 kommenttia
Kifferkumpel 17.3.2016 klo 4.29 
Heyho, is there a way to stop a car, for exymple, from being able to tow 10 cars in a line? we would love to use the mod, but arent happy with this possibility existing. If you dont want to add it are we allowed to change the script so we can add this feature for our server? thanks for answering ^^
bfpanda 16.3.2016 klo 22.48 
Ok thank you duda :)
A real drink 16.3.2016 klo 21.01 
thanks for letting me know, it looks great! keep up the good work.
duda  [tekijä] 16.3.2016 klo 15.43 
FoCuL_Panda - That needs to be done via a script. If I have time I'll try to dig up the script I used to do that.
duda  [tekijä] 16.3.2016 klo 15.39 
Flyboyjoe - that's a demo of a fast roping script I created. Hasn't been released yet. Not sure if it will.... we'll see...
duda  [tekijä] 16.3.2016 klo 15.37 
KyluHap - I will be looking into how to get this to work

Crimson Mage - I'm planning on implementing that feature in the next update!
KyluHap 16.3.2016 klo 2.34 
put on the Exile server and mod is not working,function does not appear to hang..where you have to register the files?
Genshiro 16.3.2016 klo 0.48 
That should be used in Wasteland, it's genius
bfpanda 16.3.2016 klo 0.29 
someone know how to have the wheel on the boat ? :D
A real drink 15.3.2016 klo 22.03 
what mod is this link from?

cheers for the link.