Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

144 个评价
Infection Mode: Cursed Manor
Game (maps & mods): Medieval Warfare
Mod and/or Map? (maps & mods): Map
Map game modes (maps & mods): Team Objective
18.305 MB
2015 年 8 月 23 日 下午 2:55
2017 年 9 月 23 日 上午 12:17
18 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Infection Mode: Cursed Manor

Cursed Manor is the first in a series of maps inspired by 'Infection' or 'Zombie' game modes seen in a few other games.

All players initially start out on one team except for one player who is on the undead team. Whenever a player on the living team is slain, they will automatically join the undead team. Living players start out unarmed but weapons and armor will spawn at random locations within the castle for them to find. The game continues until there are no players remaining on the living team or enough time has passed since the last slaying.

Note: This is NOT a mod. It is a custom map and it does not require any mods to run.

Full list of Cursed maps:
Cursed Manor
Cursed Moor
Cursed Ruins
Cursed Stoneshill
Cursed Castle Assault
Cursed Castle

Special thanks to Big Beans for providing sound effects and the item pickup particle effect.

Change Log:

v1.1.3 (09/22/2017)
- Changed mark of the curse to activate at 20 seconds remaining.
- Mark of the curse will also cause the timer to reset to only 30 seconds when a living player is killed.

v1.1.2 (09/26/2016)
- Mithril armor will spawn sooner.
- Added blood splatter to skeletons.
- The first undead's position will be passed onto another undead player in event of a disconnect.

v1.1.1 (03/01/2016)
- Round timer will reduce to 80 seconds at its lowest.
- Changed mark of the curse to activate at 18 seconds remaining.
- Various tweaks to the babbling mechanic.

v1.1 (02/05/2016)
- The round timer is now displayed at the top of the screen.
- The timer has been reduced significantly for the later stages of the round. Now decreases down to 90 seconds at the lowest (at 85% players slain).
- After 75% of the living players have been slain, the remaining living players will become overwhelmed with fear and begin babbling against their will.
- Changed mark of the curse to activate at 15 seconds remaining.
- The 3rd round will be skipped if the map has been played for over 22 minutes.
- Replaced Cudgel pickup with Halberd.
- Fixed a stuck spot in the dark room.
- Minor changes to the castle.

v1.0 (10/23/2015)
- Enrage will drain the first undead's health much more rapidly after a kill has been scored.
- Slightly reduced undead damage resistances.
- Leather and Mithril armor give a 35% damage bonus to backstabs.
- Scale Mail gives a 17% damage bonus to backstabs.
- Added small increase to initial weapon spawns based on the number of living players.
- The round will restart if all undead players leave the game.
- Fixed stuttering at the start of the first round.
- Fixed the first undead's battle cry sometimes displaying incorrect player count.
- Fixed curse timer resetting when a living player leaves the game.
- Fixed ballistas keeping the player in the level after the end of a round.

Beta v0.3.2 (10/08/2015)
- Timer will be shorter based on the percentage of living players slain.
- A random living player's location will be revealed when the timer reaches 40 seconds remaining.
- Reduced cooldown of first undead's battle cry ability.
- Added spooky glow to undead weapons.
- Reduced first undead's base speed slightly. Max sprint speed remains the same.
- Fixed a map exploit.

Beta v0.3.1 (10/02/2015)
- The first undead can now use their battle cry to detect nearby living players.
- The last living player is guaranteed to be the next round's first undead if they opt in.
- The first undead cannot be the same player twice in a row unless they're the only opt-in.
- Replaced Hunting Knife pickup with Poleaxe.
- Buffed Mithril armor.

Beta v0.3 (09/24/2015)
- Lifeforce Sense has been replaced with a message indicating which floor has the most living players on it.
- Some doors will be opened randomly at the start of each round. The more players on the server, the more doors will be opened.
- Mithril armor will spawn sooner.
- Fixed a map exploit.

Beta v0.2.1 (09/16/2015)
- Fixed player model exploit.
- Replaced buggy skeleton first person model with normal class models.
- Added spooky ghost texture to all undead weapons.
- Players will be healed periodically during the pre-round sequence to prevent team kills.

Beta v0.2 (09/05/2015)
- Slightly increased amount of armor spawned per slain player.
- Increased maximum weapon and armor spawns.
- Increased peasant damage resistances. Greatsword must now hit the head to get a one-shot kill.
- Reduced undead pierce resistance.
- Increased undead movement speed. (Does not apply to the first undead)
- If less than 40% of the living players have been slain, undead will spawn with slightly increased HP and a different set of weapons. (Does not apply to

the first undead)
- Enrage is now activated with the Use button instead of Battle Cry.
- Added extra spookiness to first undead's weapons.

Beta v0.1 (08/30/2015)
- Increased amount of weapons and armor spawned per slain player.
- Increased maximum weapon and armor spawns.
- Slightly increased peasant, leather, and scale mail resistances.
- Replaced pickup particle effect with a better one (thanks Big Beans).
- Living players will start out with daggers if the server population is 6 or less.
- Replaced first undead's Claymore with a Greatsword.
- First undead can enrage if less than 40% of the living players have been slain and the timer drops below 120 seconds.
- Initial spawns are now delayed to ensure the first undead and living players spawn at the same time.
- Lifeforce Sense becomes more frequent based on the amount of time remaining and the amount of living players remaining.
- Healing is available in the throne room after half the living players have been slain.
- Nerfed the pipes at the top level of the castle.


Maps included:
热门讨论 查看全部(1)
2017 年 8 月 20 日 下午 9:49
Best time to play on the server(s) with this map?
64 条留言
luek 2021 年 4 月 10 日 上午 10:37 
this is such a thematically appropriate thread to keep getting necro'd, so glad I haven't unsubscribed from it :lunar2019grinningpig:
Eggplant  [作者] 2020 年 10 月 10 日 下午 1:47 
I am not too familiar with server hosting. You'd be better off asking on the official Chiv forums.
lumpy 2020 年 10 月 9 日 上午 6:52 
i want to start another infection server with rotating cursed maps for halloween and because it was one of my brother's and my favorite things to do. any advice?
Plibbo64 2020 年 5 月 26 日 下午 7:28 
I can't figure out how to create a game in this mode. I want to play with friends, and there don't seem to be any cursed official servers right now anyway.
CHEKITOS 2020 年 3 月 24 日 上午 1:41 
and where is this all now? :(
luek 2017 年 5 月 2 日 上午 11:56 
I subscribed to it, but I can't find it in my map list to start a server with it.
Diégo Estéban 2016 年 4 月 2 日 下午 5:30 
Played this map the other day. It's fun to jump onto the chandeliers. I'm very impressed with your map making skills Egg. :steamhappy:
F.A. Hayek 2016 年 2 月 18 日 上午 8:56 
Ah yes, I didn't notice that change from 30 seconds to 15. This seems fair enough!
Eggplant  [作者] 2016 年 2 月 17 日 下午 12:27 
The mark was changed to trigger at 15 seconds remaining instead of 30. From what I've seen so far, that's been short enough that the marked player is able to survive more often than not. The babbling makes things harder, but the timer is also significantly shorter than it used to be for that phase of the round, so you don't have to stay hidden for as long. The babbling also has a much shorter radius than normal voice commands, so you have to be closer to hear it.

I may tweak it some more after further testing, but so far I'm seeing the living team win more often than they used to because of these changes.
F.A. Hayek 2016 年 2 月 17 日 上午 8:12 
That new babbling thing makes it even harder to survive. Undeads already had an OP advantage during the last 30 seconds (curse marking).