Company of Heroes 2

Company of Heroes 2

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(4 - 6) Westwall
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Item Type: map
Maps: 3v3
태그: pm
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2015년 4월 30일 오전 3시 51분
2015년 5월 3일 오전 7시 04분
변경 사항 2개 ( 보기 )

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(4 - 6) Westwall

Tobeh님의 1 모음집
Tobeh's Maps
아이템 11개
A new map set on the western front, population limit 150. Westwall is a 3v3 winter map, but features no blizzards or deep snow. The key feature is a large wall of fortifications; the Siegfried line. The line will prevent vehicles moving easily - forcing movement through a narrow chokepoint between the trees. You can open up the battlefield by cutting wire and planting demolition charges.

Check out the tactical map I've posted in the screenshots. I've stuck to the same kind of territory layout as I had for the map 'fortified factories'. Once the wall is destroyed, the fuel points are more likely to change possession, leading to more action near the side VPs. The nearest munitions points are also near the fuel on the other side of the wall, encouraging a tactical advance. My aim with these maps was to appeal to both chokepoint-map players and competitive players by allowing players to decide how and where to bust the chokepoint wide open.

I started this map about nine months ago, and a lot of life stuff got in the way. I am glad to have finally finished it, and right around the time the paid workshop controversy started. As a workshop guy myself, I only ask that you consider rating or providing feedback, and that I hope you enjoy the map. To know that someone enjoyed the map I made makes it all worth while :) Special thanks to Sarantini for a tutorial on that helpled me out.

' The Germans are only attempting to hold what they consider to be strategic towns and cross-roads so that they may pull back into the so-called new Siegfried Line, which is some four miles east of the old one. It is clear that the Germans are becoming discouraged as well as tired as news of the Russians successes seeps among them. '
~American First Army Press Correspondent, January 30 1945
댓글 8
KenWesRem 2015년 5월 6일 오전 7시 55분 
Hey hey, great map, but those wooden blockades are annoying as hell. Also, damn AI keeps destroying everything.
Tobeh  [작성자] 2015년 5월 6일 오전 4시 06분 
If anyone has suggestions for my next map (gameplay or setting), I haven't started yet :)
TurtleL0rd 2015년 5월 5일 오전 9시 25분 
Early impressions are really good. Need to play it a bit more to be 100% certain. Good work. Keep it up :)
Patchals 2015년 5월 4일 오전 4시 56분 
Appreciate it, thanks man.
Tobeh  [작성자] 2015년 5월 3일 오전 7시 07분 
Updated with correct skins, and I've added movement blockers around all the dense trees so that there are no ghost tanks driving through them.
Tobeh  [작성자] 2015년 4월 30일 오전 11시 15분 
Thanks you're right, I forgot about that. I'll wait until I find some more bugs and put it into the next version.
Patchals 2015년 4월 30일 오전 11시 12분 
Awesome map, looks and plays great; the wire obstacles are an interesting twist (no pun intended). Just wondering though - I know there's no deep snow or blizzards, but since there's snow on the ground and it's set in January, shouldn't the tanks/infantry be using their winter skins?
Jae797 2015년 4월 30일 오전 9시 24분 
really great idea that sets your map apart from a lot of other maps on the workshop, well implemented ideas and good design