Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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Colonialist Legacies: Phillipines
By The Shadow Chancellor and 1 collaborators
A peaceful, sea-faring nation, the Phillipines have a focus on trade and culture, opening trading lanes and borders to all.
The Phillipine UA nets bonuses for opening borders, increasing culture and trade. With the access to the Phillipine land, the UU provides defence while the UB helps with the favoured position of the Phillipines by increasing faith and food.

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Prior to the Islamization of the Philippines in the 1300's, the forms of ruling and governing were mainly independent factions vying for as much power as they could get. From merchant houses to thalassocracies, the various peoples all did what they could to thrive. Many of the names of locales are resemblent of these old names, and a large portion of them have foreign backgrounds due to the nature of displaced peoples in the Philippines. In 1380, Karim ul' Makdum married the daughter of a rajah, and her subsequent conversion to Islam set the foothold of the religion over the region.

In 1521, Ferdinand Magellan "discovered" he islands and claimed them for Spain. Under Spanish rule, Manilla became the capital of the Spanish East Indies. From 1565 to 1821, they were ruled under the title of the "Viceroyalty of New Spain," which served to unite the fractured tribes of the areas. The viceroyalty was administrated directly from Madrid after the Mexican War for Independence. The Spanish exported numerous foods from the Philippines, and in exchange, converted most of the low-landers to Christianity, and introduced free public schooling in 1863.

The 19th century brought about the revivification of the Philippine identity. With charges of sedition levelled at popular priests, propoganda movements rose in Spain; the most famous was under the charge of Marcelo H. del Pilar, Jose Rizal, and Mariano Ponce, who all advocated for political reform. Rizal was executed in 1896, which sparked the Philippine Revolution that ultimately lead to the release of the Philippines as a sovereign entity from Spain.

Between 1898 and 1946, the Philippines had been officially placed under the ownership of the united states, regardless of the claims made by the native population. Under the management of the US, repression of freedom fighters was brutal, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of soldiers. In 1935, it was granted Commonwealth status, and Manuel Quezon was elected as the first president. He introduced women's suffrage and land reforms during his presidency. Plans for independence were short-lived before the Japanese invaded, claiming many lives under the brutal assault. The Philippines served as the site of many war crimes and atrocities, including the Bataan Death March. It was later liberated in 1945 by Allied forces.

During the Cold War, the charges of massive corruption were aimed at President Marcos, leading to him calling for Martial Law, and during this time, the islands were again the location of several acts of censorship, repression, and brutality. The People's Power Revolution dislodged him from power and re-instated the democracy.

In modern times, the presidents have managed to avoid the massive pitfall of the 1997 Asian Financial crash, but many of them have also been accused of corruption, particularly in regards to stalling legal action. One was even accused of stalling his impeachment. Further, the country has had several homeland terrorist groups, and the ongoing fight against them continues today.
UA: Pearl of the Orient

The Phillipine UA has two parts and they have a very clear synergy:
  • Upon signing open borders, both nations recieve a free cargo ship.
  • Friendly units in Philippine lands provide +2 culture.

The simple synergy here is clear: open borders, get culture. If one is located in a particularly strategic location, this becomes even easier to achieve, since civs will be begging for open borders. SInce the ability only applies to neutral or friendly units, it is in your best interest to remain friendly with everyone.

The extrapolation of these abilities is what makes them so powerful. WIth open borders, a +25% tourism bonus is garnered, while still providing the UA benefits. Having a trade route, such as that of the cargo ship gotten from the UA, gives and additional increase of +25%. Taken together, this equates to an effective +50% boost in tourism, while garnering further bonuses.

Open borders have another effect; missionaries suffer no penalty from moving through open lands. With a combination of Pilgrimmage (Founder), Missionary Zeal (Enhancer) and Evangelism (Reformation), the influence of your religion will spread almost uninhibited. As you will be doing most of the converting, enemy faiths will be hard pressed to spread to you, as they will be busy trying to return their own faith.

As a final note, the culture from having friendly troops in your land will help defend against any tourism that might be gotten from opening your borders to others.
UU: Katipunero

The ever loyal Katipunero.

The Katipunero serve as a rifleman replacement, and have additional movement in friendly lands, and a +25% bonus after choosing an ideology. Because Rifling comes in the same era as Industrialization, the bonus can be gained swiftly if factories are built quickly. This means that workshops should be built in at least three cities as soon as they become available in order to get to work on factories as soon as possible.

The abilities of the Katipunero remain on upgrade, regardless of the upgrade, making it valuable to make as many of them as possible before they obsolete. Alternatively, Religious Fervour could be picked in order to allow the faith purchasing of Katipuneros, though considering the Philippines natural diplomatic disposition, they would likely be best for defense.
UB: Coral Church

In addition to providing the bonuses of the harbour it replaces, the Coral church also grants:
  • +2 faith and +5% food for every sea resource worked by the city.

Because the Philippines will naturally want to settle by oceans to maximize the UA, this provides further incentive to do so. Ocean tiles are not the most naturally amazing of tiles by themselves food-wise, but ocean cities have more gold potential than land-locked cities do. SInce the Coral Church also gives the harbour bonus, it boosts gold, but it also yields the extra faith and food. With a singular sea resource, the Coral Church functions as an unmodified Temple and 1/3 of the Temple of Artemis. With each sea resource added, it only becomes better. With 3, it matches the Temple and acts as a triple strength temple, and it's not uncommon to have more than three sea resources. To top it off, they don't have to be luxury resources; fish count too.
Strategy: Borderless
The major ways the Philippines can win are culture, and domination. They are mainly aimed at culture, but their UU becomes remarkably powerful for its time and can be used to gain a foothold for the rest of the game.

Early on, cities should be founded near the coasts. Since you'll likely be pursuing the top of the tech tree (Compass and Civil Service are musts), special care must be placed on defense. Before Open Borders, your UA in negligible. Once open borders is achieved, it's relatively easy to sell open borders to the other players/AI's, especially if they want to scout passed or through your lands. Getting a religion early is important, and choosing the beliefs one wants is important, as it can mean victory or defeat in terms of strategy.

Mid-game is the main part in which the path becomes clear. If one intends to conquer, using the gold to secure a few specific allies to trade with, as well as to purchase units is clear, and special emphasis should be placed on rushing Industrialization and Rifling to recieve the Katipunero. If culture is being pursued, getting sea resources hooked up to increase the faith yields of the Coral Churches and allowing more missionaries to be purchased to increase the possibility of getting World Religion and/or the tourism bonuses.

In the late stages of the game, Ideology will be shaped by the mid-game choice. Autocracy is a no-brainer for the domination Philippines, as it gives them concrete bonuses to their army and makes upgrading their faithful Katipuneros cheaper. Freedom serves the cultural Philippines more, as their semi-wide sprawl can take advantage of the slots and presence of Broadcast towers all over. In either case, the UU and UB help; for domination, the unit is significantly more powerful than others of its time, and the UB helps support the food situation, and for culture, the faith helps increase missionaries while the UU defends the lands against antzy enemies. Both paths help the Pearl of the Orient be known around the world.
Once again, a big thanks goes to the following:
  • TPangolin, who made the mod and permitted me to write about his mods.
  • Zigzagzigal, who inspired these mods with his excellent treatises on the base game civs.
  • And you for reading!
Mavuika! Sep 11, 2016 @ 3:17pm 
Pinoy Power
The Shadow Chancellor  [author] Feb 25, 2015 @ 7:12am 
@Total War King

Thanks for the praise! I've got some other ones up, and I'm gonna keep working on others. Right now, I've asked permission to do Colonialist Legacy and LS civs. But I hope that in the future I'll be able to include others!
Total War King Feb 25, 2015 @ 4:25am 
Great guide man it's interesting how your doing guides on moded civ's. Keep up the good work :)