The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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s7o's Park Your Ride
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4.801 MB
2013년 7월 23일 오후 9시 16분
2016년 8월 5일 오후 3시 43분
변경 사항 12개 ( 보기 )

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s7o's Park Your Ride

s7o's Park Your Ride 2.01

PARKS YOUR RIDE in stables automatically
HORSE LEASH makes up to 3 of your rides follow
after you
HORSE TIE ties up to 3 of your rides in place,
also preventing your current horse from fast
travelling with you
THE STICK (tm) establishes parking functionality
in up to 5 locations of your choice
...and more...


:) Makes / adds room for your ride to park in Skyrim's vanilla stables

:) Adds additional little (= hostlerless) stables to lots of places where you'd want to
. shelter a ride, like inns etc (for detailed list, see below)

:) While rides are parked, they are protected (= killable by yourself only). Rides that
. are injured when getting parked will receive a full healing by drinking from a trough.

:) Adds player owned, non-respawning "Guest Chests" (and, in Whiterun stables,
. also a player owned bedroll (requested), should you need a place to sleep) to all
. of Skyrim's vanilla stables

:) THE STICK (tm): easily establish parking functionality at up to 5 locations of
. your choice

:) HORSE LEASH: make up to 3 of your rides follow after you

:) HORSE TIE: Tie up to 3 of your rides in place(s). If your current ride is tied, this
. prevents it from fast travelling with you

:) Adds optional map markers for your parked, tied or leashed rides

:) Works with stolen, found, conjured... rides

:) In Whiterun, Windhelm and Solitude, your ride can be sent back to the stable
. from right at the city gate (so you can ride all the long ways there when over-
. weight with loot and still have your ride properly parked.

:) Adds a couple of useful details in several places (like, in Riften, you now can
. pass through between the stable buildings to directly get to Honeyside's back
. porch over a new little staircase, etc...)


(...had to delete the manual section out for now because steam's max character
limit for descriptions won't let me post it, gonna post as soon as i can figure out


Markarth | Riften | Solitude | Whiterun | Windhelm

:) INNS:
Dawnstar | Dragonbridge | Falkreath | Ivarstead | Kynesgrove
Morthal | Nightgate | Old Hroldan | Riverwood | Rorikstead

Eastmarch | Pale | Rift | Winterhold

Falkreath | Haafingar | Hjaalmarch | Reach

Anga's | Halfmoon | Heartwood | Mixwater

Frostflow Lighthouse

:) DLC AND OTHER MODS (mod:location)
Hearthfire (not required!): Heljarchen | Lakeview | Windstad
s7o's The Humblest Hut: The Humblest Hut
s7o's Lund + Lambda: Lund's Hut
s7o's Donkey King: All stables and Nas-Zel player home
s7o's Forgotten Places ~ Barleydark Farm: Stables
s7o's Forgotten Places ~ Irontree Mill: Stables
s7o's The Shady Nag: Stables

:) + 5 THE STICK (tm) LOCATIONS of your choice (+3 unlocked by my other mods)


:) Scenic Carriages / Northern Bathhouses : Please put this mod AFTER
. these in your load order to ensure navmesh compatibility.


:) Hearthfire (not required) - horse parking for HF homes
:) The Humblest Hut - parking at hut
:) Lund + Lambda - parking at Lund's hut
:) Donkey King - parking at all stables and Nas-Zel player home, unlocks 2 additional The Stick (tm) locations
:) Forgotten Places ~ Barleydark Farm - parking at stables
:) Forgotten Places ~ Irontree Mill - parking at stables
:) The Shady Nag - parking at stables, unlocks 1 additional The Stick (tm) location
;) Unlocks 3 additional Cache Sacks


:) Iskariot's Whistle (see Horse Leash)
:) The Shady Nag - have stolen rides "washed", sell any ride...


None known in this version.
If you find anything else, let me know.


--- 2.01 --- Total script revision
. . . . . . --- Donkey King support added
. . . . . . --- Forgotten Places ~ Barleydark Farm support added
. . . . . . --- Forgotten Places ~ Irontree Mill support added
. . . . . . --- The Shady Nag support added


...) A's For Arrow
...) Cache Sacks II
...) Chicken Fix deluxe
...) Donkey King
...) Forgotten Places ~ Barleydark Farm
...) Forgotten Places ~ Irontree Mill
...) Lund + Lambda
...) Meanie In A Bottle
...) Smack The Smith
...) Sit
...) Suites Of Skyrim II
...) The Humblest Hut
...) The Shady Nag
...) 'Van Watch
...) Yzmir's Beard

FALLOUT NV (most available on
...) Cheng's Eastside Laundry
...) I Find Places
...) Mojave Express Courier Cap
...) Mole's Well
...) Vegas, Baby...


...and BIG THANKS to all who already did :-)
댓글 586
Kad 2020년 10월 2일 오후 5시 30분 
Really sad as I must be doing something wrong I cannot make the horse stay the stables are there and the box with instructions but it just keeps following me when I jump... Also with your "Sit" mod, cannot get that working past 1st time given to me... if you have any ideas I have SKSE SKYUI & LOOT should I be getting your mods from Nexus now ??
Phoenix Knight 2017년 1월 5일 오전 11시 38분 
Grognard: How did you get the sticks to stick? They always disappear saying invalid. What's your secret?!?!?!?
Grognard 2017년 1월 4일 오후 4시 52분 
Would it be possible to get an updated version with more ties? I primarily use this to keep mounts in place but would like 15 to 20 ties instead of 3. Thanks!
Phoenix Knight 2016년 9월 24일 오후 1시 44분 
Well, I've kept tying to make the damned The Stick (tm) work, but everystick I get, when I try to drop it to establish plcement for my stables, it vanishes and the message Invalid stick pops up. I think your script and your objects ain't matching up.
Gol Zin Viing 2016년 8월 6일 오전 8시 10분 
Sorry it doesnt seem to be working at all Skulvar and his family stays in the house the whole time....NOBODY comes out to do the usuall "sanbox" things they do....I had my character pick the lock one time to find out where he was and they were all sitting at a table...maybe another mod is interfereing but I dont know....I run a lot of mods....I havent unsubd yet waiting on you..
Gol Zin Viing 2016년 8월 5일 오후 4시 08분 
lets see how this goes :)
s7o  [작성자] 2016년 8월 5일 오후 4시 04분 
...all new under the hood in new version, all issues should be gone & should take over from all old versions <2.00, including defunkt installations

in very rare cases, you might get more sticks than there's stick locations (5, or up to 8 with Donkey King and The Shady Nag installed) after the update, surplus sticks will clear themselves up when attempted to use in this case.
Gol Zin Viing 2016년 7월 21일 오전 5시 14분 
Eagerly awaiting your new work!
Phoenix Knight 2016년 7월 5일 오전 11시 01분 
Poor Arvak
s7o  [작성자] 2016년 7월 5일 오전 7시 55분 
@ flymifox: best in about a couple days to a week when the new version is up :-)

in general anyway, for the main functions:
first, to let the mod know what "your horse" is, mount it at least once

after that, when you dismount near a stable, your horse will automatically be parked

the main stable vendors will sell "leash" and "tie" (ask them to teach you about horses)
both are powers, to leash a horse, cast them.
a leashed horse will come after you as long as you're in an exterior, and try to get to a safe place when you're in combat
a tied horse will remain where you tied it (basically it should also prevent them from fast travelling, but that appears to have grown a bug in the current version)

there's quite a couple other features, too, but that'd get too much for here

if you don't want to wait for the new version and use this one:
please don't use this with conjurable horses (like shadowmere), it'll cause the mod to bug out