Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

331 人が評価
Ozhara's Full Texture Pack V3
New Workshop General: Graphics, Terrain
9.440 MB
2013年6月2日 12時31分
2016年4月2日 6時11分
6 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Ozhara's Full Texture Pack V3

Ozhara 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Ozhara's (Full) Texture Packs
43 アイテム
For the updated content changes, take a look at the change notes. :)

If you want to use another mods water that also adds another beach terrain, check out my beach & rock mods. That way you can keep a better fitting beach together with that water!

Included are the following mods:
- my land pack V4
- my moving water pack V2.5
- my mines V3
- my cliffs V2
- my trees V1

Updates to land textures (compared to v2):
- more diverse looking grass, dirt, desert and beach
- completely new roads, snow and shallow (looks like a swamp now)
- better blending terrains

Some textures are based on ones I found in other mods:
- Farms: based on Mike's Real Farms - V2 / based on Shayne's ST farm texture
- Desert: includs elements based on KalaAveR's Texture Pack V2

Thanks for sharing all these great textures.

For a mod is never 'finished' - only published at some point - if you think a specific texture or elements of it should be further improved, changed (to an other), redone or simply doesn't satisfy you as much as the others - please tell me!

IF YOU WANT TO USE A VARIANT OF MY TEXTURES THAT ISN'T AVAILABLE UNTIL NOW - a Grid version of the newest land textures, another 'cold' version, a seperate dirt pack or something like that - JUST ASK!
98 件のコメント
Nameless880 2017年12月27日 14時34分 
love these mods keep it up
SkyB 2016年8月22日 9時38分 
Nice work thx :)
Ozhara  [作成者] 2015年11月15日 13時35分 
Some terrains are both, land and water - like shallows.
Then based on how the map was buildt it can happen a single space surrounded by other terrain is another terrain. So it looks like land, but is water. Then it seems units can push each other onto terrain they normally cannot enter if the area is too crowded.
This cannot be fixed by a mod but needs to be done by editing the game source code.
LeonD123 2015年11月15日 12時43分 
Any idea how to avoid boats going on the land?
Ozhara  [作成者] 2015年7月22日 22時21分 
Mit dem neuen Mod-System leider nicht mehr.
(Du kannst dir allerdings die Mod-Daten in ein eigenes lokales Modverzeichnis packen und dabei die Bäume weglassen - die Mod hat dann aber natürlich keine Anbindung an meine Mod mehr, wenn ich also Inhalte anpasse/optimiere/update, würdest du davon nichts mitbekommen)

Ich habe aber vor längerer Zeit extra dafür eine Mod mit den Default-Bäumen ('Ozhara's Default Trees') erstellt. Die ist nur noch nicht auf das neue System geupgraded - kommt aber bald.

Alternativ kannst du auch einfach alle Einzelmods, die in diesem Pack enthalten sind einzeln abonnieren und halt die Bäume weglassen. :)
Die sind inzwischen auch alle für 4.x verfügbar.
Ozhara  [作成者] 2015年1月28日 22時20分 
Thanks, glad you like it. :)
Asharian 2015年1月28日 6時58分 
This is very nice thanks!
Sigurd 2014年6月13日 9時57分 
i do mean the textures
Ozhara  [作成者] 2014年6月12日 22時37分 
I hope you mean 'textures'.^^

Glad you like it! :D:
Sigurd 2014年6月12日 13時55分 
cool map