Space Engineers

Space Engineers

W.A.S.P. Hummingbird Mk.2 Modular Work Pod
Type: Blueprint
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2018 年 3 月 3 日 下午 10:23
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W.A.S.P. Hummingbird Mk.2 Modular Work Pod

在 Whaddageek 的 1 個收藏中
W.A.S.P. Modular Ships
28 個項目
The Weapon And System Pod Hummingbird is designed to be the ubiquitious backbone of a fleet's labour force whether in atmosphere or deep space. Cheap and compact, the Mk.2 Hummingbird can be use its projector-stored equipment in order to be fitted for just about any task you might need from construction to light combat. Along with any combination of both to make your day-to-day work easier. Whether it's a welder and grinder for dismantling a salvaged ship and expanding your own, or going out mining with a drill and Combat Shield to make sure no-one else tries to claim your asteroid.

To equip your Hummingbird, simply select the equipment you require from the onboard projectors, and then either weld by hand or bring into range of your facility's welders. Once the job at-hand is done and new tools are required, all you need do is jettison the equipped tools for grinding up and recycle those components to construct the next ones.

Storage Capacity:

Medium Container (x2).


The timers in slots 8 and 9 control the release/relock of the mount.

- 1 - Main Controls

- 2 - Left Hand

- 3 - Right Hand

- 3 - Rear Mount

- 4 - Belly Mount

Tool Hands
-Welder - Build your stuff

-Grinder - Dismantle their stuff

-Mining Drills - Possessing almost a broad enough area of effect to dive straight into asteroids, when combined with a Cargo Pod a single Hummingbird can easily strip an asteroid bare.

-Combat Shield - Sometimes you need to establish that your salvage or mining claim is your own, or just make a Pirate Drone go away. A forward-facing heavy-armor shield and quad gatling guns are generally enough to see off small-time pirates and drones, while giving the Hummingibird enough protection to beat a hasty retreat to its mothership from anything tougher.

Pod Mounts (Rear)

-W.A.S.P. Cargo Pod - The standardized Cargo Pod is, unlike most W.A.S.P. equipment, intended to be retained beyond its immediate usage. They can be mounted to any surface via maglocks for collective storage during construction/salvage work, or connected in sequence to enhance any compatible W.A.S.P. craft's storage capabilities. Even on their own, they can be remote-piloted to ferry supplies between ships in space where direct docking isn't feasible.

-JATO Booster - Controlled by a master Timer as an on/off switch, the base purpose of the JATO Booster is to let a Hummingbird conserve fuel for a surface-to-orbit burn by running off just the Booster's pair of hydrogen tanks. Once in orbit, the Booster can be abandoned, or reconnect its Connector to the Hummingbird for further ussage.

Alternatively, it can be paired with Combat Shields to rig a Hummingbird for light Interceptor work. The light base mass of the Hummingbird gives it fast acceleration and nimble turning that can give purpose-built starfighters and aircraft a run for their money in dogfights.

Mobility Frames (Belly)

-Atmospheric VTOL - While the stock Hummingbird is perfectly capable of atmospheric work when employing its Hydrogen Thrusters, you may want something more efficient for long-term work. the Atmospheric VTOL Frame cradles the Hummingbird and empowers it with the steady thrust needed to build your bases and airships.

- Crawler - Strapped for fuel and engine parts? Go groundside and turn the Hummingbird into a construction rover in the meantime!