Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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Concept Mod - Portuguese Feitoria and Organ Gun Overhaul - RC Final
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20. nov. 2017 kl. 20:35
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Abonner for at downloade
Concept Mod - Portuguese Feitoria and Organ Gun Overhaul - RC Final

Nov. 20th Update: Reverted the Attack Dispersion back to 0.95, Added +1 Archer Attack to the Organ Gun and only the Organ Gun. Lowered the Stone Cost of Feitorias to 200 Stone and Increased the Gold Cost to 325. Increased the Feitoria Food & Wood rate to 0.75. This should be my final, definitive version.

Previous Updates: Organ Gun: Reduced Attack Dispersion to 0.945, Increased (Primary Shot) Accuracy to 65%, Added +4 Building Damage & Reverted the Training Time back to 21 Seconds. Changed the Feitoria Rate to 0.70F, 0.70W, 0.35G & 0.10S from 0.50F&W, 0.25G & 0.15S, which was the earliest change.

TL:DR Changelog

  • Completely overhauled Organ Gun
    • Organ Guns are changed into a truer "Shotgun" like unit, softening up units in a row. Basically like a "Horizontal" Scorpion
  • Completely overhauled Feitoria
    • The Feitoria now has a Build Limit of one instead of taking 20 Population. The resource generating has also been reduced, especially Stone, but should be much more practical to build ingame without being overpowered
  • Arquebus increases Bombard Tower projectile speed by 0.5 (3.5 total from 3.0). The same amount of Arquebus Speed Increase as with Hand Cannoneer & Cannon Galleon shots.
  • Fixed the Caravel "firing backwards" bug by placing the shot origin closer to the unit.

This is my, hopefully final version of trying to overhaul (or "fix") the Portuguese Organ Gun & Feitoria, the former suffering from both not serving much of a viable role ingame outside of a Psedo-Castle Age rush unit and / or counter to Skirmisher Units & not functioning as its historical counterpart at all. Both issues my concept tries to address. The latter suffering from being completely useless 99% of the time in regular games, but at the same time, being completely broken in casual games, especially ones where Population isn't at all a factor. I have also fixed the Caravel bug where it shots backwards at units Point Blank & Reverted the Bombard Tower Projectile Speed increase (+ 0.5) since with the Feitoria Overhaul, Bombard Tower spam isn't nearly as big of an issue as before.

Organ Gun

  • Attack Damage changed from 16 Pierce + 1 Ram
    • to 9 Pierce + 2 Infantry, 1 Archers, 1 Spearman, 1 Eagle Warrior, 1 Ram
  • All projectile shots have this same attack property, minus the +1 damage to Archers, so all shots have the "9 Pierce + Bonus" statistics
  • Shots have "0.05" Blast Damage. While this amount doesn't actually do Splash Damage, this makes missed shots do full damage instead of half.
  • Regular Organ Guns fire 4 Shots, Elite 7 Shots. Changed from 5 shots from the original for both Regular & Elite
  • Primary Shot accuracy is increased to 60% (65% Elite)
  • Increase Attack Dispersion from 0.75 to 0.95, the maximum stable dispersion spread
  • Armour reduced from 2/4 (Elite 2/6) to 1/3 (Elite 1/5)
  • Reload Time increased from 3.45 Seconds to 4 Seconds
  • Gold Cost increased from 60G (70G without Discount) to 70G (83G without Discount)
    • It should be noted that the Elite Organ Gun upgrade does not increase damage (per individual shot), only the Number of Projectiles, HP & Armour

If anyone remembers my Organ Gun overhaul concept around a month back, this is the exact same as that concept. Since I need the character limit to describe the Feitoria changes, I have created a separate document explaining the changes and describing the faults of the current Organ Gun and the reasoning why I made these changes. This is necessary since the original concept description was too long for the Workshop in the first place.

The short description is of the goal of the new Organ Gun is that it changes the Organ Gun into a "Shotgun" Unit, doing equal, average damage with multiple shots in a cone. It's designed to soften up units in a row, much like a "Horizontal Scorpion", rather than do heavy pierce damage to a single unit, which compared to Hand Cannons, was only beneficial towards Skirmishers.


  • Removed the 20 Population attribute, replaced it with an improvised "1 Feitoria Limit" restriction
  • Reduced the Resource Rate from 0.80F, 0.80W, 0.45G & 0.25S to 0.75F, 0.75W, 0.35G, 0.10S
  • Lowered the Stone Cost from 250 to 200 & Increased Gold Cost from 250G to 325G

Many consider the Feitoria the worst addition to AoE2 from a gameplay design point, even worse than the infamous Siege Towers. The main problem is due to how it's designed, the Feitoria is either completely useless or completely broken. There is no middle ground at all. The Feitoria never gets built 99% of the time, mainly due to its 20 population tax, but the 1% of the time where it is practical to build, it is just simply overpowered since you are generating resources, especially Stone (usually all the Stone is gone at this point of the game) at an astounding rate.

I used the Resource Generating buildings in other AoE games as a base, such as the Plenty Vault in Age of Mythology & Factories in AoE3. The one thing that those buildings have in common is that it is very limited to the amount of those buildings that you can make. I discovered a method of an "improvised" build limit for buildings by using the unused "Ore" Resource, which still functions as a legitimate resource ingame. By giving 1 Ore to the Portuguese and making the Feitoria cost 1 Ore (Refunding it properly when it gets Destroyed or Converted) perfectly acts as a legitimate build limit in AoE2, which the AoE2 Engine doesn't actually have true or dedicated mechanics for such. In practice, this makes it so that all Portuguese Players can only have 1 Feitoria (per player) on the map at a time.

The other big problem is the fact that it generates Stone, which is by far the most valuable resource in the game, especially in late games where Feitorias could be a factor in it's original design. As a result, I significantly slashed the generation rate of stone to only 0.1 Stone per second. I've also slightly reduced the rate of the other 3 resources as well since I feel that without the 20 Population "Tax", the original generation rate is too high without it, even when being limited to one Feitoria. I've also reduced the Stone Cost as a result, since the Feitoria isn't that much of a viable source for Stone anymore. The Gold Cost is increased to compensate for the Reduced Stone Cost. Basically, the new Design of the Feitoria is basically a "Trickle" building, much like it's AoM & AoE3 Counterparts.

The main purpose of the new Feitoria design was to remove the rather clumsy 20 Population Tax, which I believe was intended to be an improvised limit in the first place. Without it, the Feitoria is much more practical to build, even in standard, competitive games now. This also fixes the problem that the Feitoria was an Overpowered element in most casual games, especially with irregular settings. Both where the design goals of the Feitoria Overhaul in the first place and I feel that this does not make the Portuguese an Overpowered Civilization in standard 1v1 games. Hopefully that stays true in practice.

Arquebus Bombard Tower & Caravel

The other two changes are just simple adjustments. The Arquebus Bombard Tower is reverted back to it's Post-Rajas, Pre-5.3 version. 0.5 is a reasonable speed increase for Bombard Towers and it doesn't really make it anymore powerful or overpowered in general. Without the speed increase, Arquebus does nothing to Bombard Towers despite still "affecting" it.

The Caravel projectile spawn is placed slightly in the unit itself while the old version was extended outwards. A trait shared with all ships actually, but since all other Ship Projectiles disappear on contact, it's not as apparent or necessary to fix. This is a glaring problem against Melee Units
1 kommentarer
Jared 30. mar. 2018 kl. 8:21 
heh, I am watching Spirit Of The Law talking about the feitoria