Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™

Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™

159 ratings
All collectibles and 100% achievement guide
By Mesjaf and 1 collaborators
This is a 100% completion video guide for Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™. You'll fide here videose showing locations of all paintings, bonecharms and also safe codes and black market haists as well as video guides for all achievements.
First thing first
I recommend that you play your first playthrough on high chaos killing anyone you want. This will let you get many achievements much faster than playing stealthily. On your second playthrough go for mercy and stealth achievements.

If my video helps you please consider subscribing to my channel or at least give the video a thumbs up. It cost you nothing and helps me a lot and tells me that my work is not in vain.
Mission 1 All Collectibles
Mission 2 All Collectibles
Mission 3 All Collectibles
Mission 4 All Collectibles
Mission 5 All Collectibles
Agent of Mercy

Finished a mission without killing anyone

See Shadow
Art Aficionado

Collected all Eleuterio Cienfuegos paintings

See All Collectibles section of this guide.
Big-time Player

Won the auction at Colibron Plaza

Clever Planning

Used Displace on a marker placed with Foresight and eliminated a target

This can be done in mission 2.
Use Foresight to place a marker on an enemy (use sword attack button) and then teleport in to him.
Dead Eye

Touched the Eye of the Dead God

Story related and can't be missed.

Killed the Outsider

When faced with the choice at the end of the game choose to kill the Outsider.
Final Nudge

Pushed an enemy to his demise using Void Strike

Can be done after you get the dagger from the vault.
Void Strike is daggers charged attack.
Find an enemy at the ledge and push him over using this attack.

Final Release

Returned the Outsider to the mortal world

A bit more complicated than simply killing him.
First you will need Malchiodi's Key. You can find in at his body near The Eye (see all collectibles for mission 5 if you have trouble finding it).
Once you have the key find Malchiodis Safe (again see all collectibles video for mission 5 if you don't know where it is).
Saf code is 962 and inside you will find Malchiodi's notes on the Outsiders. Pick them up.
Now when you get to the Outsider talk with Daud and convince him to spare the blind god.
Pick every top answer.

If you have any problems check out mission 5 video in non lethal stealth walkthrough section.

Recovered the stolen archive

Story related and can't be missed
Golden Locks

Stole the audiograph from the gallery without disabling the safeguard floor

First you must get access to Shan Yun house. Go to the florist and on the desk in her house you will find a note with a secret knock. She lives just behind the gate near start of the level on the right side.
You can also go through the bar.
Brake the glass with something, use Foresight to place a marker and teleport to it.

Good Old Times

Finished the Original Game+

Original Game+ is avaible after you finish normal game at least once.
Harder than Stone

Destroyed an Envisioned cultist

At the end of mission 5 you will encounter Envisioned cultists.
First stun one of them by teleporting in to him and then finish him off.


Sent someone flying 40 meters using Hook Mines

Get a Hook Mine (you can buy them on Black Market) and set it to LETHAL.
Place it where I did and get nearby worket to come close to it.

Mercenary Work

Completed all contracts

Simply compleate all contracts.
If you need a vide guide for any of them just let me know in the comment.
Mightier than the Sword

Shot a guard in the head with a fountain pen

This can be done in mission 2. Go to the Black Market and buy Makeshift Bolt upgrade for Voltaic Gun.
Shoot out all your standard ammo and get a pen. I found one in the tatoo studio. Than shoot a guard in the head with it.


Used Semblance to mimic Shan Yun and sing into the microphone

Quite easy to get. Just follow my video.

Obsessive Safe-cracker

Opened every safe inside the main vault

Code for the vault safes is 011 235 813 455 891. It's the extension of the fibonacci numbers.

Occupational Hazard

Made an enemy explode into pieces using Displace

Very easy. Find an enemy and teleport in to him.

Party Crasher

Sent the vault crashing through the floor

Check out my video.

Public Shaming

Dropped Ivan Jacobi through the trapdoor

In mission 2 when you have to get a key from Ivan Jacobi sneak in to the basement and use lever. You can mark him with Foresight to see where he stands.

Rat Whisperer

Listened to what swarms of rats have to say 5 times

Just "use" any pack of rats to talk with them.
You can use the same pack of rats 5 times and ther's one at the start of the game.

Had a guard salute you

Take the face from blue guard and find a red guard. Stand in fron of him and wait for him to salute you.


Finished the game without being detected

It's not that hard.
You are detected when guard's lightning indicator is fully red.
Guards can find bodies and can sound the alarm. This will not void the achievement.
If any section is giveing you a hard time check out videos bellow for my non lethal shadow walkthroug.

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

Mission 4

Mission 5

Side Effects

Made 3 people vomit using a single bottle of Plagued Spirit

Very easy and you can get it in mission 1.
Go to the ring, SAVE, and start a fight then run to the bar and grab bottle of Plagued Spirit.
Throw it at bunch of enemies and achievement should pop. If it doesn't just reload and try again.

The Face of the Abbey

Attended the meeting as Brother Cardoza

Very easy to get. Just follow my video.

The Perfect Crime

Emptied the vault without tampering with any security systems, leaving everyone unharmed and asleep

First of all you need to win an auction to get sleeping potion that you need to use on the roof of a bank.
Than follow your main objective till you get to the main vault. From here move to the top and use elevator hatch to get to the maintenance area. Here you can get to the vault brakers and disable them.
Code for the vault safes is 011 235 813 455 891. It's the extension of the fibonacci numbers.

Twin-bladed Knife

Obtained an ancient weapon

Story related and can'r be missed.
Two Turns

Took both bank vault keys

Story related and can't be missed.

Freed the assassin Daud

Story related and can't be missed'

Broke 4 Oraculum censers and listened to the prophecies

You can get this in mission 4.
Get to the location I'm showing and destroy 4 pots with charged sword attack.

Misc Videos
Death to the Mime Contract
Mission 2 Black Market Heist
Mission 3 Black Market Heist
Mission 4 Black Market Heist
joridiculous Mar 8, 2022 @ 10:58am 
Public Shaming. I just got this one by pulling the lever opening the trap door AFTER i knocked him out and stored him "behind the stage".
Mesjaf  [author] Aug 4, 2021 @ 2:57am 
Reddit says you can kill dogs.
Archerodees Aug 3, 2021 @ 2:28pm 
Will killing wolfhounds ruin agent of mercy? (not killing anyone) Probably will, but it says anyONE, not anyTHING.
Mesjaf  [author] May 22, 2019 @ 8:02pm 
I don't do text guides.
Birdbrain May 22, 2019 @ 7:55pm 
Any chance of getting the safes/heists in text form? Videos are cool and all but some people find it easier to have text guides to refer to instead of trying to follow a video (and vice versa)
CorvusCorax Mar 5, 2019 @ 3:01pm 
Super guide! Thank you! :scarecrowface:
Toxicause Jul 29, 2018 @ 2:26pm 
Really good guide whit creative solutions. I don't know how you find this but résult is very stupefiant:MESMERIZE::DOPPLEGANGER:
Joanne Fairchild Jun 16, 2018 @ 11:20am 
Thank you, great guide!
Mesjaf  [author] Oct 1, 2017 @ 3:58am 
If you released Daud and he took it you have to load a game before that and take it yourself.
SawBladeXDX Sep 22, 2017 @ 4:02pm 
Love the guide. you did it fast to.