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206.3 hrs on record (205.9 hrs at review time)
Dota 2 Review: A Deep Dive into the World of MOBAs

Dota 2, the iconic multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Valve Corporation, stands as a testament to the genre's complexity and depth. As someone who has spent countless hours immersed in its strategic gameplay, I can confidently say that Dota 2 offers an unparalleled experience for competitive gamers seeking intense team-based action.

What immediately stands out about Dota 2 is its roster of diverse heroes, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. From powerful spellcasters to swift melee fighters, there's a hero to suit every preference and strategy. The depth of the hero pool ensures that no two matches feel the same, as players constantly adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of team composition and strategy.

The strategic depth of Dota 2 is where the game truly shines. Every match is a delicate balance of teamwork, communication, and individual skill. From coordinating ganks and teamfights to managing resources and objectives, there's always a multitude of decisions to make, each with potentially game-changing consequences. The satisfaction of executing a well-coordinated strategy with your team or making a clutch play to turn the tide of battle is unparalleled.

Moreover, Dota 2 boasts a thriving esports scene, with tournaments like The International drawing in millions of viewers and offering substantial prize pools. The competitive aspect of the game adds an extra layer of excitement for both players and spectators alike, further cementing Dota 2's status as a cornerstone of the esports community.

That being said, Dota 2 is not without its flaws. The game has a steep learning curve, and new players may find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information to absorb, from hero abilities to item builds to map awareness. Additionally, the toxicity often associated with online gaming can rear its ugly head in Dota 2, with some matches devolving into arguments and flame wars between teammates.

Despite these drawbacks, I wholeheartedly recommend Dota 2 to anyone with a passion for competitive gaming and a love for strategic depth. While it may take time to master, the satisfaction of mastering its intricacies is well worth the investment. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer looking to dive into the world of MOBAs, Dota 2 offers an experience unlike any other.

Recommendation: Yes
Posted March 28.
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11.3 hrs on record
Bloons TD Battles 2 Review: A Tower Defense Gem

As an avid fan of tower defense games, I eagerly dove into Bloons TD Battles 2, and I must say, it did not disappoint. This sequel to the immensely popular original brings a fresh take on the classic tower defense formula, with plenty of new features, upgrades, and strategies to explore.

One of the aspects I appreciated most about Bloons TD Battles 2 is its polished graphics and vibrant art style. The colorful design of the game world, coupled with the charming animations of the bloons and towers, creates an engaging visual experience that kept me hooked for hours on end. The attention to detail in the graphics truly enhances the gameplay and immerses you in the chaotic world of bloon-popping mayhem.

The gameplay itself is where Bloons TD Battles 2 truly shines. The core tower defense mechanics remain familiar yet refined, allowing both newcomers and veterans to jump in and start strategizing right away. However, the introduction of new towers, upgrades, and abilities adds a layer of depth and complexity that keeps the gameplay feeling fresh and exciting. Experimenting with different tower combinations and strategies to fend off increasingly challenging waves of bloons is incredibly satisfying, and the game strikes a perfect balance between accessibility and depth.

Another standout feature of Bloons TD Battles 2 is its multiplayer mode. Facing off against other players in intense one-on-one battles adds a competitive edge to the experience, and the ability to send bloons to sabotage your opponent's defenses adds an extra layer of strategy to the mix. The matchmaking system works well, ensuring that matches are both fair and competitive, and the online community is active and welcoming.

However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows in the world of Bloons TD Battles 2. One minor gripe I have is with the in-game monetization. While the game is free to play, there are optional microtransactions for purchasing in-game currency and other items. While these purchases are entirely optional and don't significantly impact gameplay, they can sometimes feel a bit intrusive, especially for those who prefer a completely premium experience.

Overall, Bloons TD Battles 2 is a fantastic tower defense game that manages to build upon the success of its predecessor while adding enough new content to keep things feeling fresh. With its polished graphics, engaging gameplay, and robust multiplayer mode, it's easy to sink countless hours into this addictive title. Whether you're a longtime fan of the series or new to the world of tower defense games, Bloons TD Battles 2 comes highly recommended.

Recommendation: Yes
Posted March 28.
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5.8 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Idle Capitalism, Surprisingly Addictive.
With 5.7 hours clocked into AdVenture Capitalist's world of relentless profits, it's time to share my thoughts on this unique take on the idle gaming genre.

Simplicity with Depth: AdVenture Capitalist's simplicity is its strength. The game is easy to pick up, but the layers of strategy and optimization add unexpected depth, making it surprisingly engaging.

Idle Progression: The idle aspect is well-executed, allowing progress even when offline. Watching your empire grow and accumulate wealth over time is oddly satisfying.

Unlockable Content: The game's progression system keeps you hooked with various businesses to unlock, upgrades to purchase, and planets to conquer. It gives a sense of accomplishment and progression.

Microtransaction Emphasis: While the game is free-to-play, the heavy emphasis on microtransactions might be off-putting to some players. It can sometimes feel like progress is intentionally slowed to encourage in-game purchases.

Limited Interactivity: As an idle game, AdVenture Capitalist lacks active gameplay. If you're looking for a more hands-on experience, this might not be the right fit.

AdVenture Capitalist is a solid choice for those who enjoy the idle gaming genre. Its addictive nature lies in the balance between simplicity and a surprising amount of strategy. If you're okay with the occasional nudge towards microtransactions and enjoy watching numbers grow exponentially, I recommend giving AdVenture Capitalist a try.

Rating: 10/10
Posted January 6.
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213.8 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
Timeless Excellence in Competitive FPS.
After spending 9.4 hours diving into the heart of Counter-Strike, it's clear why this game has stood the test of time as a pinnacle of competitive first-person shooters.

Pure Competitive Thrill: Counter-Strike's focus on raw, competitive gameplay sets it apart. Every match feels like a high-stakes tactical chess game, requiring teamwork, strategy, and quick reflexes.

Iconic Maps: The classic maps like de_dust2 and cs_office remain not only nostalgic but also brilliantly designed. The familiarity breeds intense engagements and strategic plays.

Skill-Based Gunplay: The skill ceiling for gunplay is high, rewarding precision and mastery of weapon mechanics. The satisfaction of landing a precise shot or executing a well-timed strategy is unparalleled.

Graphical Outdatedness: As expected from a game with such a rich history, the graphics are showing their age. An update to the visual presentation could enhance the overall gaming experience.

Learning Curve: For new players, Counter-Strike can be intimidating due to its steep learning curve. A more robust tutorial system could ease the entry for those new to the game.

Counter-Strike remains an absolute must-play for anyone who appreciates the essence of competitive gaming. The adrenaline, the camaraderie, and the satisfaction of a well-executed plan make it a timeless masterpiece. While it may not cater to everyone due to its learning curve, those who embrace the challenge will find an FPS experience like no other.

Rating: 9/10

Posted January 6.
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219.5 hrs on record (15.0 hrs at review time)
Timeless Classic, Still Ruling the FPS Arena
With 15.0 hours of fragging, strategizing, and pure adrenaline rushes, Counter-Strike: Source continues to prove why it's a timeless classic in the world of FPS gaming.

Tactical Gameplay: Counter-Strike: Source's focus on strategic, team-based gameplay is unparalleled. The need for communication and coordination adds a layer of depth that keeps each match feeling intense and rewarding.

Timeless Maps: Iconic maps like de_dust2 and cs_office stand the test of time. The level design strikes a perfect balance between simplicity and complexity, creating memorable battlegrounds.

Responsive Gunplay: The gunplay remains satisfyingly responsive, and the distinct characteristics of each weapon ensure a diverse and skill-centric experience.

Outdated Graphics: While the core gameplay remains solid, the graphics are starting to show their age. An updated visual overhaul could breathe new life into this classic.

Limited Weapon Variety: Although the weapon selection is solid, a bit more variety could add freshness to the gameplay, especially for long-time players.

Counter-Strike: Source is a must-play for any FPS enthusiast. Its enduring popularity speaks volumes about the game's impact on the genre. If you appreciate strategic gameplay, teamwork, and the thrill of outsmarting opponents, Counter-Strike: Source is a timeless gem that still holds up today.

Rating: 9/10
Posted January 6.
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7.7 hrs on record
Mind-Bending Adventure Through the Gravity Field.

After spending 7.7 hours navigating the twists and turns of Gravity Field, I'm ready to share my thoughts on this gravity-defying adventure.

Innovative Gameplay Mechanic: Gravity Field stands out with its unique take on gameplay. The manipulation of gravity adds a refreshing layer of complexity to puzzles and challenges.

Visual Aesthetics: The minimalist visuals and clean design contribute to an immersive experience. The game's aesthetic simplicity enhances focus on the core mechanics and puzzles.

Engaging Puzzles: The puzzle design is well-crafted, offering a satisfying blend of difficulty and creativity. Each level presents a new set of challenges that keep the gameplay experience fresh.

Steep Learning Curve: While the innovative mechanics are a plus, the learning curve can be steep for newcomers. More gradual introduction to advanced gravity mechanics in early levels could improve accessibility.

Limited Story Depth: Gravity Field leans more towards a puzzle-focused experience, and those seeking a narrative-rich game might find it lacking in story depth.

Gravity Field is a compelling choice for puzzle enthusiasts who crave a mental challenge. The gravity-altering mechanics breathe new life into the puzzle genre, making each level a captivating experience. Despite the learning curve, the engaging puzzles and sleek visuals make it a recommendable title for fans of mind-bending adventures.

Rating: 7.5/10
Posted January 6.
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518.3 hrs on record (76.6 hrs at review time)
Survival at Its Rawest – A Rusty Adventure..

With a solid 76.6 hours under my belt, Rust has proven to be an intense and immersive survival experience. Here's a breakdown of what I've appreciated and some areas that could use refinement.

Player-Driven Emergent Gameplay: Rust's strength lies in the unpredictability of player interactions. From alliances to betrayals, the open-world PvPvE environment creates unforgettable moments and stories.

Crafting and Building Depth: The crafting system is intricate, offering a wide array of items and structures to build. Establishing a base and seeing it evolve is immensely satisfying.

Dynamic Environments: The ever-changing landscapes, weather, and day-night cycles contribute to the sense of immersion. Exploring Rust's world feels genuinely perilous and rewarding.

Learning Curve: Rust has a steep learning curve, and new players may find it challenging to grasp the mechanics quickly. More in-game tutorials or a beginner-friendly zone could ease the entry for newcomers.

Occasional Technical Hurdles: While the overall performance is commendable, occasional glitches or server-related issues can disrupt the experience. Consistent optimization updates would be appreciated.

If you're a fan of hardcore survival games with a penchant for emergent player-driven narratives, Rust is an absolute gem. The challenges, the victories, and the constant tension make each session unique. However, be prepared for a learning curve and occasional technical hiccups. For those seeking an unforgiving and rewarding survival experience, I highly recommend Rust.

Rating: 8.5/10
Posted January 6.
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65.4 hrs on record
Thrilling Combat Experience with Room for Improvement.
Combat Master: Season 1 offers a solid foundation for a thrilling combat experience. With a notable playtime of 65.4 hours, I've had a comprehensive journey through its gameplay mechanics and features.

Engaging Combat: The combat mechanics in Combat Master are the highlight. The responsive controls and diverse arsenal of weapons provide an immersive and engaging combat experience.

Rich Content: Season 1 delivers a substantial amount of content, from varied maps to challenging missions. The game keeps you on your toes with a mix of both solo and team-based gameplay.

Customization Options: The ability to customize loadouts and personalize characters adds a layer of strategy and uniqueness to each match.


Technical Glitches: Despite the enjoyable gameplay, there were occasional technical glitches that impacted the overall experience. These included instances of lag and occasional crashes.

Limited Maps: While the available maps are well-designed, a greater variety would enhance the overall replay value.


For fans of tactical combat games, Combat Master: Season 1 is a solid choice. The intense firefights and strategic elements provide a satisfying gaming experience. However, the developers should address technical issues and consider expanding the map pool to keep the game fresh and exciting. Overall, I recommend Combat Master to those who appreciate skill-based shooters with room for improvement.

Rating: 7.5/10
Posted January 6.
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81.7 hrs on record
Addictively Simple, Endlessly Entertaining...


Cookie Clicker is the epitome of simple yet captivating gameplay. What initially appears as a basic clicker game evolves into an addictive journey filled with upgrades, achievements, and an ever-expanding bakery empire.


Addictive Gameplay: The core mechanic of clicking to generate cookies is surprisingly satisfying and becomes strangely addictive over time.

Progression System: The game's progression system keeps you engaged with a constant stream of upgrades, achievements, and new elements to unlock.

Quirky Humor: Cookie Clicker doesn't take itself too seriously, and the quirky humor adds a delightful touch to the gaming experience.


Can Be Time-Consuming: While the game's idle mechanics are great for passive play, Cookie Clicker can become a time sink if you get deeply invested in maximizing your cookie production.

Visual Simplicity: The minimalist design, while charming, might not appeal to those looking for visually intricate games.


If you enjoy games that offer a perfect blend of simplicity and endless progression, Cookie Clicker is a must-try. It's a fantastic game to play in short bursts or leave running in the background for a sweet surprise when you return. I highly recommend it to fans of incremental games and those seeking a relaxing yet engaging experience.

Rating: 9/10
Posted January 6.
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0.0 hrs on record
no anti cheat!
Posted December 12, 2023.
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