Jade (She/Her)     United Kingdom (Great Britain)
#1 Maud enjoyer

Currently Online
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Personal File

Greetings traveller it appears you have located my profile on your long perilous and curious journey so feel free to set up a chair , get some fresh beverages and listen to everything you need to know about me.

⛧ My name is Jade and I'm a 19 year old Autistic Trans woman from England who heavily enjoys rambling your ear off with various different topics that are stored within the deep containment of my mind. I'm very open and engaging to communicate with and I'm more than willing to talk/befriend new people with my only stipulation being that you are not a gigantic ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

⛧ I'm a heavy enjoyer/advocate of 100% completion and so far to date have successfully completed 11 games with that number gradually still rising. My proudest achievements from that list include but are not limited to: (Command and Conquer Remastered Collection , Metal Slug , Metal Slug X , Metal Slug 3 , Muse Dash and OneShot).

I'm currently in the process of attempting to get all of the achievements for other games from my library as well but some games are proving to be more of a challenge than I had originally anticipated (Looking at you Halo MCC and TF2 :NZA2_TombStone:)

⛧ Historian who specialises and loves studying anything 19th or 20th century related mainly when it comes to the history of warfare and global politics. Alongside this I also love researching about the technological advancements throughout history as well with the main ones being Aircraft , Tanks and Battleships.

⛧ Proud fan of My Little Pony for over 13 years now as I've been apart of the fandom since October 2010 so ground zero in other words. I also dabble inside of the Furry fandom occasionally as well however it's not really a community I engage with all that often as I'm more connected to ponies lol.

Also quick warning: If me being a fan of a show that you personally do not understand the enjoyment of gets you so annoyed to the point you have to come to my profile about it then please continue seething and coping about in in my comments like a little ♥♥♥♥♥ :marijaspeechless:

⛧ Avid music enthusiast who enjoys all kinds of genres however my top favourites are Metal , Breakcore , Synthwave , 2000s emo/garage and Hyperpop.

Favourite artists also include:
- Vylet Pony
- PrinceWhatever
- General Mumble
- 100 Gecs
- Daft Punk
- Jack Stauber
- Machine Girl
- Renard
- MetaRoom

Adding Me

My adding rules are by no means strict but there's still some important details you need to be informed about in advance.

𝚫 Comment why you are adding me in every instance because I've been dealing with far too many random adds out of the blue without any kind of reason.

𝚫 I will not accept private profiles or any kind of account that has Vac or Game bans attributed to it however if you were hacked then I will be completely sympathetic and understand. (Other than that I do not associate with cheaters or hackers get good at the game loser).

𝚫 Do not under any circumstance add me simply just for trades because I will deny it instantaneously as none of my items in my inventory are up for sale.

𝚫 Do not add me for friend collecting either as I really do not give 2 ♥♥♥♥♥ about how massive you want your friends list to be.

𝚫 Don't ♥♥♥♥♥ at me if I do not answer back to you straight away as I'm fairly busy offline due to the fact I work and do not have the energy to be talking every single day.

My Working Days:

- Monday (3pm - 7pm)
- Friday (7pm - 11pm)
- Sunday (3pm - 7pm)

|System terminated|

Artwork Showcase
Lavender Twily
Recent Activity
665 hrs on record
last played on May 20
73 hrs on record
last played on May 16
1.3 hrs on record
last played on May 12
Quentin May 6 @ 4:50pm 
it probably iss onbe
MaudPied May 6 @ 3:26pm 
I have never encountered or spoken to that person in my life so this is new news to me as well.

It reads and is structured like a copy and pasted troll comment ngl lol
Quentin May 6 @ 8:40am 
jade who are these freakss
MaudPied May 5 @ 2:52pm 
What the ♥♥♥♥
Ahsoka Tano May 4 @ 10:45pm 
I told my friend about my porn addiction and his mood towards me has just COMPLETELY changed, he literally sees me as a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ object now. He called me "rapeable" yesterday and passed it off as a joke and he hugged me but kept shifting around to make his ♥♥♥♥ rub against me like it wasn't ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ obvious to me what he was trying to do

I feel ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sick, I trusted him, I've always felt useless because of my addiction and now he's gone and proven it to me. I just want to relapse my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ brains out. Sorry for the darker post I just need to share this w someone
ADeadYandere Apr 25 @ 7:13pm 
Another settlement needs your help i'll mark it on your map btw you should definitely play fallout