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Εκτός σύνδεσης
1 αποκλεισμός VAC | Πληροφορίες
Πολλαπλοί αποκλεισμοί παιχνιδιών | Πληροφορίες
638 μέρες από τον τελευταίο αποκλεισμό
Πρόσφατη δραστηριότητα
726 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 27 Φεβ
616 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 16 Οκτ 2023
141 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 28 Σεπ 2023
烏Isaac 16 Απρ 2023, 22:09 
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
烏Isaac 16 Απρ 2023, 22:09 
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
烏Isaac 16 Απρ 2023, 22:09 
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
烏Isaac 16 Απρ 2023, 22:09 
Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community.
烏Isaac 16 Απρ 2023, 22:09 
OHH!!!!! SHIT 30 Ιαν 2018, 5:06 
Trade Your Cases For Keys! 4 CASES = 1 KEY! {Ο ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΑΦΑΙΡΕΘΗΚΕ}