Mystical Tree
Zombii   United States
CS:GO Four-Skin Enjoyer.. Collecting every skin in CS2!
(See the guide below)

Skins Needed Left (6):
AK-47 Gold Arabesque
AWP Prince
AK-47 Wild Lotus
AWP Gungnir
AWP Dragon Lore
M4A4 Howl
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My CS2 Skin Collecting Guide!
CS2 Skin Collecting Guide:

My aim is to get every weapon skin in CS2. Here are some of the criteria I laid out for myself:

1. I need to have one of every weapon skin (not including knives and gloves). Any knives and gloves I get are to make nice combos for playing with or are used for trading.

2. All weapon finishes must be in the BEST condition possible, factory new. Exceptions to this rule:

-I don't personally like the look of stat-track on a lot of guns, so I only get them if I want to. This is also not related to float values, and collection skins (which comprise a large portion of the skin database) are not offered in stat-track.

-A lot of weapon finishes are float capped, so I will be getting the best possible finish for those float capped finishes (i.e. the AWP Asiimov is float capped at FT 0.18, so I must get a FT finish). This will be quite expensive for weapon finishes capped at 0.06, but it is a must.

-There are a few very expensive skins that simply look no different in FN versus MW (i.e. AWP Medusa), or are much more expensive when it is not worth (i.e. AUG Akihabara Accept). I will get these skins in MW for now, and will likely consider getting them in FN later when I have all other skins.

-I didn't originally have the goal in mind of getting the best possible finish - when I started, I decided everything would be factory new or minimal wear. I am in the process of upgrading all of the minimal wear skins to be factory new (I have 5 left). I am still deciding if I want to get the consumer and industrial grade skins in factory new since they are particularly hard to source, tedious to acquire, and will be sitting in a storage unit, hidden from the world. Currently, about half of the consumer and industrial grade skins I own are factory new, and the other half are minimal wear.

Float values for reference:
Factory New = 0.00 to 0.07
Minimal Wear = 0.07 to 0.15
Field Tested = 0.15 to 0.38
Well Worn = 0.38 to 0.45
Battle Scarred = 0.45 to 1.00

Here's how many skins exist in CS2:

Consumer Grade: 150 skins
Industrial Grade: 134 skins
Mil-Spec: 370 skins
Restricted: 261 skins
Classified: 152 skins
Covert: 90 skins
Contraband: 1 skin

Here's how many of those that I have:

Consumer Grade: 150 skins
Industrial Grade: 134 skins
Mil-Spec: 370 skins
Restricted: 261 skins
Classified: 151 skins
Covert: 83 skins
Contraband: 0 skins

I currently have 1149 out of 1158 skins in CS2. Since the inventory on steam caps at 1000, all of the consumer and industrial grade skins are sitting in a storage unit. The rest are displayed proudly in my inventory.

Here are the remaining skins I need to complete my collection:

1. AK-47 Gold Arabesque
2. AWP Prince
3. AK-47 Wild Lotus
4. AWP Gungnir
5. AWP Dragon Lore
6. M4A4 Howl
7. AK-47 Case Hardened
8. AK-47 X-Ray
9. AK-47 Vulcan

What I plan on buying next: AWP Prince

How I Acquired My Skins (approximate percentages):
75% from directly buying
20% from trading
3% from case opening
2% from trade-ups

Other Cool Stuff
-I do also enjoy doing sticker crafts (my personal favorite are Cologne 2016's, favorite sticker is Team Dignitas Holo)
-I have some investments in storage units, roughly 1,000 items mixed with cases, stickers, and autographs
-My favorite AWP Skin is the Desert Hydra
-My favorite AK Skin is the Wild Lotus

What's Next?

After I get all of the skins, I will likely focus on getting nice knife/glove combos so I can craft any loadout I wish to play with. In the future, I may end up making a knife/glove guide - if I plan on doing anything special. For now, I prefer getting gloves in minimal wear and I like having nice knife finishes, but I am otherwise unconcerned about anything specific I want for myself. I will also probably be doing more sticker crafts.

Feel free to add me if you're curious about anything!
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Mystical Tree May 15 @ 5:34pm 
@TriMurdi : ty <3
TriMurdi May 15 @ 5:30pm 
Alex ⇄ Trading Skins May 11 @ 5:26am 
+rep Enjoy your new Nova Skin!
Legalize Wonton May 3 @ 10:33am 
added to discuss trade
Dale Jr. Feb 16 @ 6:49pm 
Signed by Cooper
Halfway Jan 24 @ 9:31pm 
cute ig