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1 person found this review helpful
29.9 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I already wasted 10 hours into this game. I always wanted to be a store clerk, but irl it doesn't really pay well, so I didn't become one. But here, I can live out this fantasy :D
It's fun, you run the cashier, you resupply your shop, and repeat.

However, currently this is VERY early access. It has bugs, and many ideas that would make this game great, are still missing. It's currently only "good".

I definately recommend this game for people who love organizing things.
Posted April 28. Last edited April 30.
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32.1 hrs on record (26.9 hrs at review time)
It's a great little game to teach the basics of object oriented programming to people who take interest in the topic.

However, you should know the basics of non-OOP to be able to learn from this. It's not essential, but highly recommended.

The concepts of public/private/protected, and abstract keywords, classes, interfaces and exception handling are pretty well put on display as to how they work. Also I would mention the constructor concept is taught pretty well.

There are LOTS of typos in the game, most puzzles can be cheesed, and the WASD is not great at moving in diagonal directions, but other than that, it's wrapped in a "kids in mind" story and MS paint graphics from which people with intermediate knowledge about programming can enjoy and learn from.

I hope, fittingly, the next game will be JavaScript Edition, and I would be looking forward to that too.
Posted April 17.
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39 people found this review helpful
33.8 hrs on record (23.2 hrs at review time)
This is the 1st game I finished in a VERY long time. It took me 3 days to complete totaling 20 hrs.
It's a blast, really. Papers, Please on steroids.

It also clearly has bugs that were not ironed out, and the game desparately needs an endless mode, but even the 30 day campaign, was engaging and fun.

You should grab this title, it's still 12% off, for €17 this is a must have.

I really hope they will not abandon this game any time soon, because this game has vast expansion possibilities.

I knew this was a game I could be hyped for, way back in the day when the trailer was shown at E3.

Solid 8/10.
Posted March 11, 2023. Last edited March 26, 2023.
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79.2 hrs on record (58.2 hrs at review time)
It's of course a great game, however, there are 2 things I ABSOLUTELY hate about it.

1: Not everything can be connected to logistic/circuit network. I remember getting into a situation where I wanted to automate reload of turrets on the perimeter of my base. But I couldn't, because players cannot connect the gun turrets to circuit or logistic network either.

2: Achievements cannot be earned while you play with mods, which is the most retarded thought ever. You have to make gameplay worse for yourself, because base game lacks basic functionalities, like Bottleneck is an essential mod for gameplay, whcih all it does is give a visual indication if a machine is working or not, or not earn achievements....
Posted September 21, 2021.
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42.2 hrs on record (32.7 hrs at review time)
It's a very good puzzle game, with which I have a ton of fun.

Puzzles are actually harder than they seem after the tutorial "puzzles", and when you finally solve them, you feel satisfied.

There are however some UI issues, and the fact that you cannot have multiple solutions for puzzles. If you want to try out another solution for a puzzle, you have to delete the previous solution first. That's the only thing I hated in this game.
It could also use workshop, custom puzzles would be really great with this game.

So I'd definately recommend this game if you enjoy solving puzzles, and have a medium level knowledge of maths, because that is gonna be necessary.
Posted August 10, 2021. Last edited August 10, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
36.6 hrs on record (30.5 hrs at review time)
Game is awesome even after 14+ years.
One issue is that during loading of a map, video renderer is not working properly on Windows 10. But otherwise, it's by far the best Settlers game up to this point.

I highly recommend you guys at least check it out, if you are a fan of macro economics. Don't go into this game if you think it's about microing units, this is not Warcraft 3 or any other classic RTS.
Posted August 6, 2021.
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0.8 hrs on record
The concept is awesome, however, there are multiple issues in many regards, even if we accept the fact that it's an early promotional demo, hence I chose the not recommended button, because if it comes out with the issues I listed below, it's gonna be a hard pass for me.

So Dev, I collected all the issues I have found so far in this game, and please fix these issues. Thank you in advance :)

List of issues:

  1. (G)UI is counter intuitive and messy.
    Even though the demo's steam page says it's "no-fuss", certain things do the exact opposite of what you expect.
    • Lack of confined mouse cursor to window. Today, when overwhelming majority of people have multi screen setups, it's unacceptable that you can, by accident, click outside of the game.
    • Exiting the game gives you a green tick mark, and a red X in the corner. I would expect it to be red X that quits game, however the green tick mark exits the game.
    • Scrolling while hovering over the settings menu during a "battle", also zooms in/out the "battlefield".
    • Manouvering your units is very clunky, most tutorials, where you have to sync your units, I failed doing most of the setups that was shown in the forced video to watch for the 1st time, because when I moved my units, they didnt move as I expected them to move, other times, for example during the tutorial where you learn about the ctrl button and get 4 units, the game just simply didn't even register the fact that I held down the CTRL button, or I just didn't notice a single difference compared to when I manually moved each unit one after the other.
    • The action symbols on the track are very tiny, and when, and what symbol is being shown, is not thought over.
      One example being, even when a unit is not moving, only the others in the squad, the pause symbol doesn't appear on the spot where I stopped moving that unit. That caused a lot of confusion for me, and in the end, the ingame plan didn't match what I had in my mind.
    • Some sort of bar on which your units and info about them is completely lacking. So you have to guess what equipment, how much health, if they decide to add later, how much armor your units have. And during this demo, you can't even memorize it, because of a bug I'll describe in the bugs section.
  2. Gameplay in general, and the video tutorials are very slow, that you cannot speed up or even skip, not even after 1st watch. Rewatching them over and over, I felt like I'm gonna stab myself in those moments.
    As for gameplay, unit movement or replay speed could easily be doubled by default, they move very slowly at the moment.
    By default, the battlefield is waay too zoomed out, a better technique of selecting the default zoom level should be implemented, and making zoom speed faster would be appreciated, because 1 click on the wheel barely moves the camera in/out.
    When you drag your units on the grid, the game does all sort of chicanes with your units path, and I hate it. Please rethink this square grid setup, because it's a game killer.

    Please make the ground a proper plane, and not a set of points.

  3. Visuals.
    I really hope literally everything is a placeholder in the game, because I really don't like how this demo looks. I understand there is no detail work in the aestehetics at the moment, but there are render issues (especially walls are bad), and severe FPS issues, even though this game currently is a relatively few polygons with a 2D texture on them.
  4. Bugs.
    And quite a lot of them, even though I played for less than an hour. So these at least I would hate to see in the final game.
    • Settings sometimes doesn't save. Also, if you only apply the settings, and quit the settings menu, the changes don't save either.
    • When the camera is in an angle that you can hover over both a unit, and a door, both action wheels appear at the same time overlapping each other.
    • When you have the settings menu up while on the battlefield, scrolling while hovering in the settings panel also zooms in/out of the battlefield.
    • On the 1st skirmish map, I equipped both my guys with 2 granades, both with a stun grenade, and the 2 other granades. There are 2 rooms on that level. I threw in a stun granade in the 1st room, and with the other guy, I planned out throwing the other stun grenade, and selected after the explosion, go in the room. However, that never actually happened, the guy just marched right in the 2nd room with 2 enemies staring at them, because the game didn't reckognise that unit had a stun grenade.
    • Cannot plan multiple actions for a unit on the same coordinate, even if it's not at the same time unit.
    • Shooting marker literally does nothing. After failing the 1st 2 unit tutorial multiple times due to them attacking the same side of the door units and not crossing them over, I manually set up their targeting on when and what target I wanted them to shoot, they just completely disregarded my marks, and just randomly attacked targets in their sights.
    • Time sync CTRL button, I'm pretty sure, does nothing. Or at least I wasn't able to recreate what was shown in the tutorial video, where multiple units were moving at the same time, while only moving 1 unit and holding down CTRL.
Posted April 23, 2021. Last edited April 24, 2021.
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153.5 hrs on record (124.2 hrs at review time)
TL:DR: Mobile game cashgrab ported to PC as an after thought. Don't waste your money or time on this, the devs don't deserve it.

In the beginning, I thought that this game is awesome. Up until I wanted more out of the game than the normal maps, and I started races. There I found out that this game, is lacking in so many aspects, you can tell that this was primarely designed for mobile, and PC was an after thought.
Now I am frustrated at the game, because one cannot play it properly, because basic things are missing from the game, and I wish I could refund it, but sadly that's not how life works...

a) The UI is such garbage...
- Hotkeys are not displayed on the monkey icons.
- Cannot restart map without exiting to main menu or waiting until getting to 0 lives. You are forced to watch your real life tick away while you wait to die ingame.
- One cannot see all of the monkey tower icons on the left all the time on the screen, it's a scroll tab, meaning if you need to micro (because there are maps where it's a requiement), you are forced to memorize every single hotkey, which is just mindblowing. It literally takes 5 minutes in Unity to fix it, but no, because F*** the players.
- Leaderboards are not visible post race, you only get a one time popup saying what place you were, and get some rewards. However I have encountered a bug where the game placed me at an incorrect place, so many people with worse times were in front of me. Meaning, the devs failed to program the 1st basic algorithm (ordering) you learn as a programmer. That's the level of incompetency we face here.
- If you press a hotkey, you would imagine at least a shadow image of the tower you pressed the hotkey for appear on the screen, but no, if you don't have enough money for a tower, you don't get ANY feedback of what tower you pressed the hotkey for, or even that you pressed it, so I found myself pressing the same key multiple times, until I realised, that I don't have enough money for it.

b) Bugs, bugs, and bugs.
There are so many bugs in the game, I would go insane just listing them here, so I'm gonna just cherry pick some.
- Monkey Village 010, which prevents regrow balloons from regrowing, sometimes literally does nothing.
- RNG is a crucial part in this game. In a strategy game, which TDs are. Yep.... Have fun trying maps that you literally seen work in a video, fail for you 50 times, because RNG.
- Pixel perfect placement on many maps... The worst. And mandatory in many cases. You would be amazed how different of an end result 1 pixel could get you in this game.

c) Support Team
-And the worst of them all: On the website, there is a feature called "Suggest feature", which is a good sounding codeword for tickets, where I have tried contacting the devs, but all that done, is these suggestions got auto "Solved", meaning nobody read them, and nobody will read them. You just gotta love when that happens.
- And don't even bother going on the Discord server, you won't find anything useful there either. When you write something, it just gets ignored anyway :)
Posted April 17, 2021.
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4 people found this review helpful
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7.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This was the worst purchase of my life, and 20 euros down the drain.

Back when this game was released, I was hyped because a hungarian team was working on it, and they advertised it with hungarian vehicles (Ikarus for example) that I loved from my childhood. I love Cities Skylines, today the best city building game, so putting the 2 together, and you have the best game ever.... On paper.

I accepted that when they released it, it was just a bug infestation, with none of the systems actually being good or even functional.
After more than a year has passed, I watched a video of Colonel Failiure, where all game mechanics, UI, graphics are basically untouched, and instead they waste their time on adding more meaningless content, like atom reactor.

Please focus on fixing what you already have, and stop wasting time on things that are worthless until basic systems are non-functional.

Wish I could refund, but ofc >1 year is longer than 2 weeks.
Posted August 28, 2020.
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9 people found this review helpful
36.0 hrs on record (34.3 hrs at review time)
Back when this game came out, I was hyped, was shocked how bad it is, and recently I returned to it, only to see that none of the issues got even tweaked, let alone fixed.

- The programming computer machine in this game is so unnecessarily complicated, because you cannot use other machines' outputs as inputs, you can only read orders, that render the programmable computer basically useless.

- The UI in every respect, is just awful. To select a machine to place, you have to scroll down a single file list, and scroll speed is way too slow. When you have a machine's menu open, you cannot move the camera, which makes seeing settings very difficult. Box selecting things is also very difficult, because, for some reason, the game doesn't reckognise small width boxes as selecting machines, so you are forced to move your production lines around so you could select everything you want at the same time.

- Certain machines' functions were not thoroughly thought out. I already mentioned the programmable machine, and the other most notable one is the fluid mixing and pump functionalities. Certain recipes require you to mix 2 fluids together, but pumps can only pump 50 ml of fluid in 1 second, so you need another tank and another pump to pump more than 50 and less than 100 ml of fluid. I hated that so much.

- Feedback loops are not allowed in this game. I wanted to use a counter machine to count how many items are on a grill, and if it's more than 0, then I wanted it to turn on, but you cannot do it, because 1 machine can only be linked to 1 controller, and only once. So you are wasting energy, because all machines are by default on.

These are my thoughts on the game.

Just buy Factorio, or a Zachtronics game, those aren't the perfect games either, but they are a million times better than this.
Posted August 25, 2020.
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