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2 people found this review helpful
30.9 hrs on record
Buy this game! It's well made, the developers listen to their community and it's just insanely fun and silly. Play with friends for the best experience!
Posted May 3. Last edited May 6.
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56.8 hrs on record (42.9 hrs at review time)
TL;DR - Don't pay more than $30 for this. Solid game at that price. ♥♥♥♥ at $60.

God where do I even start with Dying Light 2. I feel like a better name would be "Dying Inspiration 2".

The gameplay is solid and the world looks pretty but it feels.....dry. Bland. Unimpressive. Especially when compared to it's predecessor. There's a lot of questionable things that happen in game that feel just bad in general. I think my biggest gripe is the parkour.

It still feels -fine- and sometimes good. But they over-tuned the assistance in it. So no longer do you feel grounded and in control. Now it feels floaty and less rewarding. Quite literally pulling you towards things if you aren't close enough. Compensating rather than letting you fall for a mistake.

The story is seriously bland. The whole concept behind it has been done to death. And feels cheap. Like it belongs in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ B-List action movie.

If you don't care for spoilers then It's the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ "You're a lab rat child turned super soldier but your powers are a risk to others so you go to find the one man who did it to you and save your girlfriend from him. Oh and surprise he's the father of your dead childhood friend and your adoptive father.

Seriously lame.

Oh and the faction mechanics are basically the same as Fallout 4. Help this group, lose rep with the other, so on and so forth. Works fine just....already done before.
Posted November 27, 2023.
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23.1 hrs on record
TL;DR - This Remake is amazing. Buy it. Play it.

Dead space was and still is, horrifying. The atmosphere is heavy, the audio creepy and bone chilling.

When Dead Space first released back in 2008, it shocked most who played it. Regarded as one of the best video games of all time, it was often recommended to go and play the game. Yes the old one. It really held up quite well in terms of sci-fi horror for easily a decade.

I was genuinely ecstatic when this game was announced. That hype absolutely carried into the game.

The 2023 Remake of Dead Space is genuinely a work of art. Motive Interactive clearly put blood sweat and tears into reviving this game and deserve some serious credit.

Without spoiling anything: The lighting, Audio, Atmosphere and over all graphics were brought up to AAA standards for 2023. Absolutely buy this game.
Posted November 23, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
51.5 hrs on record (7.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
A wonderfully made co-op experience. Genuinely find some friends and give it a try.
Posted November 6, 2023.
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43.9 hrs on record (43.1 hrs at review time)
Into The Radius is one of the best titles for Virtual Reality on the market. Though it's had a bumpy road especially after making the quest 2 port, it's still a very solid game. It has a wonderful atmosphere and really sells that you are in fact. Alone.

There's immense levels of mystery and horror to the game and it's story. While also provide an incredibly challenging yet fun survival game.

I highly recommend buying this game. Even if official mod support won't be coming.
Posted November 6, 2023.
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1.1 hrs on record
greg :)
Posted October 24, 2023.
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15.2 hrs on record
Payday 3 looks and feels somewhat good. But to put keep it short? Don't buy this game. Waste of time and money.

There was a lot of potential for this game but Starbreeze Studios is no longer interested in the community. They only want the money now. They launched a broken game and took far too much time to fix the servers so players could finally play. Yes even if you wanted to play solo.

They only barely managed to fix the game and servers before pushing more paid content at stupidly high prices. How high?

$10 for one map. No extra content. One map. The guns? that's an extra purchase. Masks and cosmetics? Buy it.

Seriously such a let down. Would refund if I could. ♥♥♥♥ you Starbreeze. I hope the company goes under and nobody bails your sorry ass out this time.

Posted September 23, 2023. Last edited December 16, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
10.1 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
Short and simple review:

Overwatch 1&2 are good games at the core. But Blizzard is a horrendous and evil company that only cares about fueling it's corporate greed and investors. "Cancelled" PvE gamemode before releasing it anyway. PvE was stripped down to the most basic story and PvE functions I've ever seen in a AAA title. First mission is free, $15 minimum for the rest????

Don't waste your time. I want to say have fun because the game can be fun. But don't support Blizzard. Vote with your wallet and time. Maybe one day I'll recommend this game is Blizzard changes and this game is still running but...unlikely.
Posted August 14, 2023.
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125.2 hrs on record (98.9 hrs at review time)
The campaign was honestly rad. I enjoyed it immensely. However most people don't play Call of Duty games for the campaign so lemme be brutally honest. And TL:DR DO NOT PAY $70 FOR THIS GAME. Far from worth it. I bought it when I had disposable income and to play it with friends. But in hindsight this game is not great for a $70 product.

VV Full Review VV

-The gun play in Modern Warfare 2 - 2023: It feels great until it doesn't. Hit registration is seemingly a coinflip at best. It's very rare a gun is consistent. I could not tell you what qualifies as a head shot in this game because you can aim at someones head. Shoot. And it's counted as body.

-The net code or servers: This game 100% favors those who play aggressively. If person A is sprinting, and jumps around a corner, they will see person B well before the other way around. The amount of times I've been killed seemingly instantly from someone jumping out from a corner cannot be counted. Meanwhile their kill cam shows that they were out for easily 2-3 more seconds than what I saw on my end. Mind you I've got a 165hz refresh rate monitor and a 3090ti to back up those frames.

-Aim assist: I agree that console or controller players will need some form of assistance when playing against players on mouse and keyboard. But the amount of aim assist featured in this game for console players is borderline Aimbot rather than "aim assist". I've seen several instances in the last week of players aiming and tracking my near perfectly just because the game did it for them. Meanwhile, I get no compensation for being on mouse and keyboard. It's reached a point where it gives console players an unfair advantage and just feels bad for a $70 product.

-Playlists: You can thankfully like the other games, set your own playlist. How ever, the game for what ever reason will change YOUR OWN playlist to have gamemodes the Devs want to make you play. I'm constantly having to take out the 3rd person/over the shoulder game modes.

Now we're getting into personal gripes:

-Riot shields: They suck. They are indestructible and if the play crouches, makes them basically invulnerable from the front. The exception being drill charges, thermite grenades and maybe launchers. They serve little to no purpose and need a re-work. I feel like making the glass break after X amount of damage or at least get filled with cracks to obscure vision after a while.

-The UI: is honestly awful. They treat DMZ, Warzone and MW2 as 3 different games so the "main menu" isn't really the "main menu"

Now for a more positive note:

The game feels smooth. The animations are great with few problems. When everything is going well, the game feels great. The gun play is actually nice when it registers properly. Customization is also really good, improving upon what 2019 Modern Warfare had.

Ultimate opinion:

This game has many moments that feel great. It's fast paced. It's good looking. The animations and guns are amazing. But it leaves so much room for improvement and has much that leaves you asking why.

I cannot recommend ANYONE pay the outrageous asking price of $70. This game is not good enough to justify that price tag. Let alone the fact that they still sell a battle pass and have a bunch of cosmetic packs you can also purchase.

So again, DO NOT BUY THIS AT FULL PRICE. Honestly save your money. Support a different company. Buy different cheaper games.
Posted June 26, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
4.9 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is amazing. It's a really solid, arcade-y feeling horde shooter. It's seriously refreshing to see a good game launched at a respectable price. For $25 you get hours of fun. I highly recommend purchasing this.
Posted June 7, 2023.
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