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199.7 hrs on record (172.2 hrs at review time)
I don't have anything to say that hasn't already been said but the game deserves another positive review so here we go.
Posted March 29.
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141.8 hrs on record (81.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Other reviews sum up the game fine I just wanted to give it another positive review.
Posted July 24, 2018.
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865.8 hrs on record (557.4 hrs at review time)
I don't even know why I play this game anymore. While the gameplay is better than any other game I've played, its being driven into the ground by Ubisoft's patented incompetence. Lets go over some of the issues because I've played alpha's that are less ♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Glitches take centuries to fix. This is a competitve game. There is a pro league. A game breaking exploit that everyone knows about should not take months to fix. If it was any other esports game it would be hotfixed in a day. I don't know if Ubisoft's employees are too busy blowing each other to fix a glitch but this ♥♥♥♥ needs to stop. When the blitz glitch was around it took over a month to fix it and then the next day there was a new, even better way to do it. Lets not forget that Hibana sometimes can't blow up a wall/hatch if its reinforced, which can cost you the round. Picture [i.gyazo.com]

Hackers seem to be taking off. I've only seen 1 but I've heard most of them are in the higher elo's anyways. A lot of content creators who are in diamond have been talking about it.

Most toxic community in any game I've ever played and I have played League of Legends, Overwatch, CS:GO, etc. Teamkilling is very common. I've seen matches where 4 people TK each other off the start and the round is a 1v5. Most people won't use their mic for anything other than raging at you. Yesterday my friend was in a 1v1 and I told him where the last guy was and some dude just starts screaming "shut the ♥♥♥♥ up" over and over.

3 diamonds can queue with a couple of coppers and stomp you in silver/gold. Why can a diamond even queue with a copper? Doesn't make sense. While we're on that, you can switch to a different server and smurf for free. In gold on NA half the players are just EU plats/diamonds that switched servers. Rank should carry over.

Year 3 and ranked is still in beta when this is a primarily competitive game. I don't know how they can get through a pro league game without making the game look like ♥♥♥♥ that was put together by a team of 5 year olds.

Constant server issues and hit detection issues. You can't check the rainbow6 subreddit without seeing the top post as some sort of hit detection/server issue. This is me teleporting half way across the map and dying from my match not too long ago. You better believe it still happens though. https://gyazo.com/9e7f9973d7ab3fb1c961710e3c78eaa8 Outplayed I guess.

Sometimes you'll have no sound when your drone gets killed and it won't get fixed until you restart your game. This has been in the game since I started 6 months ago.

Good luck ever completing a match without a model glitch happening. People holding valk cams instead of their gun, gun sights taking up the entire screen, and even the screen being sideways. Picture [i.gyazo.com]

TL;DR: The gameplay is awesome but there are about 498568923746542835 bugs at the time of writing this, some of which have existed since the stone age. Don't buy this garbage until the game is in a playable state.
Posted April 14, 2018. Last edited July 1, 2018.
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19.4 hrs on record (12.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Dead as ♥♥♥♥. Terrible developers. Skins worked before the game ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ worked.

If you see the reviews and still think buying this is a good idea there's something wrong with you. Peak of like 160 players. More people playing tetris than this garbage. Too bad I can't get a refund because it took more than 2 hours to get into my first match. Lmao. Avoid any game made by these incompetent developers. They say the issues are due to lack of funding but they didn't feel like they needed to hold off on adding skins or having tournaments with prize pools for a dead game.

Terrible decisions all around. It's clear this is the first time these developers have ever attempted to make a game. Probably took a 2 day online course and thought that was enough to put out a game.
Posted February 1, 2018. Last edited May 26, 2018.
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1,568.0 hrs on record (1,340.5 hrs at review time)
It doesn't matter how good you are.

Numbers > skill
Posted August 23, 2015. Last edited March 28, 2018.
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