
Последние обзоры Sauced Up Saxon

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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 15
69.2 ч. всего (68.0 ч. в момент написания)
Despite my love for this game and the many fond memories of playing it with friends online and locally. The Publisher Mane6 has completely gutted and abandoned this game.
Опубликовано 7 мая.
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5.8 ч. всего (5.2 ч. в момент написания)
A buggy mess, kept falling through the floor, the leveling up system and unlocking weapons has taken several steps back. It makes picking a class redundant for a majority of new players when only the Officer Class has a major difference in weaponry at the start of the game. Maps are too rocky and hilly (which I understand for the setting) but it makes it incredibly unfair and boring to play if you can just perch on the top of a mountain and one tap people. Play Verdun or Tannenberg instead.
Опубликовано 12 марта 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
1.1 ч. всего
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it's boring. The map is to big and it takes hours to get anywhere.
Опубликовано 1 июня 2020 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
681.3 ч. всего (406.0 ч. в момент написания)
Great game! Always on sale so wait to get all the DLC!
Опубликовано 1 ноября 2019 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
34.8 ч. всего (34.5 ч. в момент написания)
Yup this is the best way to Play CD. No contest. Get this game if you like Classic Sonic and platformers or loooove music
Опубликовано 31 августа 2019 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
4.9 ч. всего (0.7 ч. в момент написания)
I mean I like it don't get me wrong but it's not perfect.

The music feels really really off it's not bad but it sounds like a fan remix off youtube and not really a big budget sonic soundtrack but the original music is good.
Physics feel a little food but that's from the engine.
DLC is well optional for once since all it gives you is an extra run and two characters to play the original story with.
It's kinda weird it's like.

It feels like a really really good fan game but something feels off and I can't really understand why.
Опубликовано 2 июля 2019 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 18
0.0 ч. всего
An excellent strategy game. Always on sale so you can get the whole game for usually under 20 dollars. It's complex enough to keep you stimulated with it's gameplay for hours and it's easy enough for new players to get in to with a helpful small community and decent tutorial given by the game itself. However it maybe a pain for Windows 10 and 8 users to play the game and you have to use third party sites to mod the game. Overall a great game and it's usually on sale during the winter and summer months.
Опубликовано 25 мая 2019 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
2,284.5 ч. всего (476.4 ч. в момент написания)
Simply wait for a price drop for the whole package the base game mind numbingly easy.
Опубликовано 11 июля 2018 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
2,155.2 ч. всего (1.0 ч. в момент написания)
Wait for a sale and then get the expansions not the content packs.
Опубликовано 11 июля 2018 г.. Отредактировано 14 июля 2020 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 3
208.2 ч. всего (14.9 ч. в момент написания)
Call of Duty World at War is one of the best COD games out there and shines brightly on the P.C. However if you wish to experience the best of multiplayer and zombies be sure to get PeZbots and some zombie maps. Some friends wouldn't hurt either. Also the campaign is Godly and if you like Black ops 1 & 2 story this is actually the first to start it!
Опубликовано 1 января 2016 г.. Отредактировано 12 октября 2019 г..
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