cunt totally not smurfing
United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Got hacked, when recovering password.
Hacker got me trade banned ._.
Sin conexión
Intercambio actualmente bloqueado
Coleccionista de juegos
Expositor de capturas
Stattrak butterfly Fade FN / 70/30 Fade
Juego favorito
Teddy 7 JUN 2015 a las 9:06 
Teddy 7 JUN 2015 a las 9:06 
♥♥♥♥ got vac and trade ban xD
BOnSai387 22 MAY 2015 a las 15:31 
+rep bought keys... i dont know why he got trade banned D:
#Billy Intercambios bloqueados 17 MAY 2015 a las 7:42 
+rep went first of paypal. nice trader.
ProbleMser 17 MAY 2015 a las 7:37 
+rep paypalspecialist and he went first
crumblewood 14 MAY 2015 a las 1:38 
+rep friendly and negotiable trader!