Isaac#13603 on bnet
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I Hump teddy bears 25 dec, 2023 @ 5:45 
If you see Little Timmy this christmas, could you give him a nice lariat for the locals? He pointed out my flaws and made me cry was the second gunman on the grassy knoll. With his waddle, it shouldnt be a challenge to catch up to him.
I Hump teddy bears 25 maj, 2023 @ 13:48 
 I hate babies. Loud and inconsiderate. They think they're exempt from following rules; not to mention they REFUSE to use their words! if your hungry, just come to me and say "dear father, i require food! I need food to live fatso." then you will get your precous food. It will make things a whole lot easier when you comunicate PROPERLY instead of crying like a Karen you little punk ass ♥♥♥♥♥.
 Any (human) baby is an enemy of mine. If you ask me, i think they're Karens in disguise, taking advantage of people who have banged in the last couple of years.
 Think about it, free food, free slave labour, free roof over their head. Not in my household. When mine turns 1 (which will be never because i hate kids, and if i do i didnt pull out in time) , theyre gonna pay rent, if they refuse, I'll send them to the italian army, they'll fit in perfectly over there.
distinguished Sir joseph brandon 5 aug, 2020 @ 14:09 
Added for newcomer cup match
Who? 3 aug, 2020 @ 1:20 
try me out rgl demo boss
yaow 23 jun, 2020 @ 11:30 
try me out rgl demo boss
big booty judy 22 jun, 2020 @ 13:51 
added for official