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207.6 hrs on record (78.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Unlike most of the players i've never played a quake before . Wich means 2 things : One , I don't feel any nostalgia playing this game . Two , i can't compare this game to any other quake .
But overall this might be one of the best game i've ever played even if a lot of people wouldn't agree on that . I'll cut my review into 4 parts : Lore , Gameplay , Community and Optimisation .

Lore : Well there are lores in this game and the devs tried to in a weird way to put it on the front of the scene : In game you can colllect via an after game loot , a scroll wich tells a part of the story of 1 champion . Collecting all of a champion's scrolls and his artefact will unlock a sepcial skin . What does that means ? Well it means thaat nobody (even i who love lores in general) gives a ♥♥♥♥ about it and just look at the scroll they looted without ever reading it . But guys , it's an arena shooter ... does anybody really cares about those folks ? I mean the only real stadart that matters is "How many waay caan i ♥♥♥♥ those kids up" ... I don't know maybe I'm just an idiot but i really feel like this game doesn't need aa big lore .

Gameplay : Hm ... One Word : Speeeeeeeeeeeed ! No seriously for someone that had never played a quake before i was like a snail in middle of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tornado . Everything goes really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fast : Half of the champions have a pissive ability making them faster in someway and those who don't can still bunny hop and strafe . You get used to it after a while aand for god sake is this fun ! Not only that but projectiles aare also fast as ♥♥♥♥ bois . On the topic of weapons : they hurt ... like holy hell they hurt . You can easly deal a huge amount of damage with any weapon in the game if used right . But one of the problem of the game are the tanky champions . You know the ones , those who can survive 2 directs with a rocket launcher WICH THEY SHOULDN'T ... Sorry i lost my cool on that one . But it just tickles me a little too much . There are way too many things to saay about the gameplay and since I'm clearly not an expert you should probably go on and try to found some one who knows what his talking about rahter than a random 17 years old who doesn't even have 100 hours into the game .

Community : To put it simply (cuz this review is already way too long) most of the community are mature peoples who never say anything in chat . In other words , they are tryhards . But it's a quake ... what were you waiting for ? Though if you go on a stream you'll see that they usualy are friendly . Since the game has gone f2p some kids came out there but it's a video game so odviously you gonna see kids .

Optimisation : My pc isn't the most powerfull so i waas kindaa scared of low fps's and endless loading screen . Well even if i got some long loading screen i got nothing to say about fps's (except that i drop some everytime i use voice chat ... so yeah ... pls fix) the game is fluid and runs peerfectly even on a medium setup . One little problem i have though are the servers : usually i got like 18 ms on any game but here the lower i can go is 30 and some times i get thrown in a server with 60 or 120 pings ... It haas never arrived on raanked yet but it's still pretty annyoing .

Overall this is a great game but need to will to put enough effort into it otherwhise you won't really have any pleasure playing it cuz you'll get your has beaten every single time ... wich kinda come with every new pvp game you try . The game is quite good looking too and now that it's free to play i don't really see any reason of not trying it out at least :) .
Posted October 18, 2017. Last edited August 28, 2018.
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15.2 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
Ayant jour pandant la beta , acheter le jeu mais malheureusement peu jouer car trop peu de joueur sur les serveurs , je pense être néant en mesure de dire qu'evolve était beaucoup trop cher pour le contenu qu'il offrait ... la chose étant règlé je voudrais bien être remboursé mais bon j'ai des items (de merde) dans le jeux ... non mais vraiment vous auriez au moin pu rembourser en partie les cons qui ont acheter ce jeu (oui je viens de me traiter de con c'est quoi l'problème ?) Je ne peux pas dire qu'Evolve est un mauvais jeux (je serais de très mauvaise foie sinon) mon seul problème étant qu'il m'a couté 50 balles :/ mais bon le jeux reste très bon en soit et je vous conseille de l'éssayer CELA ETANT DIT : le jeu est vraiment palpitant qui vous donnera des parties de chasses extraordinaires ! si vous aimez les parties qui dure longtemps , la stragtégie et le jeux en équipe vous venez de vous trouvez votre saint grall par contre si vous êtes amateurs de jeux intense et rapide passez votre chemin
Posted July 28, 2016.
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379.6 hrs on record (367.8 hrs at review time)
ce jeus est génial presque parfait...serieusement.les quete sont diverse les possibilité sont énorme la map est colosale le gameplay est super bien réalisé et l'ambuance colle extrement bien avec l'univer.ce jeus n'est pas cher il est génial vous attendez quoi pour l'acheter(une promo peut-etre)?j'ai toujour pas explorer toute les possibilité et pourtant regarder combien de temps j'y ai joué
Posted June 7, 2015.
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58.0 hrs on record (28.1 hrs at review time)
pour le moment j'y ai jouer 19 heures... sur 2 jour!C'est un ama de nouvauter et les dlc sont alechant (meme si je ne les ai pas).Je dirais ce pendant que les boss on beaucoup moin de vie mais font beaucoup plus mal.Rien ne se passera comme prevu a la mission principale a la fin ça devient chiant.Mais le jeu reste tres cool.Et puis les classes sont geniales(je recommande le justiciere mais le claptrap est fun)Bon je retourne jouer j'ai des pillard a tuer des boss a descendre et une lune a sauver.
Posted March 9, 2015.
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49.3 hrs on record (22.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
tres dinamique et interessant je dirais juste que les degats sont enorment que se soit pour les humain ou les vampires.sur un echelle de 10 je lui met 8!car malgré les defauts du stiles les humain qui campent sont sur craquer ou les vampire sont horriblement chiant a combatre le jeu arrive a donné un sentiment d'accomplissement incroyable et de bonnes disaines d'heures de jeu.(au passage acheter du m'ateriel ne donne qu'un tres leger aventage ou rien si ca ne correspond pas a votre stylle de jeu sauf les technnique)
Posted January 25, 2015.
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