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2.9 hrs on record
This was a project I supported early in it's development on different platforms. Unfortunately, it was hit with the Hi-Rez treatment and died shortly after it was born never truly getting to fly. The game's concept was pretty typical of a hero shooter but had a fun gameplay cycle incorporating a round economy and some limited loadout choices for you to lean into. Pretty early on the micro-transactions and additional funding sources appeared which might have been the early warning signs. That said it really seemed like the game was gonna make it having a nicely animated release trailer and even a mobile version of the game. The playerbase however disappeared in favor of better titles in the genre and what was left wasn't enough to keep the game going. Though still playable and amazingly still getting hotfixes the game is a ghost town of players vs bots and the occasional pvp with new players trying the FTP title as a result of seeing it in a video somewhere. Theres no chance the game sees a revival and besides some cheap kick for trying out a new game, I really wouldn't bother.
Posted May 19.
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125.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I've rarely seen a game spawn so many copycats in such little time. This is the legacy of Phasmophobia which in itself should be testament to just how well done the game is. Modern day Phasmophobia features a leveling system that adds a form of meaningful progression to the game. Ghosts are tense encounters to be enjoyed over and over with new ones ocasionally making their way to the impressive roster. the game is simple to pick up and can be enjoyed alone or with friends and even supports a VR mode. Personally I love this game and often find myself and friends returning after a hiatus to see whats new and rediscover the enjoyment of the atmospheric maps. Like many before it, Phasmophobia proves the real gems of today's game industry come from the Indie developers who put their heart and soul into making their vision become a reality and are rewarded for their hard work. I should mention that in it's near 4 years of development, the devs have not once asked for any additional funding in DLCs or micro-transactions. This is particularly notable given the modest price of a copy and frequent sales that make collecting 3 friends to go become ghost bait with you even easier! Hats off to all you are and will become Phasmo!
Posted May 19.
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62.6 hrs on record
A really solid wave shooter with lots of different play-styles to get stuck into and a challenging top difficulty for the most adept Zed killers. I'm excited to see what KF3 offers but even if it flops we've still got this title to fall back on!
Posted May 19.
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107.9 hrs on record
Despite being a decade old, Insurgency is still a great arcade shooter that offers plenty of easy going matches for a semi-hardcore shooter experience. Personally I prefer this version to it's sequel; Insurgency: Sandstorm but that's just personal taste. Only issue is that if you don't play during peak hours you'll struggle to find a full match.
Posted May 19.
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0.0 hrs on record
Feels weird that the campaign is a DLC but ignoring that it's certainly not worth $80. Don't get me wrong, I had lots of fun playing the campaign in an open world HALO. I've completed pretty much every side quest and event available but at the end of the day the world felt empty. Just the sheer size of the map with large swaths of empty area filled by random encounters wasn't really fulfilling even if the gun play felt great! I really wish there was more contention between the UNSC and The Banished, Perhaps something akin to Shadow of war where taking over bases and setting up outposts lead to more NPC battles for you to stumble upon. If the campaign ever goes on sale for something like 30-40 bucks then sure, have at it and see what 343 were up to but otherwise just stick to MCC or the multiplayer. Maybe i'm biased but personally I think Halo hit it's stride with Reach and has been trying to find that glory ever since with titles that just don't quite feel the same. Again, to clarify I think the campaign was fun and the world looks great if a little empty. I just don't think it's worth the asking price especially 2 1/2 years later when the game is already seeing it's MP scene die.
Posted May 19.
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15.0 hrs on record
Homefront had the potential to be a really memorable game. Unfortunately, a shoddy story and downright uninspired weapon system killed this for me. I seldom quit out on games before finishing but I ended up uninstalling the game halfway through. The voice acting seems to get worse the further you go as if the VAs started to loathe the project. Ignoring that the weapons feel beyond dated. They tried a modular approach using a crafting/unlock system but really only a couple of your options actually feel like they make a difference. Despite releasing in 2016 the game would feel more at home in the late 2000s when it comes to world environment. Somehow the game appears to have a couple DLCs that supposedly add on to the story but I doubt they feel much better than the base game. If you want a similar genre game that executed it's goals much better, consider looking at Generation: Zero which retails for a similar price.
Posted May 19.
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516.3 hrs on record
Free to play Valve classic. Chances are you'll find a way to spend too much either on the Steam Market or unaffiliated site but oh well. Game is unlikely to see any more development and is plagued by cheaters but when you do find that one lobby playing the way it was meant to be, it's really something special.
Posted May 19.
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432.1 hrs on record
Probably my favorite in the fighting game genre. Cards on the table I spend most of my time against bots just farming for cosmetics and playing for fun because that's my personal taste. That said, the games PVP is a lot of fun and the champs feel like they really do have a lot to offer most of the time. I think For Honor is long past the days of getting any awards but as I frequently see it on sale i'd say it earns it's price for most people. The campaign takes a back seat to the multiplayer but is enjoyable and worth doing for the majority of people with even a slight interest in story. Finally, the monetization is exactly what to expect from Ubisoft and is comparable to Rainbow 6. I don't know how many years For honor has until it eventually sees a sunset like plan for players to keep playing without any new content but even then i'd say there's lots to be enjoyed.
Posted May 19.
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793.7 hrs on record
PUBG on launch was one of the most unique experiences you could have. I used to play for hours with friends finding every match a thrilling time that often had us talking about how we could have won or did win even after the fact. Unfortunately those days are long gone. Over the last couple years the game has been about making money rather than offering an enjoyable experience. This started when the game's original devs sold the title and ever since that dollar sign looms ever bigger. I tried getting back into it a few times but ended up finding the bots mode more enjoyable than a regular match. Finally, the new privacy policy they've put out is just downright intrusive. For me, that's probably the last nail in the coffin for PUBG. There are other more promising titles for the BR genre and even some Like Hunt: Showdown that mix genres between a BR and extraction shooter. I really wish I could recommend this game as I have fond memories but the FTP mess just isn't worth the time.

Side Note: This game also maxes my system frequently for no reason. I've by no means got a low end PC and the settings I ran in PUBG were pretty modest so not entirely sure what's going on with that.
Posted May 19.
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16.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
It's been a bit of a rocky launch but I believe this one has potential. Conceptually it's a great idea, an extraction shooter where there really isn't a safe place for you beyond guards and allies. I think Grey Zone will need a couple more years before it feels like a really good shooter but at the very least there's passion and money behind it's development.
Posted May 19.
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